Abagheri, Hasan
Analysis of Altman's Model to Investigate Factors Affecting the Probability of Bankruptcy of Selected Banks in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 189-213]
Abbasi, Ebrahim
Estimating Tax Capacity in Golestan Province [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 147-164]
Abbasi Karjagan, Davood
Organizing Informal Street Businesses for Food Tourism Development: A Pathway to Urban Economic Sustainability (Case Study of Tehran) [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 218-252]
Abbasinejad, Hossein
Estimating the Degree of Integration in CPI with ARFIMA-FIGARCH Model: Case study of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 26-1]
Abbasinejad, Hossein
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Abbasinejad, Hossein
Welfare Cost of Inflation in Iran: A DOLS Approach [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 57-80]
Abbaslou, Yasser
Impact of Financial and Monetary Development and Public
Expenditures on Iran’s National Income
(An Econometric Study) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 15-35]
Abbasnezhad, ُSaied
Determinants of Corporate Demand for Property Insurance [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 99-128]
Abbaspour, Abbas
Accreditation of Financing Model in Iranian Higher Education System [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 165-200]
Abdi, Jaber
A Comparison of Economic Vulnerability in Iran with Other Middle-Income Selected Countries [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 179-200]
Abdi, Maede
Analysis of Relationship between Per Capita Income Growth, Household Debt and Income Inequality (Case Study: Iranian Provinces) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 107-132]
Abdolah Milani, Mahnoush
The Determinants of Health Expenditures with an Emphasis on Population Ageing: A Country-Level Panel Data Analysis [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 25-50]
Abdoli, Ghahraman
cooperation among natural gas exporting of Caspian sea
countries to export gas to Europe with respect to
environmental requirements in a game theoretic
framework [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 1-40]
Abdoli, Ghahreman
Estimation of Social Discount Rate for Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 135-156]
Abdollah Milani, Mahnoosh
Simulating Social Security Flow of Funds Based on an Overlapping Generation Model [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 1-61]
Abdollah Milani, Mahnoush
Progressive Income Tax Structure and Its Effect on Income Inequality in Iranian Provinces [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Abdollahzadeh, Gholam Hossein
Evaluating Provincial Inequalities in Agricultural Productivity
of Iran and Introducing a Real Reference for Inefficient
Provinces Using Data Envelopment Analysis with
Non-Convex Frontier Approach [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 171-199]
Abedi, Ehsan
Providing a Conceptual Model for Identifying Key Factors Affecting Internet Banking Consumer Buying Decision (Case Study: Mellat Bank) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 53-74]
Abedin Dour Koush, Saeed
Site selection of private banks branches in Tehran's twenty two areas (A case study of Parsian Bank) [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 55-74]
Aboonoori, Abbas Ali
The Estimation of Petrol's Demand Function in Iran During 1968-2002 [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 205-228]
Abounoori, Abbasali
The Analysis of Elimination of Subsidy on Residential Water Demand Case study: The City of Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 1-26]
Abounoori, Esmaiel
An Analysis of Theil Inequality Index in Terms of
Different Provinces in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 201-222]
Abounoori, Esmaiel
Analysis of Volatility Feedback in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 247-261]
Abounoori, Esmaiel
Markov-Switching Model and the Probability of
Prediction of the Liquidity Crisis Within OPEC
Member Countries [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 153-174]
Abounori, Esmail
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Aboutorabi, Mohammad Ali
The Role of Financial Development in Converting Natural Resource Rents into Foreign Capital in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 209-208]
Abozari, Ayub
The Connection between Systematic Risk and Corporate Income Tax (A case study of the Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 101-132]
Abrishami, Hamid
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Abrishami, Hamid
Investigating the Cost Efficiency in the Banking System:
The Case of Bank Mellat [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 173-197]
Adeli, Omidali
Investigating the Relationship between Currency Crises and Bank Credits in Iran using the Time-Varying Parameters Approach [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 87-119]
Adibpour, Mehdi
Estimating Non Acceleration Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU): Using Different Filters in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 123-141]
Aeeni, Zeynab
Collective Action; A Mechanism Toward Development of Productive Entrepreneurship [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 1-31]
Aeeni, Zeynab
Radical Subjectivism as the Epistemological Foundation of Novel Entrepreneurial Action [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 223-251]
Afkhami, Adel
A Model for Definition of Superior-Industries in Iranian Capital Market by Using TOPSIS (with an Emphasis on Industrial Development Process) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 47-71]
Afsari, Ali
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Afshari, Zahra
The Automatic Stabilization Effect of Fiscal Policy on Business Cycle in Selected OPEC Member Countries [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 21-50]
Afshari, Zahra
Survey of Fiscal sustainability in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 27-54]
Afshari, Zahra
The Survey on the Synchronized Business Cycles
of the OPEC Member Countries [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 153-180]
Afsharian, Mohssen
Applicable Improvement Approaches in the Evaluation of Banks
Branches Using Data Envelopment Analysis Models [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 263-283]
Afzali Abarquyi, Vajihe
Macroeconomic Performance in Different Exchange Rate Regimes: An Estimated DSGE Approach [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 81-125]
Aghaee Safi Abadi, Sareh
Evaluation of Environmental Kuznets curve for and water air pollution in selected developing countries [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 43-74]
Aghaei, Majid
Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Income
Distribution in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 1-29]
Aghaei, Majid
The Survey of the Comparative Advantage of Iran in Production
and Export of Hand Made Carpet
(Case Study: Isfahan Province) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 255-283]
Aghaei, Majid
Investigation of Optimal Tax Rate Determination in Iran
By Using Demand Elasticities Analysis Approach [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 219-239]
Aghaei, Majid
Plenty of Natural Resources and the Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus: Role of Investment [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 168-218]
Aghaiee, Majid
Role of Information and Communication Technology in the Effect of Financial Intermediaries on Economic Growth in Iranian Provinces: Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 137-175]
Agheli, Lotfali
Estimating the Effect of Factors Affecting Return on Asset in the Islamic banks (Case Study: OIC Member Countries) [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 159-189]
Agheli, Lotfali
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Agheli, Lotfali
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Agheli Kohne Shahri, Lotfali
Estimating the Price and Income Elasticities of Mutual Trade
Among Iran and ECO, By Using Panel Data [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 247-266]
Ahadifar, Alireza
Investigating Determinants of Banking Leverage in Selected Iranian Banks [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 11-44]
Ahadi Serkani, Seyyed Yousef
The Impact of Economic Growth on Ownership and Financial Structures of Companies Active in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 197-235]
Ahmad, Moloud
The Estimation of Consumption Function
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 15-39]
Ahmadi, Ahmadreza
Analysis of the Role of Subsidized Government Spending on Economic Well-Being in Iran: Application of Symmetric and Asymmetric Approach [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 5-51]
Ahmadi, Akbar
An Appraisal of Integration in Iran's Petrochemical Products Sales: A Quantum Game Analysis [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 1-41]
Ahmadi, Alimohammad
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing Countries: An Analysis Based on Panel Data [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 159-180]
Ahmadi, Farid
A Hybrid Model for Appraising and Forecasting Loan Repayments (Case Study: Karafarini Omid Fund) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 185-223]
Ahmadi, Musa
An Investigation of the Techniques of Financing [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 91-112]
Ahmadi, Seyyed Mohammad Mahdi
The Calculation of Optimal Reinsurance Retention
By Value at Risk Approach [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 223-243]
Ahmadian, Azam
Analysis of the Impact of Banking System's Balance Sheet Shocks on Output and Inflation in Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 149-186]
Ahmadian Yazdi, Farzaneh
The Role of Financial Development in Converting Natural Resource Rents into Foreign Capital in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 209-208]
Ahmadi-Nejad, Mohammadreza
The Impact of Urbanization on the Convergence Rate of the Income Distribution in Selected Provinces of Iran (Spatial Econometric Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 109-140]
Ahmadpoor, Ahmad
Analysis of Relation between Asset Growth and Stock Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 27-42]
Ahmadpoor, Ahmad
A Study the Effects of Free Float Change on Stock Return (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 143-166]
Ahmadpoor, Ahmad
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Ahmadvand, Narges
The Role of Business Cycles in the Impact of Government Expenditure Components on Income Distribution (MSAR Approach) [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 91-128]
Ahmadzadeh, Khaled
The study of Factors Affecting the Export of Services
Case study: Export of Technical and Engineering Services [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 1-20]
Ahmadzadeh, Khaled
Determinants of House Price Using Causality
Relations Approach in Vector Error Correction Model:
Case Study Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 267-293]
Ahmadzadeh, Khaled
The Study of the Effect of Population’s Age Structure on Consumption Long- Term Function [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 45-70]
Ahmadzadeh, Khaled
Analyzing Price Discovery Function of Gold Coin Futures Contracts in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 25-60]
Ahmadzadeh, Khaled
Investigating the Effect of Natural Resources Rents and Institutional Quality on Financial Development in Developing Countries [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 141-168]
Ain Alian, Mohammad Ebrahim
Measuring the Efficiency of Post Banks in Iran’s Provinces
and Effecting Factors on it [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 125-151]
Ajorloo, Maryam
Investigating the Cost Efficiency in the Banking System:
The Case of Bank Mellat [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 173-197]
Akbari, Negar
Estimation of Hidden Layer of Intersectoral and Water Consumption Multiplier in Different Sectors of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 1-28]
Akbarian, Reza
The Relation between Openness and Government Size [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 79-107]
Akbarian, Reza
The Effect of Financial Market Development on
Economic Growth in Iran: 1966-2007 [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Akbari Dehbaghi, Simin
Trade Flows Expansion and It’s Effect on Income
Convergence between Iran and
Middle East Countries [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 119-145]
Akbari Galangedari, Mohammad
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Akbari Roshan, Mahdieh
The Effect of New Inside and Outside Information on Liquidity in Iran’s Stock Market [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 39-76]
Akbar Mousavi, Seyed Saleh
Banking Crisis Dates and Output Losses Following Crises [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 129-161]
Akbary Roshan, Mahdiye
The Effects of Government Expenditure, Liquidity and Market Structure on Financial Development of Stock Market [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 109-142]
Akhbari, Mohammad
Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Consumer Price
Indexes and Import in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 51-82]
Akhlaghi Yazdinejad, Esmaeil
A Survey of Sophisticated Capital Budgeting Techniques, Risk
and Inflation Analysis in Long Term Projects [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 37-56]
Akhtari, Azadeh
Rational Speculative Bubbles in Iran Informal Exchange Rate and Currency Crisis: Time-varying probabilities Markov regime switching approach [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 111-164]
Alibabaie, Nastaran
Which is Worse, Unemployment or Inflation: The Comparison of the Effect of Unemployment and Inflation on Happiness [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 1-24]
Alibeygi, Mahnaz
The Effect of Trade and Direct Investment Spillovers on the Economic Growth of OPEC Countries; A Spatial Panel Econometric Approach [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 197-233]
Alinazhad, Roghayeh
An Investigation of Corruption and Economic Growth
Nexus: Some Evidence from D-8 Countries [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 157-183]
Ali-Nezhad, Roghayyeh
An Investigation of the Impact of Government Efficiency on Inflation Rate in Selected MENA Countries [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 165-192]
Alirezaie, Mohammad Reza
Applicable Improvement Approaches in the Evaluation of Banks
Branches Using Data Envelopment Analysis Models [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 263-283]
Alizadeh, Javad
Studying the Causality between Growth of Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth(Case Study Commerce Sector) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 111-135]
Alizadeh, Mohammad
The Role of Business Cycles in the Impact of Government Expenditure Components on Income Distribution (MSAR Approach) [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 91-128]
Alizadeh, Parisa
Requirements to Achieve a Knowledge-Based Economy at Macro Level: Analysis of Legal Framework in Iran and Some Policy Recommendations [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 99-152]
Almasi, Isaac
Factors affecting the price of housing in urban areas using panel data (during the 1370 to 1385) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 201-224]
Amadeh, Hamid
Estimation of Gas oil Demand Function in Iraninan Agriculture Sector Using Structural Time Series Approach [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 53-80]
Amadeh, Hamid
Introducing and Testing a New Model to Explain
the Size of Government [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 117-150]
Amadeh, Hamid
A Survey on the Price Changes of Chicken Meat in Tehran
Province, Through Application of ARDL Modelling [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 295-325]
Amadeh, Hamid
Survey the Relationship between Greenhouse Gas and GDP
Per Capital in Iran (Carbon Dioxide Gas) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 209-337]
Amadeh, Hamid
Analysis of the Economic Performance of the Milk Processing Cooperatives [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 187-209]
Amanifard, Rozbeh
The Role of Enabling Trade Indices on Iran's Exports: Gravity Model Approach [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 170-218]
Aminbeydokhti, Ali Akbar
Comparison Between the Optimized Binary and Multinomial Logistic Regression for Credit Scoring of Real Costumers in Bank Refah Kargaran [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 147-166]
Amini, Alireza
Investigating the Innovation Effect on Total Factor Productivity Promotion: A Case Study Selected Developing Countries With Medium Income [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 175-212]
Amini, Alireza
An Analysis of Factors Effecting Energy Productivity in Large
Manufacturing Firms: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 71-104]
Amini, Alireza
Nonlinear Impact of Education on Total Factor Productivity in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 37-73]
Amini-nia, Meysam
An Investigation on the Effect of Tax Avoidance on the Transparency of Financial Reporting Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 85-69]
Amiri, Behzad
Institutions and Income Equality
(Case Study: Selected Non-Aligned Movement Countries) [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 155-179]
Amiri, Hossein
The Position of Monetary and fiscal Policies with emphasizing on Oil Sector with DSGE Models (the case of Iran) [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 133-173]
Amoli, Zahra
The Impact of Firm- and Industry-Level Characteristics on Export Intensity of Iranian Manufacturing Firms: Dynamic Panel-Data Approach (GMM) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 127-154]
Amoli Diva, Kobra
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Andayesh, Yaghoub
Analysis of Russia's Asymmetric Behavior in the GECF and World Gas Market [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 135-174]
Ansari, Elaheh
Estimation of the Composite Index of Islamic Economy and Examination of its Trend in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 167-194]
Ansari, Hojjat-Allah
The Study of Relationship Between cross-sectional Return and Liquidity in Tehran Sock [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 167-184]
Anvari Rostami, Ali Asghar
Assessing the Relation and Analyzing
Effects of Selected Non-Stock Exchange Investments on Attractiveness of Investment in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 177-218]
Arabmazar, Abbas
The Efficiency Calculation and Tax Efforts Made by Tax
Organization of Different Provinces of the Country:
Data Envelopment Analysis Procedure [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 139-165]
Arabmazar, Abbas
Estimation of Optimal Commodity Tax Rates in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 41-69]
Arabmazar, Abbas
Provincial Oil Budget Allocation based on a Stochastic Optimal Control Model [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 153-182]
Arabmazar, Ali Akbar
Investigating the Effect of Structural Transformation on the Efficiency of VAT Collection in the Provinces in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 11-47]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Ali
The Estimation of Volume of Dirty Money in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 119-142]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Ali
Estimation of Hidden Layer of Intersectoral and Water Consumption Multiplier in Different Sectors of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 1-28]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Ali
The Impact of Financial Development on Tax Evasion in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 105-139]
Arbabi, Farzin
The Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
for the Business Cycle of IRAN [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 43-66]
Arbabi, Zahra
The Effect of Macroeconomic Instability on the Number of Active Firms in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 103-128]
Arbabian, Shirin
Informal Sector and Loss of Tax Capability (Case Study: Kohkilouye Va Boyer Ahmad Province) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 99-130]
Arman, Seyed Aziz
Economic Factors Affecting Crime in Iran: Application of Panel Smooth Transition [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 125-150]
Asaadi, Marzieh
Biotech-Economics: An Analysis of Economic Assessments and Governance Strategies [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 131-183]
Asadi, Mohammadbagher
Analyzing the Effects of Power Plant Fuel Price Reform on Iran Electricity Market by Using Agent-Based Simulation [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 81-114]
Asadi, Mohammadbagher
Estimation of Health Costs of Electricity Production in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 23-52]
Asali, Mehdi
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Asgari, Heshmatolah
Factors affecting the price of housing in urban areas using panel data (during the 1370 to 1385) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 201-224]
Asgari, Heshmatolah
The Analysis of Comparative Advantage in some of Newly Industrialized Countries of South-East of Asia and Comparing it with Iran [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 263-297]
Asgari, Heshmatollah
The Analysis of Trade Potentiality between Iran and Selected
Countries with Consideration of Regional
Trade Agreements (RTAs) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 71-93]
Asgari, Manoochehr
Identification of Effective Factors on Real Exchange Rate
Misalignment and Its Impact on Economic
Growth in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 223-246]
Asgari, Mohammad Reza
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Asgarimehr, Masoud
Electronic Business Development Strategies in the Context of Facilitating and Improving Business Environment [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 253-290]
Asgary, Behnam
The Effect of Central Bank Independence on Liquidity Management in Oil Exporting Countries (1994- 2008) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 175-198]
Asghari, Farzad
A Hybrid Model for Appraising and Forecasting Loan Repayments (Case Study: Karafarini Omid Fund) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 185-223]
Asghari, Rana
An Investigation of the Impact of Government Efficiency on Inflation Rate in Selected MENA Countries [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 165-192]
Asghari Oskoei, Mohammadreza
Application of Sliding Window for Financial Time Series Prediction using Time-Delay Neural Networks [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 75-108]
Ashtiani, Madiheh
Estimation of Labour Demand Function of Industry Sector in Iranian Economy during 1353-1387 [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 227-242]
Asiaee, Mohammad
Analysis of the Economic Performance of the Milk Processing Cooperatives [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 187-209]
Askari,, Mohammad Mahdi
Structural and Comparative Analysis of Optimal Levels of Investment and Oil Production in Upstream Contracts of Buy Back, Production Sharing & Iran Petroleum Contract [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 111-158]
Assari Arani, Abbas
The study of Factors Affecting the Export of Services
Case study: Export of Technical and Engineering Services [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 1-20]
Assari Arani, Abbas
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Assari Arani, Abbas
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Assari Arani, Abbas
The Impact of Human Capital Components on Productivity of Private Sector Employees: Micro-Data Evidence [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 141-183]
Assari Arani, Abbas
Optimum Health Expenditure, Value of a Statistical Life and Health Capital in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 177-212]
Assari Arani, Abbas
The Impact of Energy Security on the Economic Growth [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 139-169]
Assari Arani, Abbas
The Impact of COVID-19 and Good Governance on Income Inequality in Selected Oil-Exporting Countries [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 218-249]
Atbaei, Faramarz
A Comparative Study of Iran’s Electricity Market Auction Mechanism and System Marginal Price Auction Mechanism [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 1-35]
Azadikhah Jahromi, Afrouz
Using Average Propagation Lengths (APL) Index to Identify Production Chains in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 81-111]
Azami, Arash
Survey the Relationship between Greenhouse Gas and GDP
Per Capital in Iran (Carbon Dioxide Gas) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 209-337]
Azarbayjani, Karim
Measuring International Export Competitiveness
Among Iran’s Selected Trading Partners [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 131-151]
Azarbayjani, Karim
Analyzing the Impact of Fundamental Factors and Institutional Variables on Exports of Emerging Countries (2000- 2015): Lessons for Iranian Economy [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 29-65]
Azari, Sama
The Role of Emission and Pollution Vulnerability Asymmetries in Pollution Reduction Policies: Study of Tax and Environmental Standard Policies [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 53-89]
Azimi Chanzagh, Ali
The Assessment of the Effect of Liberalization of Interest Rate
on Investment and Iran’s Economic Growth
(By Using Simultaneous Equation System) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 29-57]
Azimiyan Moez, Amir Hosein
Analysis of Relation between Asset Growth and Stock Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 27-42]
Azimzadeh Arani, Mohammad
Regulatory Institutions and Instruments and Their Position in Rail Transportation Industry; Lessons for Iran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 97-123]
Azimzadeh Arani, Mohammad
China’s Electricity Sector Reform: Analysis and Implications for Iran's Policy Framework [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 166-217]
Azizi, Firoozeh
The Study of the Effects of Stock Price Index on Money Demand Function [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 213-241]
Azizi, Khosro
An Investigation of Revenue Impact Generating from Substitution of the Value Added Tax for Corporations Tax: The Case of Mazandaran Province [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 257-279]
Azizkhani, Masoumeh
The Socio-Economic Determinants of ICT Expenditures in Iranian Urban Households Using Heckman's Two-Stage Method [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 83-120]
Aziznezhad, Samad
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Intermediate-Capital Goods Import in Iran's Industry [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 77-101]
Babaei, Fatemeh
Obstacles and Factors Affecting Optimal Implementation of Value-Added Tax Act
(Case Study of Zanjan Province, Iran) [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 223-255]
Babaei meybodi, Hamid
Comparison of Neuro-Fuzzy, Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Regression for Prediction energy consumption in the country [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 43-64]
Babaie, Majid
Determinants of Inflation Forecast: A Dynamic Model Averaging Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 261-311]
Babakhani, Masoud
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Babapour, Mitra
Measuring Acute Multidimensional Poverty with Missing Indicators: Applications to Alkire-Foster MPI and its Dimensional Break Down in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 1-56]
Babazadeh, Mohammad
The Effect of Fiscal Corruption on the Composition of Government Expenditures: A Case Study of Selected Developing Countries [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 141-156]
Bagheri, Akbar
Analysis of Altman's Model to Investigate Factors Affecting the Probability of Bankruptcy of Selected Banks in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 189-213]
Bagheri, Ali
Institutional Origins of Crisis in Groundwater Resources Management in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 57-94]
Bagheri Pormehr, Sholeh
Investigating the Role of Social Capital in the Interaction between Physical Capital and Iran's GDP using the Smooth Transition Regression (STR) Model [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 97-130]
Bagheri Todeshki, Mohammad Mehdi
Testing for Asset Pricing Model based on Sentiment Indexes: SAPM Model [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 67-101]
Bagheri Todeshki, Mojtaba
Testing for Asset Pricing Model based on Sentiment Indexes: SAPM Model [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 67-101]
Bagherpur Oskouie, Elnaz
Analyzing the Growth of Land and Housing Prices and their Relationship with Some Macroeconomic Variables in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 7-38]
Baharlou, Nahid
Comparison Between the Optimized Binary and Multinomial Logistic Regression for Credit Scoring of Real Costumers in Bank Refah Kargaran [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 147-166]
Bahmani, Marzieh
Parametric Reform of Iranian Pension System with Imperfect Labor Market: Utilizing Replacement Rate Reduction and OLG Model Approach [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 67-104]
Bahmani, Mojtaba
The Effects of Interest Rate Fluctuations
on Iran’s Economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 197-217]
Bahrami, Javid
A Comparative Study of Iran’s Electricity Market Auction Mechanism and System Marginal Price Auction Mechanism [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 1-35]
Bahrami, Javid
Evaluation of Fiscal Policy for Economy of Iran in a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model based on Real Business Cycles [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 33-65]
Bahrami, Javid
Decomposition and Analysis of Business Cycle in Iran (Wavelet Analysis) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 25-45]
Bahrami, Javid
The Incidence of Dutch Disease in the Agriculture Sector of Iran 1367-1386 [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 185-211]
Bahrami, Javid
Uncertainty Evaluation of Effects of Trade Openness on Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 213-247]
Bahrami, Javid
Analyzing Inflation with P – Star Model [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 115-138]
Bahrami, Javid
Assessment of Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Monetary Transmission Channel in Iran; Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 1-49]
Bahrami, Javid
Stochastic Shocks and Oil Revenue Management in Iran; A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 33-80]
Bahrami, Javid
The Effects of Transparency in Macroeconomic Data Release on Exchange Rate Movements: A Simulation [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 1-54]
Bahrami, Javid
Rule-Based Micro and Macro-Prudential Policy in a Heterogeneous Banking Network [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 57-94]
Bajalan, Saeed
Test of the Quantity theory of Money in Iran and Examination
of The Effectiveness of Price Stabilizing Policy
with GARCH Models [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 205-225]
Bajelan, Ali Akbar
Estimation of Optimal Commodity Tax Rates in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 41-69]
Bakhtiari, Hamid
Factors Affecting the Calculation of Productivity of
Factors of Production Case study:
Carbon Co. in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 241-266]
Bakhtiari, Sadegh
The Impacts of the Trade Liberalization on Trade of Iran’s
Industrial Commodities [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 15-27]
Bakhtiarinejad, Reza
The Impact of ICT on Sen's Social Welfare Index on Iranian Provinces [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 121-154]
Bamani Moghadam, Mohammad
A New Approach to Determine Optimized Stock Insurance Contract in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 185-204]
Banou'i, Ali Asghar
Investigation on the Impact of Knowledge on Economic Growth of Iran's Provinces [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 84-110]
Banou'i, Ali Asghar
Investigating the Bias of Stochastic Multipliers of Production from the Complier’s Viewand the Effect of Sample Size on the Bias [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2016, Pages 95-124]
Banouei, Aliasghar
Estimation of Hidden Layer of Intersectoral and Water Consumption Multiplier in Different Sectors of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 1-28]
Banouei, Ali Asghar
Evaluation of RAS and Generalized RAS in Updating Positive and Negative Cells of Input-Output Tables [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 135-160]
Banouei, Ali Asghar
Construction of MultiRegional Input-Output Table with CHARM Method [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 225-260]
Banouei, Ali Asghar
Comparative Analysis of Statistical Errors Between Second and Third Types of Input-Output Tables and Their Correlation with Value-Added in Gross Exports [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 77-108]
Baramaki Yazdi, Hojjatollah
Optimization of Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts: A Principal-Agent Model [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 187-222]
Barati, Javad
The Impact of Tourism Specialization on Tourism Competitiveness in Provinces of Iran: An Application of Spatial Econometrics [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 91-129]
Barghi Osguei, Mohammad Mahdi
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Barghi Oskuie, Mohammad Mehdi
The Impact of Tariff Cuts of Importing Goods on the
Employment Level and Income Distribution
between Rural and Urban Households [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 89-111]
Barkhordari, sajjad
Analysis of Relationship between Per Capita Income Growth, Household Debt and Income Inequality (Case Study: Iranian Provinces) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 107-132]
Barkhordari, Sajjad
The Impact of Government Spending on Inflation through the Inflationary Environment; Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 75-105]
Barzani, Mohammad Vaez
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Barzani, Mohammad Vaez
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Barzani, Mohammad Vaez
The Role of Government in the Iranian Stock
Market in the Framework of Optimal Control Theory [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 285-308]
Barzani, Mohammad Vaez
Trade Flows Expansion and It’s Effect on Income
Convergence between Iran and
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Bastanifar, Iman
Catallaxy and Justice:
An Inquiry of the Distributive Effects of the
Intervention on the Catallaxy
(Case Study: Isfahan City) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 285-331]
Bastanzad, Hossein
The Requirements to Utilize Forward Instrument to Enhance Foreign Exchange Market Uncertainty with Real Exchange Rate Approach [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 61-98]
Bavafa Gelyan, Ali Akbari
Exploration of Effective Factors on Microfinance in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 199-222]
Bayat, Saeid
Asymmetric Effects of Oil Income Growth on Inflation in Iran: VECM Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 201-226]
Bayat, Zahra
Nonlinear Effects of Transportation Infrastructure on Industrial Energy Efficiency in Iranian Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 119-153]
Bazaz Zadeh, Hamidreza
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Bazzazan, Fatemeh
The Financial Social Accounting Matrix for Iran and Ita Applications [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2016, Pages 1-34]
Bazzazan, Fatemeh
Economic Impact of Domestic Tourists on Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 55-80]
Bazzazan, Fatemeh
Construction of MultiRegional Input-Output Table with CHARM Method [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 225-260]
Bazzazan, Fatemeh
Comparative Analysis of Statistical Errors Between Second and Third Types of Input-Output Tables and Their Correlation with Value-Added in Gross Exports [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 77-108]
Behboodi, Davod
The Impact of Tariff Cuts of Importing Goods on the
Employment Level and Income Distribution
between Rural and Urban Households [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 89-111]
Behdarvand, Shahin
The Effect of Credit Allocation on Entrepreneurship [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 165-199]
Beheshti, Maryam
Survey of Fiscal sustainability in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 27-54]
Behzadi Soufiani, Mohsen
The Impact of Government Spending on Inflation through the Inflationary Environment; Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 75-105]
Beiranvand, Amin
Economic and Social Determinants of Addiction in Iran with Emphasis on Business Cycles [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 105-135]
Berjesyan, Adel
Site selection of private banks branches in Tehran's twenty two areas (A case study of Parsian Bank) [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 55-74]
Biabany Khameneh, Kazem
Relation of Foreign Trade Expansion and Energy Intensity in Iran Economy with Emphasis on Scale, Composite and Technical Effects [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 201-226]
Bidabad, Bijan
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Bidabad, Bijan
The Survey on the Synchronized Business Cycles
of the OPEC Member Countries [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 153-180]
Bid Abad, Bijan
The Relationship between Interest Rate and Exchange Rate
(Reappraisal and Expansion of Quantitative Theory of Money) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 67-96]
Bid Abad, Bijan
Simulation and Prediction of Global Oil Price [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 83-117]
Biyabani, Zeinab
Investigating the Simultaneous Implementation of the Regulatory Capital and Liquidity Requirements in Iranian Banks [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 45-77]
Boroumand, Shahzad
Testing the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policies on Economic Growth [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 81-112]
Broumand Jazi, Shahzad
The Effectiveness of Early Prevention Policies Among Adolescents in the Benefits of Drug Abuse [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 112-140]
Chavosh, Seyedeh Fatemeh i
The Effects of E-Commerce on Employment and Productivity in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 153-185]
Cheraghi, Davood
The Rating of Production Potentials and Employment Creating in Iran's Economy, By Using Input-output Index [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 47-75]
Cheshmi, Ali
Separating Core Inflation from Temporary Components in Iran Using Kalman Filter [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 51-73]
Cheshomi, Ali
Investigating the Asymmetric Effects of Economic Factors on the Level of Bank Facilities [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 109-156]
Dadgar, Yadollah
Rationalism and Ethics, the Focal Point in Interaction of Usury-Free Banking with International Banking [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 93-146]
Daghighi Asli, Ali Reza
Ranking and Comparison of Insurance Services and Product
in order to present E-Insurance in Iran, By Using
Silver Modelling [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 191-218]
Daghmechi Firoz Jaei, Ozra
The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Firms' TFP (With an Emphasis on Tariff Rate) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 147-173]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
Presenting an Economic Growth Pattern for Iranian
Economy: Some Institutional Aspects [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 193-215]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
The Role of Government in the Iranian Stock
Market in the Framework of Optimal Control Theory [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 285-308]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
The Effects of Monetary Policies in Iran’s Economy:
A Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 47-70]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
Optimal Economic Growth (Steady State) and Public
Expenditures In Iran (A Dynamic Analysis) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 15-40]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
An Investigation on Theory of Population- Limited
Institutional Approach [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 71-96]
Daneshjafari, Davood
Evaluation of Fiscal Policy for Economy of Iran in a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model based on Real Business Cycles [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 33-65]
Danesh Jafari, Davod
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Danesh Jafari, Davod
Comparative Study of Monopoly & Concentration
in some of the Country’s Industries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 129-154]
Daneshmand, Arian
The Effect of Internet Use on Labor Productivity in [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 75-98]
Daneshmand, Arian
The Role of International Trade in the Relationship between Income and Environmental Quality [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 11-51]
Daneshvar Kakhki, Mahmood
The Servey of Liquidity Demand
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Danyali Deh Howz, Mahmoud
Investigating Weak Form of Efficiency in Tehran Stock Exchange and Ranking Factors that Affect it [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 71-96]
Darabi, Roya
To Investigate the Growth in Expected Earnings and Equity Valuation [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 279-316]
Dare Nazari, Zeynab
The Relation of Financialization with the Income Distribution and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 49-90]
Dargahi, Hassan
Relation of Foreign Trade Expansion and Energy Intensity in Iran Economy with Emphasis on Scale, Composite and Technical Effects [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 201-226]
Dargahi, Hassan
Comparing Effects of Monetary Shocks Caused by Monetary Base and Monetary Multiplier in Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 189-219]
Dargahi, Hassan
Economic and Social Determinants of Addiction in Iran with Emphasis on Business Cycles [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 105-135]
Dargahi, Hassan
Comparative Comparison for Effects of Balance of Payments Shocks in Different Exchange Rate Regimes: A DSGE Approach [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 5-57]
Darougar, Liela
Effects of Information Technology on Production Chain in Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 1-44]
Darvishi, Bagher
The Analysis of Comparative Advantage in some of Newly Industrialized Countries of South-East of Asia and Comparing it with Iran [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 263-297]
Darvishi, Bagher
Financial Repression and Economic Growth
(Empirical Evidence of Iran’s Economy) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 175-195]
Dashti, Nader
The Study of Nature and Trend of Technological Change in Iran's Industry (1971-2008) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 71-95]
Dastgir, Mohsen
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Dastgir, Mohssen
The Prediction of the Firms’ Bankruptcy
By Using Logit Model [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 171-189]
Davodi, Parviz
The Effect of the Change in the Price of Gasoline on the Household's Welfare with Different Levels of Income [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 15-48]
Davodi, Parviz
The Comparative Advantage Analysis in
Automotive Industry and It’s Parts [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 199-221]
Davodi, Parviz
Demand Systems Approach in Deriving Functions of Monetary Assets Demand: A Nonlinear Demand System for Iran's Economy [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 15-45]
Davodi, Pedram
The Requirements to Utilize Forward Instrument to Enhance Foreign Exchange Market Uncertainty with Real Exchange Rate Approach [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 61-98]
Davoodi, Parviz
Optimal Monetary Policy and Estimating the Credibility of Monetary Policy in Iran using the DSGE Approach [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 5-53]
Davoudi, Hassan
A Study on the Capability of Financial Ratios in Predicting the Insolvency of Accepted Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 169-190]
Davoudi, Narmin
Simultaneous Impact of Deep Habits Consumption and Price Stickiness on the Transmission of Monetary and Fiscal Shocks using the MS-DSGE Model [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 79-119]
Davoudi, Parviz
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Davoudi, Parviz
Nonlinear Effect of Financial Development on Income Inequality in Iran; Comparison of Banking Sector and Stock Market [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 147-163]
Davoudi, Pedram
An Analysis of Theil Inequality Index in Terms of
Different Provinces in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 201-222]
Davoudi, Seyyed Alireza
Fuzzy Priority Classification of the Factors Affecting the Use of Electronic Services by Banks’ Customers (Fuzzy-AHP) [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 29-47]
Dehbashi, Vahid
Studying The Impact of Increase in Export Price of Agricultural Products on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 213-239]
Dehbashi, Vahid
The Effect of Macroeconomic Instability on the Number of Active Firms in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 103-128]
Dehghanian, Siavash
The Servey of Liquidity Demand
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Dehghanpour, Mohammadreza
Industrial Structure and Labour Productivity Evidences from Manufacturing Industry in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 71-95]
Dehghan Shabani, Zahra
Effects of Doing Business on Economic Growth (Case Study: Selected Countries) [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 161-185]
Dehghan Shabani, Zahra
Determinants of Tax Revenue and Estimation of Tax Effort Trend in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 203-239]
Dehmardeh, Nazar
Analyzing the Money Demand Function in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 153-169]
Dehnavi, Jalal
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing Countries: An Analysis Based on Panel Data [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 159-180]
Dejpasand, Farhad
An Investigation of the Effect of Devaluation of
The Currency on Balance of Payments
(To Examine Marshal Lerner Condition in Iran) [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 15-41]
Delangizan, Sohrab
Pro-Poor Growth in the Urban Areas of Iran's Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 121-150]
Delavari, Majid
Evaluation of Iran’s Free Trade Zones and Its Effects
On Economic Development of These Zones [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 119-146]
Delfan, Mahbobeh
The Role of Business Cycles in the Impact of Government Expenditure Components on Income Distribution (MSAR Approach) [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 91-128]
Derakhshan, Hamidreza
The Effects of Transparency in Macroeconomic Data Release on Exchange Rate Movements: A Simulation [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 1-54]
Divandari, Ali
Providing a Conceptual Model for Identifying Key Factors Affecting Internet Banking Consumer Buying Decision (Case Study: Mellat Bank) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 53-74]
Divandari, Ali
Designing Portfolio Management System for Banking Loans By Using Data Mining Technology [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 207-235]
Ebadi, Ali
Monopoly in Iranian Petrochemical Industry and its Regulatory Model through “Guarantee” Contracts [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 43-67]
Ebadi, Jafar
The Effect of New Inside and Outside Information on Liquidity in Iran’s Stock Market [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 39-76]
Ebrahimi, Abbas
A Model for Definition of Superior-Industries in Iranian Capital Market by Using TOPSIS (with an Emphasis on Industrial Development Process) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 47-71]
Ebrahimi, Ilnaz
Analysis of the Impact of Banking System's Balance Sheet Shocks on Output and Inflation in Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 149-186]
Ebrahimi, Mohsen
The effects of Liberalization in Trade and Finance on Production Volatility in Iranian Economy [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 1-26]
Ebrahimi, Mohsen
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 311-329]
Ebrahimi, Mohssen
Hedging of Oil Revenues by Using Future Contracts:
A Case Study of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 173-204]
Ebrahimi, Negar
Decomposition of Gross Export Value Added in Iran's Economic Activities: An Inter-Country Approach [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 5-51]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Babak
Social Security Payments and Decision about Timing of Retirement: An Economic Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 217-244]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Babak
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Ebrahimi Nourali, Alireza
Price Regulation Based On Performance of Iranian Water and Wastewater Companies [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 185-224]
Ebrahim Pour, Samaneh
Determinants of Poverty in Iranian Urban Households
in 2009: An Application of Panel Data Models with Limited Dependent Variable [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 101-116]
Ebrahimzadeh, Mahdi
The Impact of Institutional Environment on Knowledge-Based Economy [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 171-198]
Eebrahimi, Salah
Estimating the Volume of Goods Smuggling Using Structural Equations and its Impact on Economic Growth in Iran: An Empirical Study in the Last Half Century [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 90-130]
Eftekharian, Pooneh
A Study on the status of poverty in urban areas of Kerman province in comparison with the whole country [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 213-238]
Eghbali, Alireza
Instability in Macroeconomic and Private Sector Investment in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 113-131]
Eghbali, Ali Reza
Reviwing and Estimation of Business Cycles in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 71-96]
Eisavi, Mahmoud
Capability os Islamic Securities in Make up a Budget Deficit of Government as a Tool of Policy Making [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 105-134]
Eisa Zade, Saeid
A Comparative Approach to Explore the Effects of Institutions on Self-Employment and Innovation in Selected Countries [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 153-174]
Eisa Zade, Saeid
The Role of Institutions in Shaping Entrepreneurship in Selected Countries [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 199-212]
Eisazadeh Roshan, Yousof
Role of Information and Communication Technology in the Effect of Financial Intermediaries on Economic Growth in Iranian Provinces: Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 137-175]
Elahe Mohammadi, Elahe Mohammadi
A Quantitative Estimation of the Sources of Industrial Growth in Manufacturing Industries of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 1-15]
Elahi, Naser
Rationalism and Ethics, the Focal Point in Interaction of Usury-Free Banking with International Banking [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 93-146]
Elmi, Zahra
Studying Income Distribution and Money Demand Relationship in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 75-99]
Eltejaee, Ebrahim
Free Trade Zones: Means to Export Promotion
Strategy, a Comparative Study of Iran and
Three Other Asian Countries [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 189-222]
Eltejaei, Ebrahim
Determinant Factors in Disinflation Costs of Developing Countries [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 1-24]
Emadzadeh, Mostafa
A Study of Fundamental and Indices
of Knowledge Based Economy
(Comparing Iran with Three Groups Candidate Countries) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 143-175]
Emadzadeh, Mostafa
Comparative Study of the Efficiency and Compensatory Effect of the Economic Openness on Government size in OIC Members [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 151-184]
Emami, Karim
The Effect of Business Cycles Volatility
on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 59-86]
Emami, Karim
Is it Necessary for Iran to Increase the Share of ICT Sector in GDP? [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 45-74]
Emami, Karim
The Effect of Monetary Policies on Performance of Banks: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Approach [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 1-36]
Emami, Karim
Price Regulation Based On Performance of Iranian Water and Wastewater Companies [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 185-224]
Emami Meybodi, Mehdi
High-Growth Small firms and their Characteristics Evidence
from Manufacturing Small Firms in Iran During
the Third Development Plan [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 155-173]
Emamverdi, Godratoallah
Financing the “Valley of Death” Budget Gap in Research and Development: Spatial Models Approach [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 81-127]
Erfani, Alireza
Markov-Switching Model and the Probability of
Prediction of the Liquidity Crisis Within OPEC
Member Countries [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 153-174]
Esfandiari, Ali Asghar
Investigating of Underground Economy by Using Currency Ratio and Gap Between Expenditure and Income of the Family [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 133-162]
Esfandiari, Ali Asghar
Evaluation of Iran’s Free Trade Zones and Its Effects
On Economic Development of These Zones [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 119-146]
Esfandiary, Ali Asghar
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Esfandiary, Ali Asghar
The Impact of Income Redistribution on the Macroeconomic
Variables by Using Semi Input Output Model [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 167-192]
Eshraghi, Fereshteh
Impact of Financial and Monetary Development and Public
Expenditures on Iran’s National Income
(An Econometric Study) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 15-35]
Eskandar, Farzad i
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables and Special Banking Characteristics on Non-Performing Loans in Iranian Banking System [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 81-101]
Eskandari Pour, Ali
The Contribution of Econometric Seasonal Models to Forecasting CPI in the City of Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 85-100]
Eslami Bidgoli, Gholamreza
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Eslami Bidgoli, Gholamreza
Test of the Quantity theory of Money in Iran and Examination
of The Effectiveness of Price Stabilizing Policy
with GARCH Models [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 205-225]
Esmaeilnia, Aliasghar
The Impact of Security on Economic Growth in Iran and Other Countries [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 127-154]
Esmaeilpour Moghadam, Hadi
A New Approach to Determine Optimized Stock Insurance Contract in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 185-204]
Esmaeilpour Moghadam, Hadi
The Effect of Macroeconomic Instability on the Number of Active Firms in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 103-128]
Esmaieel Zadeh Magharri, Ali
The Survey on Inflution Effectiveness from Total
Investment in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 97-123]
Esmaielzadeh, Reza
Optimal Economic Growth (Steady State) and Public
Expenditures In Iran (A Dynamic Analysis) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 15-40]
Esmaielzadeh, Reza
An Investigation on Theory of Population- Limited
Institutional Approach [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 71-96]
Esmailpour, Aso
Impact of Real Commodity Prices on Foreign Exchange Market Pressure: A Panel Smooth Transition Regression Analysis of Resource-Exporting Countries (1990-2022) [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 52-96]
Eyd Mohammadzadeh, Hassan
Efficiency Evaluation of Knowledge Economics by Using
Mathematical Programming Model
(Case Study: Iran and a Few Selected Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 115-135]
Eyvazi, Ahya
Functional Income Distribution in Mainstream Economics and Shahid Sadr’s Opinions [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 237-263]
Ezzat, Morteza
Estimating the Effect of Factors Affecting Return on Asset in the Islamic banks (Case Study: OIC Member Countries) [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 159-189]
Faaljou, Hamid Reza
The Role of Government in the Iranian Stock
Market in the Framework of Optimal Control Theory [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 285-308]
Faalju, HamidReza
An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Uncertainty in Real Exchange Rate on Stock Price in Tehran Stock Exchange: An Application of Bounds Test Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 151-176]
Fadaee, Mehdi
Modeling the Unemployment Rate of IRAN: Structural Unemployment, Sectoral Changes and Unanticipated Monetary Policy [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 213-252]
Fadaee, Mehdi
The Role of Emission and Pollution Vulnerability Asymmetries in Pollution Reduction Policies: Study of Tax and Environmental Standard Policies [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 53-89]
Fadavi, Mohammad Hasan
An Investigation on the Effect of Tax Avoidance on the Transparency of Financial Reporting Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 85-69]
Faghihi, Mahdi
Requirements to Achieve a Knowledge-Based Economy at Macro Level: Analysis of Legal Framework in Iran and Some Policy Recommendations [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 99-152]
Faghihi, Negin sadat
The Effect of Socio-Economic Variables on Bread Demand Using AIDS Model [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 81-110]
Faghih Nasiri, Marjan
Efficiency Evaluation of Knowledge Economics by Using
Mathematical Programming Model
(Case Study: Iran and a Few Selected Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 115-135]
Faghih Nasiri, Marjan
Determination of Iran’s Competitiveness Place
Among other Countries of the World [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 15-45]
Falah, Mohammad
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a Method
for Output Capacity Estimation
The Case Study: Insurance Industry [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 205-238]
Falahati, Ali
A Survey of Iran’s Trade Pattern with an Emphasis
on Intra Industry and Inter Industry Trade [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 125-152]
Falihi, Nemat
The Economic Valuation of Recreation Services of
Environment Resources,
Case: Anzali Wetland [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 147-171]
Fallahi, Firouz
Study of Correlation between Volatility of Stock, Exchange and Gold Coin Markets in Iran with
DCC-GARCH Model [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 147-123]
Fallah Mohssen Khani, Zohreh
Studying the Unbalanced Between Household's Income and
Expenditure in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 113-128]
Fallahpour, Saeid
Investigating the Simultaneous Implementation of the Regulatory Capital and Liquidity Requirements in Iranian Banks [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 45-77]
Fallah Shams, MirFeiz
Investigating the Accuracy of Relative Valuation Models, P/E and P/B in Prediction of Initial Public Offering Price in Tehran Stock Exchange: 2001-2006 [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 245-266]
Fallah Shams, Mir Fize
Validating Model and Risk Forecasting for Leasing Customers (Case Study: Iran Khodro Leasing Company) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 213-234]
Faraji Dizaji, Sajjad
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Public Health Expenditure (Evidence of Developing Resource-Exporting Countries) [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 71-107]
Faraji Dizaji, Sajjad
Optimum Health Expenditure, Value of a Statistical Life and Health Capital in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 177-212]
Faraji Dizaji, Sajjad
The Impact of COVID-19 and Good Governance on Income Inequality in Selected Oil-Exporting Countries [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 218-249]
Farajnia, Salman
Modeling the Unemployment Rate of IRAN: Structural Unemployment, Sectoral Changes and Unanticipated Monetary Policy [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 213-252]
Farazmand, Hassan
Economic Factors Affecting Crime in Iran: Application of Panel Smooth Transition [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 125-150]
Farid, Darush
Designing a Ranking Model for Stock Exchange Branches
in Iran, by Using of DEA Technique [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 309-331]
Faridzad, Ali
Evaluation of Vulnerability of Iranian Economic Sectors due to International Sanctions: Mixed Variable Input-Output Approach [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Faridzad, Ali
Survey on Scale, Composition and Technical Effects of International Trade Pattern on Carbon Emission; Case Study of Selected Developing Oil-Exporting Countries [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 143-176]
Faridzad, Ali
Survey on Scale, Composition and Technical Effects of International Trade Pattern on Carbon Emission; Case Study of Selected Developing Oil-Exporting Countries [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 143-176]
Faridzad, Ali
Measuring Ecological Footprint of Fossil Fuels in Economic Sectors of Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 147-174]
Farshchi, Maryam
The Incidence of Dutch Disease in the Agriculture Sector of Iran 1367-1386 [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 185-211]
Farshchi, Maryam
Analyzing Inflation with P – Star Model [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 115-138]
Farsi, Fereshteh
Economic Impact of Domestic Tourists on Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 55-80]
Farzanegan, Elham
Analyzing the Time-Varying Characteristics of Information Flow Networks among Main Industries Indices in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 54-86]
Farzaneh, Mohammad Reza
Institutional Origins of Crisis in Groundwater Resources Management in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 57-94]
Farzin, Mohammad Reza
A Survey on the Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on Innovations in Islamic Developing Countries [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 303-322]
Fatahi, Shahram
Relationship between Life and Non-Life Insurance and Globalization: Study of Group D8 Countries Using Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Test [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 163-191]
Fathi, Elham
Dynamics of Iranian Trade with Ten Trade Partners to Exchange Rate Changes According to Financial Crisis Index [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 167-196]
The Impact of Trade Openness on Manufacturing Sector Growth in WTO NACs: Dynamic Panel Data Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 69-105]
Feghhi Kashani, Mohammad
Rule-Based Micro and Macro-Prudential Policy in a Heterogeneous Banking Network [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 57-94]
Feizi, Soleiman
Investigation and Analysis of Iran’s Trade Balance Reaction to Exchange Rate Changes: A Time Varying Parameter Approach [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 67-99]
Feizpour, Mohammadali
Industrial Structure and Labour Productivity Evidences from Manufacturing Industry in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 71-95]
Feizpour, Mohammadali
High-Growth Small firms and their Characteristics Evidence
from Manufacturing Small Firms in Iran During
the Third Development Plan [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 155-173]
Ferdosi, Mahdi
A Comparative Approach to Explore the Effects of Institutions on Self-Employment and Innovation in Selected Countries [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 153-174]
Firoozjang, Haniye
The Effects of Smuggling on Productivity: The case of Textile and Clothing Industry in Iran (1996-2007) [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 49-74]
Firooz Zarea, Ali
The Servey of Liquidity Demand
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Firouzan Sarnaghi, Tohid
Facilitation of Human Resource Movement in Complex Organizations: An Application of Mechanism Design Theory [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 291-314]
Fotourehchi, Zahra
The Impact of UN and US Economic Sanctions on Misery Index of Target Countries [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 197-229]
Fotros, Mohammad Hassan
A Survey on the Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on Innovations in Islamic Developing Countries [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 303-322]
Fotros, Mohammad Hassan
The Role of Business Cycles in the Impact of Government Expenditure Components on Income Distribution (MSAR Approach) [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 91-128]
Foz Moslemian, Masoud
The Evaluation of the Impact of the Globalization on Poverty
(Case Study: Developing Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 223-254]
Gaskari, Reyhaneh
Instability in Macroeconomic and Private Sector Investment in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 113-131]
Geraeinejad, Gholamreza
Nonlinear Impact of Education on Total Factor Productivity in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 37-73]
Ghadamgahi, Zeinab Sadat
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Public Health Expenditure (Evidence of Developing Resource-Exporting Countries) [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 71-107]
Ghaffari, Farhad
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Ghaffari, Farhad
The Effect of Monetary Policies on Performance of Banks: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Approach [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 1-36]
Ghaffary Fard, Mohammad
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Ghafoori, Seyyed Alireza
The Study of Success Key Factors in Strategic Planning
of Information Systems in Investment Companies [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 243-279]
Ghalibaf Asl, Hassan
The Investigation of Maximum and Minimum Stock Price’s Effects as Reference Point on Volume in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 129-142]
Ghanbari, Ali
Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Income
Distribution in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 1-29]
Ghanbari, Ali
A fuzzy logic approach to modeling the
Underground economy in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 91-113]
Ghanbari, Ali
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Ghanbari, Hassanali
Instability in Macroeconomic and Private Sector Investment in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 113-131]
Ghanbari, Yousef
Assessment on the Impact of Microcredit Provided by Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation on Population Sustainment in Rural Areas (Case study: Khomein County) [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 177-198]
Ghanbary, Alireza
Hedging of Oil Revenues by Using Future Contracts:
A Case Study of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 173-204]
Ghandehary Alavijeh, Zahra
Comparative Study of the Efficiency and Compensatory Effect of the Economic Openness on Government size in OIC Members [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 151-184]
Gharizadeh, Sahand
Measuring Acute Multidimensional Poverty with Missing Indicators: Applications to Alkire-Foster MPI and its Dimensional Break Down in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 1-56]
Ghasemi, Abdolrasoul
Comparative Analysis of Strategies for Energy Intensity Reduction in Iran (Dynamic System of Energy Price-Energy Supply-Economic Growth Approach) [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 1-45]
Ghasemi, Abd-ol-Rasul
The Impact of Education Level on Home Ownership: Intertemporal Comparison [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 181-205]
Ghasemi, Abedin
The Assessment of Inflationary Impacts of Energy
Carriers Subsidy Phase-out in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 91-119]
Ghasemi, Fatemeh
The Role of Oil Price Shocks in Business Cycles in Iran's Economy [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 49-80]
Ghasemi, Mohamad
Cyclicality Behaviour of Fiscal Policy in Iran; A Survey [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 75-104]
Ghasemi, Mohammad
Requirements to Achieve a Knowledge-Based Economy at Macro Level: Analysis of Legal Framework in Iran and Some Policy Recommendations [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 99-152]
Ghasemi, Mohammad Reza
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Ghasemi, Sammaneh
Role of Information and Communication Technology in the Effect of Financial Intermediaries on Economic Growth in Iranian Provinces: Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 137-175]
Ghasemi Mand, Fatmeh
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Ghasemi Sheshdeh, Mohammad
The Effect of Credit Allocation on Entrepreneurship [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 165-199]
Ghasemi Sheshdeh, Mohammad
The Effects of Human resource productivity on Economic Growth - An Intergenerational Approach [(Articles in Press)]
Ghavidel, Saleh
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Ghavidel, Saleh
The Effects of E-Commerce on Employment and Productivity in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 153-185]
Ghavidel doostkouyi, Salleh
Factors Affecting Expansion of E-Commerce in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 201-230]
Ghazizadeh, Mohamad Sadegh
Regulation of Electricity Distribution Companies in Iran Based on Quality and Productivity [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 1-38]
Ghelich, Vahhab
Capability os Islamic Securities in Make up a Budget Deficit of Government as a Tool of Policy Making [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 105-134]
Ghiasvand, Abolfazl
Tax Revenue Estimation Resulting From Value Added
Tax Implementation Law in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 141-159]
Gholami, Amir
The Survey on the Effects of Exchange Rate Unification
Policy on Marco- Economic Variables [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 49-74]
Gholami, Elham
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Trade in Iran
An Application of Gravity Model [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 109-119]
Gholipoor Soleymani, Ali
Factors Effecting the Growth of Tourism
Industry in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 157-172]
Gholizadeh, Fazeleh
Impact of Supportive Policies on Price Deviation in Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 11-45]
Ghourchian, Nader Gholi
Presenting a Model for Promoting and Developing of
Privatization in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 219-257]
Ghourchian, Nader Gholi
A Survey on the World's Customs Organization Management System in 21'th Century in Order to Introduce an Appropriate Model for Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 47-73]
Gilak Hakim Abadi, Mohammd Taghi
A Comparison of Economic Vulnerability in Iran with Other Middle-Income Selected Countries [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 179-200]
Goldani, Mahdi
Analyzing the Credit Risk of Economic Sectors (“Industry”, “Agriculture” and “Services and Housing”) [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 103-135]
Goldani, Mahdi
A Micro-Analysis of the Working Hours of Married Men with Employed Spouses [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 11-36]
Golkhandan, Abolghasem
The Impact of External Debts on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 83-108]
Golkhandan, Abolghasem
Relationship between Life and Non-Life Insurance and Globalization: Study of Group D8 Countries Using Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Test [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 163-191]
Goodarzi, Kazem
Predicting Systematic Risk Using Artificial Neural Networks
(A Case Study: Saipa Company) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 219-237]
Googerdchian, Ahmad
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Economic Freedom
Effect on Transaction Cost in the Selected
Case Study: OECD Countries [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 95-113]
Googerdchian, Marzieh
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Economic Freedom
Effect on Transaction Cost in the Selected
Case Study: OECD Countries [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 95-113]
Gorgani Firoozjah, Niloufar
Exploring the Role of Inflation Across Different Commodity Groups on Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 158-202]
Gorji, Ebrahim
Reviwing and Estimation of Business Cycles in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 71-96]
Goudarzi, Hossein
An Investigation of the Effect of Devaluation of
The Currency on Balance of Payments
(To Examine Marshal Lerner Condition in Iran) [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 15-41]
Goudarzi Farahani, Yazdan
Welfare Cost of Inflation in Iran: A DOLS Approach [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 57-80]
Gudarzi Farahani, Yazdan
Estimating the Degree of Integration in CPI with ARFIMA-FIGARCH Model: Case study of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 26-1]
Gudarzi Farahani, Yazdan
Investigating the Relationship between Currency Crises and Bank Credits in Iran using the Time-Varying Parameters Approach [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 87-119]
Habibi Nikjou, Habib
Political Economy of Reforming Formal Banking Institutions in Iran after 1979 Revolution [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 131-170]
Hadad, Meisam
Estimation of Gas oil Demand Function in Iraninan Agriculture Sector Using Structural Time Series Approach [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 53-80]
Hadian, Ebrahim
The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Income Inequality under Resistance Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach (Case Study of Iran) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 39-80]
Hadian, Mehdi
Comparing Effects of Monetary Shocks Caused by Monetary Base and Monetary Multiplier in Iranian Economy [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 189-219]
Hadi Zonooz, Behrooz
Factors Affecting the Calculation of Productivity of
Factors of Production Case study:
Carbon Co. in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 241-266]
Haghani, Mahmood
Estimation of Gas oil Demand Function in Iraninan Agriculture Sector Using Structural Time Series Approach [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 53-80]
Haghdoost, Ehsan
Survey the Relationship between Greenhouse Gas and GDP
Per Capital in Iran (Carbon Dioxide Gas) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 209-337]
Haghdoust, Shadi
Modelling of Prediction Stock Price by Using Neural Networks and Compare it with Mathematical Prediction Methods [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 237-251]
Haghighat, Jafar
Investigating Determinants of Banking Leverage in Selected Iranian Banks [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 11-44]
Haghighi, Mohammad
Providing a Conceptual Model for Identifying Key Factors Affecting Internet Banking Consumer Buying Decision (Case Study: Mellat Bank) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 53-74]
Haghjoo, Maryam
Measuring Quality of Goods in Iran’s Intra-Industry Trade with G-8 Member States [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 63-82]
Haghnejad, Amin
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing Countries: An Analysis Based on Panel Data [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 159-180]
Haji, Gholam Ali
The Effects of Financial Development on Relative Poverty in Iran: Evidence from the Smoothing Transmission Regression Model (STR) [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 129-162]
Hajianvari, Ladan
Strategic Analysis of the Economic Role of the Government in Education with an Emphasis on Islamic Perspective [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 219-250]
Hajinoroozi, Shima
Political Economy of Privatization with Corruption [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 221-252]
Hajizadeh Fallah, Mehrdad
The study on the effective factors in Chicken meat market in Iran: An application of Vector Autoregression model [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 131-154]
Hakimi, Farhad
Studying the Mechanism of Stimulating Investment Using Taxation of Industrial Companies of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 141-154]
Halimeh, Jahangard
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Hamdani Golshan, Mohammad Esmail
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Hamidi, Naeemeh
The Effect of Fiscal Corruption on the Composition of Government Expenditures: A Case Study of Selected Developing Countries [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 141-156]
Hamidi Alamdari, Saeedeh
Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting Tax of Legal Entities [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 115-139]
Hanafizadeh, Payam
The Study of Success Key Factors in Strategic Planning
of Information Systems in Investment Companies [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 243-279]
Hasanpour Varkolaei, Mehdi
Analysis of the Role of Subsidized Government Spending on Economic Well-Being in Iran: Application of Symmetric and Asymmetric Approach [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 5-51]
Hassani Shirvanshahi, Behzad
The Survey of The Relationship between Exports,
Degree and Export Credits Guarantee [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 239-261]
Hassanzadeh, Ali
The Effect of Central Bank Independence on Liquidity Management in Oil Exporting Countries (1994- 2008) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 175-198]
Hassanzadeh, Ali
The Evaluation of the Impact of the Globalization on Poverty
(Case Study: Developing Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 223-254]
Hassanzadeh, Mohammad
The Impact of UN and US Economic Sanctions on Misery Index of Target Countries [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 197-229]
Hatami-Shirkouhi, Loghman
Developing a new approach to rank companies of Tehran stock exchange by fuzzy data envelopment analysis [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 65-84]
Hatefi Madjumerd, Madjid
The Effect of Help in Teamwork on Individual Incentive Reversal: Laboratory Economics in a Dynamic Game [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 175-208]
Hatefi Madjumerd, Madjid
Bubble Migration between the Foreign Exchange Market and the Housing Market [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 67-102]
Hedayati, Mohammadreza
Designing the Evolutionary Model of Iran's Transition to Digital Economy [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 219-251]
Heidari, Hadi
Ranking of Parametric Value at Risk Models with Consideration of Trader Position (Application of Asymmetric Distribution Functions in GARCH Models) [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 151-178]
Heidari, Hasan
An Investigation of Corruption and Economic Growth
Nexus: Some Evidence from D-8 Countries [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 157-183]
Heidari, Hassan
Investigation and Analysis of Iran’s Trade Balance Reaction to Exchange Rate Changes: A Time Varying Parameter Approach [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 67-99]
Heidari, Hassan
An Investigation of the Impact of Government Efficiency on Inflation Rate in Selected MENA Countries [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 165-192]
Heidari, Hassan
Simultaneous Impact of Deep Habits Consumption and Price Stickiness on the Transmission of Monetary and Fiscal Shocks using the MS-DSGE Model [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 79-119]
Heidary Milani, Atefeh
The Socio-Economic Determinants of ICT Expenditures in Iranian Urban Households Using Heckman's Two-Stage Method [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 83-120]
Hejazi, Rezvan
The Comparison Between Market Value Added (MVA) and Economic Value Added (EVA) with the Accounting Standards in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 237-262]
Hekmati Farid, Samad
Investigating the Effects of Volatility Spillover between Stock, Gold, Oil and Exchange Markets [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 161-194]
Hemmaty, Maryam
The Role of Sticky Information on Inflation Dynamics: Evidence from Iran [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 107-151]
Heshmati Dayari, Elham
Pro-Poor Growth in the Urban Areas of Iran's Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 121-150]
Heybati, Farshad
An Investigation of the Techniques of Financing [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 91-112]
Heybati, Farshad
Evaluation of Jointly Use Effect of Relative Valuation
Variables for Residual Income Trend [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 349-390]
Heydari, Hassan
An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Uncertainty in Real Exchange Rate on Stock Price in Tehran Stock Exchange: An Application of Bounds Test Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 151-176]
Heydari, Hassan
Speculation Effects on Inflation in Iran Economy: TVP-FAVAR Model [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 193-228]
Heydari, Hassan
Analyzing Determinants of R&D Intensity in Iranian Manufacturing Firms [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 53-90]
Heydari, Hassan
Examining the Equity Premium Puzzle in Iran: A Practical Approach Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 175-217]
Heydari, Khalil
The Measurement of Poverty Indices Based
on Iranian Household Nutrition [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 205-231]
Heydari, Kioumars
Regulation of Electricity Distribution Companies in Iran Based on Quality and Productivity [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 1-38]
Heydari Kord Zanganeh, Gholamreza
Presenting a Model for Promoting and Developing of
Privatization in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 219-257]
Heydaripour, Seyyed Mohssen
The Effect of Financial Market Development on
Economic Growth in Iran: 1966-2007 [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Hghighat, Jafar
Study of Correlation between Volatility of Stock, Exchange and Gold Coin Markets in Iran with
DCC-GARCH Model [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 147-123]
Hirad, Alireza
The Effects of Interest Rate Fluctuations
on Iran’s Economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 197-217]
Hirad, Alireza
The Empirical Investigation of Rotterdam Demand System By Using Consumption Expenditures Data of Urban Households in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 117-155]
Hojabr Kiani, Kambiz
Estimation of Supply of Foreign Direct Investment in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 161-204]
Homayounifar, Masud
The Impacts of Nominal Shocks on Real Wage of Industrial Sector in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 97-110]
Horri, Hamid Reza
Estimating the Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 229-255]
Horry, Hamid Reza
Analyzing the Effect of Change in Banks’ Interest Rates on
Investment in Industry and Mine Sector [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 59-89]
Hoseini, Sayyed Mohammad
Comparison of Classical and Dynamic Network Models Efficiency in the Application of Generalized Network Autoregressive Models [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 171-194]
Hoseini Doost, Ehsan
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 311-329]
Hosein Tash, Nilufar
Testing the Gravity Model in Iran and Some Oil
Exporting Countries [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 187-212]
Hosseini, Anahita
Measuring Acute Multidimensional Poverty with Missing Indicators: Applications to Alkire-Foster MPI and its Dimensional Break Down in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 1-56]
Hosseini, Mir Abdollah
Estimating the Price and Income Elasticities of Mutual Trade
Among Iran and ECO, By Using Panel Data [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 247-266]
Hosseini, Mohssen
An Investigation of Revenue Impact Generating from Substitution of the Value Added Tax for Corporations Tax: The Case of Mazandaran Province [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 257-279]
Hosseini, Seyyed Shamseddin
Review of Models and New Strategies in Financing of Cooperatives in Iranian Economy [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 73-98]
Hosseini, Seyyed Shamseddin
Measuring the Efficiency of Post Banks in Iran’s Provinces
and Effecting Factors on it [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 125-151]
Hosseini, Seyyed Shamseddin
The Estimation of Efficiency and Its Effecting Factors in Iran's Banks [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 127-155]
Hosseini Azan Akhari, Seyyed Mehdi
What is the Best Measure for the Financial
Performance Evaluation? [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 121-146]
Hosseini Sohi, Abbas
The Government and Market Performance in the Process of Iran's Economic Growth [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 123-160]
Hosseyni, Arefeh
The Comparison Between Market Value Added (MVA) and Economic Value Added (EVA) with the Accounting Standards in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 237-262]
Hosseyni Nasab, Seyyed Ebrahim
The Survey of the Comparative Advantage of Iran in Production
and Export of Hand Made Carpet
(Case Study: Isfahan Province) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 255-283]
Hossini, Seyyed Safdar
The Contribution of Econometric Seasonal Models to Forecasting CPI in the City of Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 85-100]
Hossini, Seyyed Safdar
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Hozhbar Kiani, Kambiz
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Hozhbar Kiani, Kambiz
Studying the Elasticities of Nutrients in a Perfect
Food System by Using Survey Data [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 281-307]
Irani Kermani, Fatemeh
Analyzing the Effect of Change in Banks’ Interest Rates on
Investment in Industry and Mine Sector [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 59-89]
Irani Kermani, Fatemeh
Estimating the Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 229-255]
Irvani, Mohssen
Exploration and Analysis of Effective Factors on Internal Competitiveness of Manufacturing industries, A Case Study: Isfahan Province [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 101-126]
Isazadeh, Saeid
The impact of Trade with China on Industrial
Employment in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 105-136]
Isazadeh, Saeid
Analysis of Financial Markets Depth on Effeciency of Banking Industry (Iran in Campration of MENA Countries) [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 173-200]
Izadi, Hamid Reza
Analyzing the Money Demand Function in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 153-169]
Izadkhasti, Hojjat
Investigating the Effect of Structural Transformation on the Efficiency of VAT Collection in the Provinces in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 11-47]
Jabalameli, Farkhonde
Using the Combined DEA-AHP Model in Bank Branches Ranking Case Study:Saderat Bank in Tehran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 249-276]
Jabari, Leyla
Nonlinear Effects of Transportation Infrastructure on Industrial Energy Efficiency in Iranian Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 119-153]
Jabarzadeh, Armin
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Jafari, Mohammad
The Effect of Financial Markets Volatilities on Oil Market; An Emphasis on 2008 Financial Crisis [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 1-38]
Jafari, Somayeh
The Impact of Khums on Consumption and Investment:
an Implication of Kaldor Model [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 137-156]
Jafari Samimi, Ahmad
Estimating Non Acceleration Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU): Using Different Filters in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 123-141]
Jafari Samimi, Ahmad
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 1-37]
Jafari Samimi, Ahmad
Studying Income Distribution and Money Demand Relationship in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 75-99]
Jafari Samimi, Ahmad
An Investigation of Revenue Impact Generating from Substitution of the Value Added Tax for Corporations Tax: The Case of Mazandaran Province [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 257-279]
Jafarzadeh, Amir
cooperation among natural gas exporting of Caspian sea
countries to export gas to Europe with respect to
environmental requirements in a game theoretic
framework [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 1-40]
Jahangard, Alireza
Decomposition of Gross Export Value Added in Iran's Economic Activities: An Inter-Country Approach [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 5-51]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
Using Average Propagation Lengths (APL) Index to Identify Production Chains in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 81-111]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
A Quantitative Analysis of Importance of Vehicle Industry in Iran's Economy [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 183-206]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
A Study of Labor Force Productivity Fluctuations in Business Cycles of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 125-150]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
Accreditation of Financing Model in Iranian Higher Education System [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 165-200]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
Evaluation of COVID-19 Virus Effect on Production and Employment of Iranian Economy [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 47-77]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
Decomposition of Gross Export Value Added in Iran's Economic Activities: An Inter-Country Approach [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 5-51]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
The Effects of Human resource productivity on Economic Growth - An Intergenerational Approach [(Articles in Press)]
Jahangiri, Khalil
Study of Correlation between Volatility of Stock, Exchange and Gold Coin Markets in Iran with
DCC-GARCH Model [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 147-123]
Jahangiri, Khalil
Investigating the Effects of Volatility Spillover between Stock, Gold, Oil and Exchange Markets [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 161-194]
Jahangirzadeh, Javad
An Investigation of Corruption and Economic Growth
Nexus: Some Evidence from D-8 Countries [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 157-183]
Jahan Mahin, Somaye
Do non-Pricing Strategies Have Important Role in Banks' Differential Performance in Iranian Banking System? [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 235-258]
Jalaee, Abdol majeed
The Effect of Trade and Direct Investment Spillovers on the Economic Growth of OPEC Countries; A Spatial Panel Econometric Approach [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 197-233]
Jalaee, Seyyed Abdolmajid
The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth
of Iran Through the Channel of Financial Markets [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 171-188]
Jalaie, Abdolmajid
Estimating the Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 229-255]
Jalaie, Seyyed Abdolmajid
Analyzing the Effect of Change in Banks’ Interest Rates on
Investment in Industry and Mine Sector [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 59-89]
Jalalabadi, Asadollah
Uncertainty Evaluation of Effects of Trade Openness on Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 213-247]
Jalalabadi, Asadollah
Comparative Study of Monopoly & Concentration
in some of the Country’s Industries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 129-154]
Jalalabadi, Asadollah
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Intermediate-Capital Goods Import in Iran's Industry [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 77-101]
Jalali, Omolbanin
The Effect of Help in Teamwork on Individual Incentive Reversal: Laboratory Economics in a Dynamic Game [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 175-208]
Jalali Naeini, Seyed Ahmad Reza
The Effects of Short and Long-Run Exchange Rate Shocks
on Trade Balance of Iran (a VECM Approach
for Testing J-Curve) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 45-69]
Jalali-Naini, Ahmad Reza
Asymmetric Effectiveness of Monetary Shocks During Oil Revenue Cycles: Case of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 63-103]
Jamali, Ali
A Model for Definition of Superior-Industries in Iranian Capital Market by Using TOPSIS (with an Emphasis on Industrial Development Process) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 47-71]
Jamshidi, Farshid
Studying the Unbalanced Between Household's Income and
Expenditure in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 113-128]
Jani, Mehdi
Estimating Tax Capacity in Golestan Province [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 147-164]
Javadi, Maryam
Iranian Labor Force Movement and Stability [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 1-17]
Javaheri, Bakhtiar
Investigating the Effect of Natural Resources Rents and Institutional Quality on Financial Development in Developing Countries [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 141-168]
Javan, Moorashin
The Automatic Stabilization Effect of Fiscal Policy on Business Cycle in Selected OPEC Member Countries [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 21-50]
Javid, Mina
Measuring Acute Multidimensional Poverty with Missing Indicators: Applications to Alkire-Foster MPI and its Dimensional Break Down in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 1-56]
Jelodari Mamaghani, Mohammad
Evaluation of RAS and Generalized RAS in Updating Positive and Negative Cells of Input-Output Tables [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 135-160]
Jelodar Mamaghani, Mohammad
Analyzing the Credit Risk of Economic Sectors (“Industry”, “Agriculture” and “Services and Housing”) [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 103-135]
Jozani Kohan, Farbod
The Effects of Human resource productivity on Economic Growth - An Intergenerational Approach [(Articles in Press)]
Kaboli, Khadijeh
The Comparative Advantage Analysis in
Automotive Industry and It’s Parts [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 199-221]
Kafaie, Mohammadali
The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Liquidity Risk of Banks in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 29-56]
Kafaie, Mohammad-Ali
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 105-138]
Kafili, Vahid
Economic Factors Affecting Crime in Iran: Application of Panel Smooth Transition [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 125-150]
Kahram, Azadmehr
A Survey on the Share of Terms of Trade Changes on the
Exchange Rate Uncertainty in Iran's Economy [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 15-50]
Kakaie, Jamal
Measuring Ecological Footprint of Fossil Fuels in Economic Sectors of Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 147-174]
Kakaie, Jamal
Evaluation of COVID-19 Virus Effect on Production and Employment of Iranian Economy [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 47-77]
Kamal-e-Dini, Zahra
The Impact of Urbanization on the Convergence Rate of the Income Distribution in Selected Provinces of Iran (Spatial Econometric Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 109-140]
Karami, Fatemeh
An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Uncertainty in Real Exchange Rate on Stock Price in Tehran Stock Exchange: An Application of Bounds Test Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 151-176]
Karbasi, Alireza
The Survey of The Relationship between Exports,
Degree and Export Credits Guarantee [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 239-261]
Karbasian, Masoud
A Survey on the World's Customs Organization Management System in 21'th Century in Order to Introduce an Appropriate Model for Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 47-73]
Karimi, Davoud
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables and Special Banking Characteristics on Non-Performing Loans in Iranian Banking System [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 81-101]
Karimi, Edris
The Impact of UN and US Economic Sanctions on Misery Index of Target Countries [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 197-229]
Karimi, Farzad
Evaluating Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization
in the OIC Member Countries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 265-288]
Karimi, Farzad
Exploration and Analysis of Effective Factors on Internal Competitiveness of Manufacturing industries, A Case Study: Isfahan Province [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 101-126]
Karimi, Mohammad Sharif
Pro-Poor Growth in the Urban Areas of Iran's Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 121-150]
Karimian, Leila
Ranking and Comparison of Insurance Services and Product
in order to present E-Insurance in Iran, By Using
Silver Modelling [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 191-218]
Karimi kanouleh, Maryam
Estimating the Volume of Goods Smuggling Using Structural Equations and its Impact on Economic Growth in Iran: An Empirical Study in the Last Half Century [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 90-130]
Karimi Moughari, Zahra
The Impact of Economic Growth on Poverty: A Comparative Study of the First and Third Development Plans [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 95-118]
Karimi Petanlar, Saeed
The Effect of Fiscal Corruption on the Composition of Government Expenditures: A Case Study of Selected Developing Countries [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 141-156]
Karimi Potanlar, Saeed
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 117-143]
Karimi Takanlo, Zahra
Investigating Determinants of Banking Leverage in Selected Iranian Banks [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 11-44]
Karimzadeh, Mostafa
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Karkon, Mohamad
The Relation between Openness and Government Size [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 79-107]
Karnameh Haghighi, Hassan
Macroeconomic Instability and Commercial Bank Lending
(Case Study: Iran 1974-2009) [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 121-145]
Kazemi, Peyman
Recognition of the Skills Needed for Exployment Expansion
in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Criteria in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 197-208]
Kazerooni, Alireza
The Non-Symmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Real Output and Price in Iran (1961-2002) [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 177-196]
Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza
The Rating of Production Potentials and Employment Creating in Iran's Economy, By Using Input-output Index [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 47-75]
Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza
Estimation of Quality Elasticity for Different Types of Meat in Food Basket of Iranian Households [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 47-74]
Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza
Optimum Health Expenditure, Value of a Statistical Life and Health Capital in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 177-212]
Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza
Informational Asymmetry between Institutional and Individual Traders: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 1-36]
Keshavarz-Haddad, Ghlamreza
Evaluation of the Value-at-Risk Estimation Methods with applying a Penalty for Risk Overestimation [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 1-28]
Keshavarzia, Akbar n
Rationalism and Ethics, the Focal Point in Interaction of Usury-Free Banking with International Banking [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 93-146]
Keshavarzian peyvasti, Akbar
The Assessment of the Effect of Liberalization of Interest Rate
on Investment and Iran’s Economic Growth
(By Using Simultaneous Equation System) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 29-57]
Keshavarz Saji, Nafiseh
Estimating the Effect of Factors Affecting Return on Asset in the Islamic banks (Case Study: OIC Member Countries) [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 159-189]
Keyghobadi, Maryam
Estimation of Outage Losses Due to Dust Phenomenon [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 131-167]
Khadam, Bahman
Determinants of Stagflation in Iranian Manufacturing Sector [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 227-256]
K. Haddad, GholamReza
Ranking of Parametric Value at Risk Models with Consideration of Trader Position (Application of Asymmetric Distribution Functions in GARCH Models) [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 151-178]
K. Haddad, GholamReza
The Impact of Human Capital Components on Productivity of Private Sector Employees: Micro-Data Evidence [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 141-183]
Khadem, Bahman
An Estimation of Disguised Unemployment in Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 207-231]
Khadem, Fazeleh
The Effects of Import of Automobile on the Productivity
(Case: Iran Khodro Co.) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 333-363]
Khadem Alizadeh, Amir
The Effects of Capital Market on Economic Growth in Iran (1991-2011) By Using the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 87-121]
Khadem Alizadeh, Amir
An Analysis of the Relation between Semiotics and Development within the Framework of Institutionalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 136-189]
Khajavi, Maliheh
An Estimating of Underground Economy and Tax-Gap
in Iran!s Economy: MIMIC Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 65-90]
Khakpour, Hossein
A Study the Effects of Free Float Change on Stock Return (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 143-166]
Khalili, Maryam
The Impact of Firm- and Industry-Level Characteristics on Export Intensity of Iranian Manufacturing Firms: Dynamic Panel-Data Approach (GMM) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 127-154]
Khalili Araghi, Mansour
Welfare Cost of Inflation in Iran: A DOLS Approach [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 57-80]
Khalili Araghi, Maryam
Capital Budgeting: Multiple Criteria [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 99-118]
Khalili Araghi, Maryam
. [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2006, Pages 193-214]
Khaloozadeh, Hamid
Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting Tax of Legal Entities [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 115-139]
Khandoozi, Seyyed Ehsan
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Khanjari, Somayeh
The Impacts of Nominal Shocks on Real Wage of Industrial Sector in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 97-110]
Khataie, Mahmood
The Study on the Effect of Changes of Oil Revenues on Real Exchange Rate
(in Iran’s Economy) [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 103-130]
Khatami Firouzabadi, Seyed Mohammad Ali
Electronic Business Development Strategies in the Context of Facilitating and Improving Business Environment [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 253-290]
Khatibi, Somayeh
Estimation of Cost Efficiency to Evaluate Islamic Banks’ Ability to Compete with Conventional Bank [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 141-164]
Khazaey kuhpar, Hamid
The Impact of Oil Price Uncertainty on Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Iran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 157-192]
Khezri, Mohsen
Speculation Effects on Inflation in Iran Economy: TVP-FAVAR Model [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 193-228]
Khezri, Mohsen
Measuring Financial Development Index and Analyzing Its Time-Varying Effects on Economic Growth: An Application of TVP-FAVAR Model [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 315-341]
Khiabani, Naser
The Position of Monetary and fiscal Policies with emphasizing on Oil Sector with DSGE Models (the case of Iran) [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 133-173]
Khiabani, Naser
The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Macroeconomic Activities: Evidence from Iran [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 67-91]
Khiabani, Naser
The Interaction of Housing Price and Credit: Some Evidence from Iran [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 21-52]
Khiabani, Naser
Asymmetric Effectiveness of Monetary Shocks During Oil Revenue Cycles: Case of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 63-103]
Khiabani, Nasser
A Structured Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
for Iranian Economy [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 87-113]
Khochiani, Ramin
Revisiting the Relationship between Inflation and Output Gap in Iranian Economy Using Wavelet Transform Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 307-334]
Khochiany, Ramin
Comparison of Classical and Dynamic Network Models Efficiency in the Application of Generalized Network Autoregressive Models [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 171-194]
Khodadad Kashi, Farhad
The Effects of Smuggling on Productivity: The case of Textile and Clothing Industry in Iran (1996-2007) [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 49-74]
Khodadad Kashi, Farhad
Investigating the Effective Factors on the Extent of
Barriers to Entry in Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 75-100]
Khodadad Kashi, Farhad
The Measurement of Poverty Indices Based
on Iranian Household Nutrition [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 205-231]
Khodadad Kashi, Farhad
Regulation of Electricity Distribution Companies in Iran Based on Quality and Productivity [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 1-38]
Khodapanah, Bahman
The Impact of Institutional Environment on Knowledge-Based Economy [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 171-198]
Khoda Panah, Masood
Estimation of the Composite Index of Islamic Economy and Examination of its Trend in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 167-194]
Khodaparast Pirsarayi, Younes
The Effects of Exports Sophistication and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth in Select Oil-Exporting Countries [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 149-189]
Khodavasi, Hassan
An Estimating of Underground Economy and Tax-Gap
in Iran!s Economy: MIMIC Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 65-90]
Khodkari, Leila
The Estimation of Volume of Dirty Money in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 119-142]
Khorsandi, Morteza
Which is Worse, Unemployment or Inflation: The Comparison of the Effect of Unemployment and Inflation on Happiness [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 1-24]
Khorsandi, Morteza
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Khoshakhlagh, Rahman
The Effects of Monetary Policies in Iran’s Economy:
A Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 47-70]
KHosh Akhlagh, Rahman
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Khoshbakht, Ameneh
Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Consumer Price
Indexes and Import in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 51-82]
Khoshkar, Arash
An Analysis of Theil Inequality Index in Terms of
Different Provinces in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 201-222]
Khosravinejad, Ali Akbar
Nonlinear Impact of Education on Total Factor Productivity in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 37-73]
Khosravinezhad, Ali Akbar
Investigating the Innovation Effect on Total Factor Productivity Promotion: A Case Study Selected Developing Countries With Medium Income [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 175-212]
Kiani Rad, Azin
Comparative Analysis of Statistical Errors Between Second and Third Types of Input-Output Tables and Their Correlation with Value-Added in Gross Exports [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 77-108]
Kojury Naftchali, Mohsen
China’s Electricity Sector Reform: Analysis and Implications for Iran's Policy Framework [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 166-217]
Komeijani, Akbar
. [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2006, Pages 13-41]
Komeyjani, Akbar
Asymmetric Effects of Oil Income Growth on Inflation in Iran: VECM Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 201-226]
Komeyjani, Akbar
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 39-65]
Komeyjani, Akbar
The Effects of Composition of Foreign Reserves on the
Replacement of Euro with Dollar [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 15-43]
Komeyjani, Akbar
A Structured Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
for Iranian Economy [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 87-113]
Komeyjani, Akbar
The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
on Economic Growth in Iran
(Growth Accounting Approach) [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 75-107]
Komijani, Akbar
The Links between Inflation Uncertainty and Investment in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 13-30]
Komijani, Akbare
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Koopahi, Majid
Analysis of the Economic Performance of the Milk Processing Cooperatives [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 187-209]
Korani, Abdolreza
Investigating the Effective Factors on the Extent of
Barriers to Entry in Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 75-100]
Kordbacheh, Hamid
The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Prudential Behavior of Banks in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 23-51]
Koushesh, Mohammad Sajjad
Survey of the Impacts of Aggregate Supply and Demand Shocks in Iran Economy [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 185-198]
Kurd Bache, Hamid
Poverty traps in natural resource based economy: case of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 143-171]
Kurd Bache, Hamid
Do non-Pricing Strategies Have Important Role in Banks' Differential Performance in Iranian Banking System? [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 235-258]
Lajevardi, rozita
Rationality and Chaos in Planning: An Emphasis on Goulet's Theory of Rationality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 193-225]
Laki, Zahra
Investigating the Role of Social Capital in the Interaction between Physical Capital and Iran's GDP using the Smooth Transition Regression (STR) Model [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 97-130]
Larimi, Seyyed Jafar
An Investigation of Revenue Impact Generating from Substitution of the Value Added Tax for Corporations Tax: The Case of Mazandaran Province [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 257-279]
Lari Semnani, Behrouz
Assessing the Relation and Analyzing
Effects of Selected Non-Stock Exchange Investments on Attractiveness of Investment in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 177-218]
Larti, Hamid Reza
The effects of Liberalization in Trade and Finance on Production Volatility in Iranian Economy [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 1-26]
Lashkari, Mohammad
Fuzzy Priority Classification of the Factors Affecting the Use of Electronic Services by Banks’ Customers (Fuzzy-AHP) [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 29-47]
Lotfi, Ali Asghar
. [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2006, Pages 131-165]
Lotfi Heravi, Mohammad Mahdi
Biotech-Economics: An Analysis of Economic Assessments and Governance Strategies [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 131-183]
Maaboudi, Reza
The Relation of Financialization with the Income Distribution and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 49-90]
Madah, Majid
. [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2006, Pages 43-70]
Maddah, Majid
Analysis Effect of Poverty and Inequality Income on
Crime(Theft) Among the Provinces all over the Country [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 303-323]
Mahdavi, Abolghasem
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 287-309]
Mahdavi, Gholamhossein
Predicting Systematic Risk Using Artificial Neural Networks
(A Case Study: Saipa Company) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 219-237]
Mahdavi, Gholamhossein
What is the Best Measure for the Financial
Performance Evaluation? [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 121-146]
Mahdavi Rad, Hamid
Validating Model and Risk Forecasting for Leasing Customers (Case Study: Iran Khodro Leasing Company) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 213-234]
Mahmoodzadeh, Mahmood
The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
on Economic Growth in Iran
(Growth Accounting Approach) [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 75-107]
Mahmoudi, Vahid
High-Growth Small firms and their Characteristics Evidence
from Manufacturing Small Firms in Iran During
the Third Development Plan [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 155-173]
Mahmoud Zade, Mahmoud
Estimating and Forecasting of Pride Automobile Demand in Iran: Almost Ideal Demand System Approach [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 259-289]
Majidi, Masoud
Proposing a Policy for Debt Management in Iran’s Seventh Development Plan [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 193-223]
Makhzan Moosavi, Seyed Hadi
A fuzzy logic approach to modeling the
Underground economy in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 91-113]
Makooie, Ahmad
Relative Measuring of Similar Companies on the Bases of
Financial Performance by Using DEA Method [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 227-251]
Maleki, Amin
Income Distribution Evolution in Twentieth Century
(Departure from Functional to Personal Distribution Theories) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 57-88]
Mamipour, Siab
Study of Gold, Stocks and Foreign Currency as Hedges against Inflation on Different Time Horizons in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 313-337]
Mani, Kamran
Analysis of The Effect of Taxes on The Relationship
between Financial Markets and Economical Growth [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 13-37]
Mansouri, Hossein
Investigating Weak Form of Efficiency in Tehran Stock Exchange and Ranking Factors that Affect it [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 71-96]
Manteghi, Khosro
The Effect of a Preferential Trade Agreement between Iran and Turkey on Trade Cycles and Tariff Revenues of Iran:An Analysis Employing SMART Model [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 157-185]
Manteghi, Khosro
. [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2006, Pages 215-234]
Manteghi, Nikzad
Evaluating the effects of utilizing PTA for Expansion of
Foreign Trade Through the SMART Model
(Case of Iran, Turkey and Pakistan ) [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 181-204]
Manzoor, Davood
Optimization of Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts: A Principal-Agent Model [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 187-222]
Financial Repression and Economic Growth
(Empirical Evidence of Iran’s Economy) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 175-195]
Mardani, Mohammad Reza
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 117-143]
Mashayekhi, Syamak
The study on the effective factors in Chicken meat market in Iran: An application of Vector Autoregression model [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 131-154]
Mashhadi-ahmad, Mahmoud
Veblen's Institutionalism
A Challenge Against Methodological and Theoretical Foundations of Economics [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 122-87]
Mashhadi Ahmad, Mahmoud
The Meaning and Concept of Institutions in Institutionalism
A Look at Differences between Old and New Institutionalism and the Role of Institutions in Economic Activities [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 49-77]
Mashhadi Ahmad, Mahmoud
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 175-206]
Mashhadi-Ahmad, Mahmoud
Old Institutionalism Vs. Mainstream Economics: An Intellectual [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 1-38]
Mazaheri, Meysam
Measuring Acute Multidimensional Poverty with Missing Indicators: Applications to Alkire-Foster MPI and its Dimensional Break Down in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 1-56]
Mazhari, Reza
The Role of Enabling Trade Indices on Iran's Exports: Gravity Model Approach [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 170-218]
Mazyaki, Ali
Dynamics of Income Distribution During Targeted Subsidies Program: A Micro-Simulation Approach with Consideration of Purchasing Powers [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 1-24]
Mazyaki, Ali
Measuring Acute Multidimensional Poverty with Missing Indicators: Applications to Alkire-Foster MPI and its Dimensional Break Down in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 1-56]
Meghdadi, Fathiye
Fuzzy Priority Classification of the Factors Affecting the Use of Electronic Services by Banks’ Customers (Fuzzy-AHP) [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 29-47]
Mehrabian, Azadeh
The Effect of Business Cycles Volatility
on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 59-86]
Mehrali, Akram
The Analysis of Elimination of Subsidy on Residential Water Demand Case study: The City of Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 1-26]
Mehran, Farhad
Iranian Labor Force Movement and Stability [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 1-17]
Mehranfar, Jahan Bakhsh
A Comparative Approach to Explore the Effects of Institutions on Self-Employment and Innovation in Selected Countries [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 153-174]
Mehranfar, Jahan Bakhsh
The Role of Institutions in Shaping Entrepreneurship in Selected Countries [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 199-212]
Mehrara, Mohsen
The Impact of Macro Economic uncertainty On Bank Lending Behavior (The Case Of Iran) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 1-21]
Mehrara, Mohsen
Rational Speculative Bubbles in Iran Informal Exchange Rate and Currency Crisis: Time-varying probabilities Markov regime switching approach [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 111-164]
Mehrara, Mohsen
Bubble Migration between the Foreign Exchange Market and the Housing Market [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 67-102]
Mehrara, Mohsen
Quantifying Supplier Induced Demand Caused by the 2014-Health Reform Plan [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 39-65]
Mehrara, Mohssen
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 205-233]
Mehrara, Mohssen
Investigating the Cost Efficiency in the Banking System:
The Case of Bank Mellat [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 173-197]
Mehr-Ara, Mohsen
The Impact of Government Spending on Inflation through the Inflationary Environment; Smooth Transition Regression Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 75-105]
Mehrbani, Fatemeh
Investigating of Underground Economy by Using Currency Ratio and Gap Between Expenditure and Income of the Family [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 133-162]
Mehrbani, Vahid
The Effect of Higher Education on Productivity of Iranian Industries: A Comparison of Human Capital and Filter Theories [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 137-158]
Mehregan, Nader
Estimation of Gas oil Demand Function in Iraninan Agriculture Sector Using Structural Time Series Approach [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 53-80]
Memarian, Erfan
The Effects of Short and Long-Run Exchange Rate Shocks
on Trade Balance of Iran (a VECM Approach
for Testing J-Curve) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 45-69]
Mesrinejad, Shirin
Measuring International Export Competitiveness
Among Iran’s Selected Trading Partners [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 131-151]
Miadi, Zahra
To Survey the major barriers to Foreign Investment in Iran from Investor's viewpoint [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 181-200]
Mirjalili, Seyyed Hossein
Teachings of Historical School for the Analysis of Iran’s Economy [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 43-75]
Mirmohammadi, Seyed Mohammad
Assessment of Banking Facilities's Impact on Iran's non-oil Exports In Form of Seemingly Unrelated Regression [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 277-301]
Mir Motahari, Seyyed Ahmad
The Test on the Relationship Between Economic Growth and Iran's Financial Structure [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 103-116]
Mirzaei, Hodjatollah
Analyzing the Housing Market Network among Iran’s Provinces: New Evidence through Variance Decomposition of Forecast Errors [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 120-157]
Mirzaei, Hojjatollah
The Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on the Iranian Labor Market [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 155-196]
Mirza’i, Esmaeil
The Interaction between Non-Performing Loans and Macroeconomic Conditions:A Panel Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 183-220]
Mirzayi, Hojjatollah
Investigation on the Impact of Knowledge on Economic Growth of Iran's Provinces [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 84-110]
Mobini Dehkordi, Ali
Radical Subjectivism as the Epistemological Foundation of Novel Entrepreneurial Action [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 223-251]
Mobini Dehkordi, Mostafa
Nonlinear effects of real exchange rate uncertainty on oil
and non-oil economic growth in IRAN: GARCH-M
approach [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 41-70]
Mogaddasi, Elham
Study of Gold, Stocks and Foreign Currency as Hedges against Inflation on Different Time Horizons in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 313-337]
Moghadam, Javad
The Prediction of the Firms’ Bankruptcy
By Using Logit Model [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 171-189]
Moghadas Hosseynzadeh, Samireh
Evaluation of Iran’s Free Trade Zones and Its Effects
On Economic Development of These Zones [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 119-146]
Moghadasi, Pparisa
The Impact of COVID-19 and Good Governance on Income Inequality in Selected Oil-Exporting Countries [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 218-249]
Moghaddam, Mohammad Reza
The Effects of Oil Prices on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 197-216]
Moghaddasi, Reza
Analysis of Sugar Economy in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 327-338]
Moghaddasi, Reza
The Evaluation of Econometric Models for
Forecasting Wheat Price [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 239-263]
Moghaddasi, Reza
Economic Complexity and Fossil Energy Consumption: An Empirical Analysis for Iranian Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 155-188]
Mohagheghnia, Mohammad Javad
Comparison Between the Optimized Binary and Multinomial Logistic Regression for Credit Scoring of Real Costumers in Bank Refah Kargaran [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 147-166]
Mohaghegh Nia, Mohamad Javad
Exploration of Effective Factors on Microfinance in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 199-222]
Mohajeri, Parisa
Estimating Firm and Industry-Specific Uncertainty and Their Impacts on Capital Structure: Applying Stochastic Volatility (SV) Model and Multilevel Panel Analysis [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 58-89]
Mohajeri, Parisa
Risk Modeling of Stocks of Large Companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange: A Multivariate Factor Stochastic Volatility Approach [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 131-165]
Mohamadalizadeh, Arash
Investigating The Relationship between Stock Market Returns and Inflation in Different Time Scales in Tehran Stock Exchange using Wavelet transform [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 225-244]
Mohamadi, Hamed
Review of Models and New Strategies in Financing of Cooperatives in Iranian Economy [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 73-98]
Mohamadi, Hossein
The Government and Market Performance in the Process of Iran's Economic Growth [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 123-160]
Mohamadi, Teymor
Analyzing the Housing Market Network among Iran’s Provinces: New Evidence through Variance Decomposition of Forecast Errors [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 120-157]
Mohamadian, Fereshteh
Explaining Economic Growth Gap between OPEC and East Asia: Shapley–Owen–Shorrocks and Oaxaca–Blinder Variance Decomposition Approach [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 119-146]
Mohamadnejad, Nima
Optimum Health Expenditure, Value of a Statistical Life and Health Capital in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 177-212]
Mohamadzadeh, Parviz
The Asymmetric Effects of Fluctuations in the Value of U.S. Dollar and Euro on Output and Price Level in Iran: A Markov Switching Approach [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 117-140]
Mohammad, Teymour i
Evaluation of Environmental Kuznets curve for and water air pollution in selected developing countries [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 43-74]
Mohammad Hosseinizadeh, Somayeh
Applying AHP/DEA Method in
Ranking Insurance Agents [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 281-304]
Mohammadi, Ahmad
Decomposition and Analysis of Business Cycle in Iran (Wavelet Analysis) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 25-45]
Mohammadi, Ahmad
Analyzing Price Discovery Function of Gold Coin Futures Contracts in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 25-60]
Mohammadi, Ali
A comparative applied study of linear assignment method, TOPSIS and Taxonomy in financial evaluation [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 273-302]
Mohammadi, Ali
Applying AHP/DEA Method in
Ranking Insurance Agents [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 281-304]
Mohammadi, Hamid
Studying The Impact of Increase in Export Price of Agricultural Products on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 213-239]
Mohammadi, Hamid
An Investigation about the Impact of Government Support
Policy on Cropping Area and Wheat Production
in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 289-307]
Mohammadi, Hossein
The Effect of Investment Infrastructures
on Iran’s Economic Growth [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 15-42]
Mohammadi, Hossein
The Effect of Human Capital on Economic Growth:Case of IRAN [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 15-43]
Mohammadi, Shapoor
Investigating Stock Market Crashes Using Cusp Model: A Study on Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 157-182]
Mohammadi, Shapour
The Effect of New Inside and Outside Information on Liquidity in Iran’s Stock Market [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 39-76]
Mohammadi, Shapur
Investigating The Relationship between Stock Market Returns and Inflation in Different Time Scales in Tehran Stock Exchange using Wavelet transform [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 225-244]
Mohammadi, Teimoour
The Effects of not Implementing DST on Electricity
Energy Consumption
(A Case Study of Tehran Electricity Region) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 263-289]
Mohammadi, Teimour
Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points in Real Time:
Case of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 65-89]
Mohammadi, Teymoor
The Survey on the Effects of Exchange Rate Unification
Policy on Marco- Economic Variables [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 49-74]
Mohammadi, Teymoor
Economic Policy Making of Development Plans in the Framework of an Optimal Control Model [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 15-46]
Mohammadi, Teymor
Analysis of The Effect of Taxes on The Relationship
between Financial Markets and Economical Growth [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 13-37]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Investigating the Relationship between Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Imports of Intermediate-Capital and Consumer Goods in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 113-149]
Mohammadi, Teymour
A Comparative Study of Iran’s Electricity Market Auction Mechanism and System Marginal Price Auction Mechanism [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 1-35]
Mohammadi, Teymour
A Study on the Occurrence of the Dutch Disease in Iranian Economy and Its Impact on Economic Growth [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 63-86]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Nonlinear effects of real exchange rate uncertainty on oil
and non-oil economic growth in IRAN: GARCH-M
approach [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 41-70]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Mark-up Impacton Inflationin the Iran`s Economy [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 37-60]
Mohammadi, Teymour
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 235-265]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Dynamics of Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty
Using ARFIMA- GARCH Model [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 137-170]
Mohammadi, Teymour
The Interaction between Non-Performing Loans and Macroeconomic Conditions:A Panel Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 183-220]
Mohammadi, Teymour
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables and Special Banking Characteristics on Non-Performing Loans in Iranian Banking System [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 81-101]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Analysis of Spatial Diffusion of Housing Price Changes in Iranian Provinces; Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 55-95]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Estimation of Couple Labor Supply in the Household Based on Unitary Model [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 1-34]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Comparative Analysis of Strategies for Energy Intensity Reduction in Iran (Dynamic System of Energy Price-Energy Supply-Economic Growth Approach) [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 1-45]
Mohammadi, Teymour
Price Regulation Based On Performance of Iranian Water and Wastewater Companies [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 185-224]
Mohammadi, Teymour
The Effects of Human resource productivity on Economic Growth - An Intergenerational Approach [(Articles in Press)]
Mohammadi, Teymur
Stochastic Shocks and Oil Revenue Management in Iran; A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 33-80]
Mohammadi Khyareh, Mohsen
Impact of Competitiveness on Economic Growth: Case Study of WEF Countries [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 153-185]
Mohammadi Khyareh, Mohsen
The Role of Enabling Trade Indices on Iran's Exports: Gravity Model Approach [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 170-218]
Mohammadi Khyareh, Mohsen
The Impact of Economic Complexity on Economic Growth in N-11 Countries: A Panel ARDL Approach Study [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 185-219]
Mohammadpoor, Siavash
The Asymmetric Effects of Fluctuations in the Value of U.S. Dollar and Euro on Output and Price Level in Iran: A Markov Switching Approach [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 117-140]
Mohammad Pour zarandi, Mohammad Ebrahim
Designing Portfolio Management System for Banking Loans By Using Data Mining Technology [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 207-235]
Mohammadreza Javan, Seyed
Granger Causality between Consumption, Intermediate and Capital Good Imports and Inflation in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 221-248]
Mohammadyan, Fereshteh
Introducing and Testing a New Model to Explain
the Size of Government [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 117-150]
Mohammadzadeh, Parviz
The Relationship Between Budget Deficit
and Money Demand in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 41-72]
Mohammadzadeh, Parviz
The Study of the Effect of Population’s Age Structure on Consumption Long- Term Function [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 45-70]
Mohammadzadeh, Parviz
A Study of Per Capita Income Inequality Dynamics in Iranian Provinces Using Spatial Markov Chain [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 89-123]
Mohammadzadeh Asl, Nazi
Analyzing the Role of Globalization in Attracting Foreign
Investment and Affecting the Economic Growth [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 217-240]
Mohseni Maleki, Bahram
The Impact of Oil Price Uncertainty on Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Iran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 157-192]
Mohseni Zonozi, Seied Jamallodin
An Investigation of Corruption and Economic Growth
Nexus: Some Evidence from D-8 Countries [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 157-183]
Mohsenkhani, Zohreh Fallah
Iranian Labor Force Movement and Stability [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 1-17]
Mohsen Pourian, Sepideh
An Estimate of Tax Evasion by Self-employed Businesses in Iran using the Household Expenditure Survey [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 75-118]
Mohsseni Demneh, Ghassem
How to Test the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 219-245]
Mojab, Ramin
The Links between Inflation Uncertainty and Investment in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 13-30]
Mojahedi Moakhar, Mohammad Mahdi
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Mojarad, Mohammad Jafar
The Study of Competitiveness Based on the Real Effective Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 131-179]
Mokhtary Asl Shouti, Ashkan
Evaluation of RAS and Generalized RAS in Updating Positive and Negative Cells of Input-Output Tables [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 135-160]
Molana, Seyed Masih
The Effects of Financial Development on Relative Poverty in Iran: Evidence from the Smoothing Transmission Regression Model (STR) [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 129-162]
Molana, Seyyed Hamed
The Study on the Effect of Changes of Oil Revenues on Real Exchange Rate
(in Iran’s Economy) [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 103-130]
Moltafet, Hossein
Economic Factors Affecting Crime in Iran: Application of Panel Smooth Transition [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 125-150]
Momeni, Farshad
Shortsightedness in Petroleum Dependent Economies with Insufficient Capital [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 19-51]
Momeni, Farshad
cooperation among natural gas exporting of Caspian sea
countries to export gas to Europe with respect to
environmental requirements in a game theoretic
framework [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 1-40]
Momeni, Farshad
Institutional Approach to Development and Its Implications for Iran [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 199-141]
Momeni, Farshad
Oil Revenues, Institutions and Employment Capacities: Case Study of OPEC Member Countries [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 51-80]
Momeni, Farshad
Regulatory Institutions and Instruments and Their Position in Rail Transportation Industry; Lessons for Iran [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 97-123]
Momeni, Farshad
Political Economy of Privatization with Corruption [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 221-252]
Momeni, Farshad
Rationality and Chaos in Planning: An Emphasis on Goulet's Theory of Rationality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 193-225]
Momeni, Farshad
Measuring Ecological Footprint of Fossil Fuels in Economic Sectors of Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 147-174]
Momeni, Farshad
An Analysis of the Relation between Semiotics and Development within the Framework of Institutionalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 136-189]
Monjazeb, Mohammad Raza
The Government and Market Performance in the Process of Iran's Economic Growth [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 123-160]
Montazer Hojat, Amir Hossein
Analysis of Russia's Asymmetric Behavior in the GECF and World Gas Market [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 135-174]
Moosalou, Yooshea
Economic Policy Making of Development Plans in the Framework of an Optimal Control Model [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 15-46]
Moosavi, Seyyed Nematollah
An Investigation about the Impact of Government Support
Policy on Cropping Area and Wheat Production
in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 289-307]
Moosavi Mohsen, Reza i
Empirical Estimation of Inflation Tax and The Laffer
Curve Surfaces: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 39-64]
Moosavi Mohsseni, Reza
The Effects of Monetary Policies in Iran’s Economy:
A Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 47-70]
Moradi, Mohammad Ali
Designing the Evolutionary Model of Iran's Transition to Digital Economy [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 219-251]
Moradimokhles, Hossein
Application of Different Scenarios of Risk-Taking and Economies of Scale in Primary Education on Human Capital Development and Economic Growth [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 205-236]
Moradizadeh, Mahdiyeh
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis Approach [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 37-82]
Moradkhani, Narges
The Study of the Effects of Stock Price Index on Money Demand Function [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 213-241]
Morovat, Habib
Identifying Effective Factors on Foreign Tourism Demand [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 275-306]
Morovat, Habib
The Impact of ICT on Sen's Social Welfare Index on Iranian Provinces [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 121-154]
Morovat, Habib
The Socio-Economic Determinants of ICT Expenditures in Iranian Urban Households Using Heckman's Two-Stage Method [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 83-120]
Morovat, Habib
Analyzing the Housing Market Network among Iran’s Provinces: New Evidence through Variance Decomposition of Forecast Errors [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 120-157]
Morovat, Habib
The Effect of Age and Gender on Social Preferences in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 92-134]
Morovvat, Habib
Evaluation of Vulnerability of Iranian Economic Sectors due to International Sanctions: Mixed Variable Input-Output Approach [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Mo’meni, Farshad
The Effect of Institutional Quality on the Mechanisms of Turning Oil Blessing into a Curse (A Case-Study on Iran) [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 17-62]
Mortazavifar, Zeynab
Implications of Institutional Economics for Improving Business Environment [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 33-55]
Mortaz Hejri, Farkhondeh
Electronic Business Development Strategies in the Context of Facilitating and Improving Business Environment [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 253-290]
Mosalla, Shahram
Nonlinear Impact of Education on Total Factor Productivity in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 37-73]
Mosavi, Seyed Reza
Designing Portfolio Management System for Banking Loans By Using Data Mining Technology [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 207-235]
Moshiri, Saeed
The Determinants of Banking Crises in Iranian [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Moshiri, Saeed
Simulation of Stock Market by Concerning Structural
Characteristics of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 167-203]
Moshiri, Saeed
Stress Testing for Default Probabilities in Banking Industry; An Application of Credit Portfolio Approach [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 23-54]
Moshiri, Saeed
Effects of Information Technology on Production Chain in Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 1-44]
Moshiri, Saeed
The Role of International Trade in the Relationship between Income and Environmental Quality [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 11-51]
Mostafavi, Mahdi
Separating Core Inflation from Temporary Components in Iran Using Kalman Filter [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 51-73]
Mostaghimi, Mahmood Reza
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Intermediate-Capital Goods Import in Iran's Industry [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 77-101]
Motafakker Aazad, Mohammad Ali
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Motaghi, Samira
An Analysis for Creation of a Trade Block between Selected Middle-East Countries
(An Application of Economic Convergence) [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 175-196]
Motaghi, Samira
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Motahari, Moheb Allah
Measuring Industrial and Regional Development of Razavi,
Southern and Northern Khorasan Provinces [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 175-196]
Motamedi, Monireh
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 235-265]
Motamedi, Sahar
Investigation of the Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables and Overall Price Index of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 101-116]
Motameni, Mani
Analysis of Volatility Feedback in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 247-261]
Motavaseli, Mahmoud
Subjectivism, Interactivity and Creative Action in Austrian Economics [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 1-32]
Motavaseli, Mahmoud
Rationality and Chaos in Planning: An Emphasis on Goulet's Theory of Rationality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 193-225]
Motavasseli, Ali
The Capital and Labor Elasticities of Aggregate Output [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 151-184]
Motevaseli, Mahmood
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 175-206]
Motevaseli, Mahmoud
Collective Action; A Mechanism Toward Development of Productive Entrepreneurship [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 1-31]
Motevaseli, Mahmoud
Radical Subjectivism as the Epistemological Foundation of Novel Entrepreneurial Action [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 223-251]
Mottaghi, Afshin
An Analysis for Creation of a Trade Block between Selected Middle-East Countries
(An Application of Economic Convergence) [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 175-196]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
Asymmetric Effects of Oil Shocks on Government Expenditures and Investment: An Application of Murk Rule [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 123-141]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
Estimating Tax Capacity in Golestan Province [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 147-164]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 145-173]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points in Real Time:
Case of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 65-89]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
Optimum Taxation and Time Allocation:
A Survey of Theoretical Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 109-129]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
The Empirical Investigation of Rotterdam Demand System By Using Consumption Expenditures Data of Urban Households in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 117-155]
Mousavi, Mir Housain
An Investigation of Factors and Policies Affecting Labor Force Employment in Iranian Economy [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 177-198]
Mousavi, Seyyed Yahya
The Efficiency Calculation and Tax Efforts Made by Tax
Organization of Different Provinces of the Country:
Data Envelopment Analysis Procedure [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 139-165]
Movagharisadat Mahalle, Reyhane
Tax Revenue Estimation Resulting From Value Added
Tax Implementation Law in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 141-159]
Mowlaei, Mohammad
The Impact of External Debts on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 83-108]
Mowlaei, Mohammad
Estimation of Labour Demand Function of Industry Sector in Iranian Economy during 1353-1387 [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 227-242]
Mozaffari, Zana
A Study of Contemporaneous Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Urbanization on Economic Growth in Iranian Provinces (2006-2015) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 225-260]
Musavi Nik, Seyyed Hadi
Determinants of House Price Using Causality
Relations Approach in Vector Error Correction Model:
Case Study Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 267-293]
Nabi-Zadeh, Ali Hosein
Investigating the Relationship between Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Imports of Intermediate-Capital and Consumer Goods in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 113-149]
Nadali, Mohammad
The Determinants of Banking Crises in Iranian [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Nadali, Mohammad
Studying the Causality between Growth of Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth(Case Study Commerce Sector) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 111-135]
Nademi, Younes
Revisiting the Relationship between Inflation and Output Gap in Iranian Economy Using Wavelet Transform Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 307-334]
Nader, Abolghasem
Efficiency-based Resource Allocation in Higher Education Units: Requirements, Outcomes and Prospects [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 261-290]
Naderian, Mohammad Amin
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 287-309]
Naderian, Mohammad Amin
Asymmetric Effectiveness of Monetary Shocks During Oil Revenue Cycles: Case of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 63-103]
Najafi, Bahaadin
Studying The Impact of Increase in Export Price of Agricultural Products on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 213-239]
Najafi Kalyani, Vahid
Determinants of Corporate Demand for Property Insurance [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 99-128]
Najafizadeh, Abbass
The Effects of Financial Development on Relative Poverty in Iran: Evidence from the Smoothing Transmission Regression Model (STR) [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 129-162]
Najarzadeh, Abolfazl
A Survey on the Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on Innovations in Islamic Developing Countries [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 303-322]
Najarzadeh, Reza
Investigation of Optimal Tax Rate Determination in Iran
By Using Demand Elasticities Analysis Approach [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 219-239]
Najarzadeh, Reza
Analyzing Determinants of R&D Intensity in Iranian Manufacturing Firms [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 53-90]
Nakhli, Seyyed Reza
Modeling the Relationship between Exchange Rate and other Macroeconomic Variables: Case Study of Iran (BVAR Approach with SSVS Prior) [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 1-48]
Namazi, Hosein
. [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2001, Pages 11-16]
Naseri, Samaneh
Welfare Effects of Economic Sanctions :The Case of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 11-38]
Naseri, Seyed Ali
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 299-327]
Nasiri, Hossein
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 105-138]
Nasiri, Samira
Optimal Monetary Policy and Estimating the Credibility of Monetary Policy in Iran using the DSGE Approach [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 5-53]
Nasiri Aghdam, Ali
Simulating the Effects of Personal Income Tax on Government's Tax Income and Income distribution [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 61-82]
Nasiri Aghdam, Ali
The Effect of Information Sharing on Tax-to-GDP Ratio [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 119-146]
Nasrnejad Nesheli, Sahar
Exploring the Role of Inflation Across Different Commodity Groups on Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 158-202]
Nasrollahi, Khadijeh
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Nasrollahi, Khadijeh
Analyzing the Impact of Fundamental Factors and Institutional Variables on Exports of Emerging Countries (2000- 2015): Lessons for Iranian Economy [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 29-65]
Nasrolllahi, Zahra
The Effect of Help in Teamwork on Individual Incentive Reversal: Laboratory Economics in a Dynamic Game [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 175-208]
Nassiri Aghdam, Ali
Implications of Institutional Economics for Improving Business Environment [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 33-55]
Nassiri Aghdam, Ali
Facilitation of Human Resource Movement in Complex Organizations: An Application of Mechanism Design Theory [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 291-314]
Nassiri Aghdam, Ali
The Effect of Credit Allocation on Entrepreneurship [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 165-199]
Nazar Alizadeh, Sara
Estimating Non Acceleration Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU): Using Different Filters in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 123-141]
Nazari, Rogayeh
Financing the “Valley of Death” Budget Gap in Research and Development: Spatial Models Approach [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 81-127]
Nazari-Shirkouhi, Amir
Developing a new approach to rank companies of Tehran stock exchange by fuzzy data envelopment analysis [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 65-84]
Nazeman, Hamid
A Study on the Occurrence of the Dutch Disease in Iranian Economy and Its Impact on Economic Growth [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 63-86]
Neisi, Hamideh
The Impact of Income Redistribution on the Macroeconomic
Variables by Using Semi Input Output Model [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 167-192]
Neisy, Abdolsadeh
Modeling of Tehran Stock Exchange Overall Index by Heston Stochastic Differential Equation [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 143-166]
Neisy, Abdosadeh
Analyzing the Credit Risk of Economic Sectors (“Industry”, “Agriculture” and “Services and Housing”) [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 103-135]
Nemati, Mehran
Developing a new approach to rank companies of Tehran stock exchange by fuzzy data envelopment analysis [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 65-84]
Nematpoor, Masoomeh
Optimum Taxation and Time Allocation:
A Survey of Theoretical Analysis [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 109-129]
Nematpour, Masomeh
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Nessabian, Shahriar
Analysis of Sugar Economy in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 327-338]
Nessabian, Shahriar
Recognition of the Skills Needed for Exployment Expansion
in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Criteria in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 197-208]
Nessabian, Shahriyar
The Role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Employment In Iran [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 97-122]
Nessabian, Shahryar
Economic Complexity and Fossil Energy Consumption: An Empirical Analysis for Iranian Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 155-188]
Niazi, Bahar
The Role of International Trade in the Relationship between Income and Environmental Quality [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 11-51]
Nikoomaram, Hashem
Evaluation of Financial Soundness of Companies Listed
in Tehran Stock Exchange and Proposing an Appropriate
Model for this Evaluation [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 253-279]
Nikoomaram, Hashem
To Investigate the Growth in Expected Earnings and Equity Valuation [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 279-316]
Nikoomaram, Hashem
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Nikounesbati, Ali
Institutional Approach to Development and Its Implications for Iran [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 199-141]
Nikravan, Aniseh
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Nikzad, Mohammad
Comparative Comparison for Effects of Balance of Payments Shocks in Different Exchange Rate Regimes: A DSGE Approach [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 5-57]
Nili, Masoud
Social Security Payments and Decision about Timing of Retirement: An Economic Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 217-244]
Nonejad, Masood
The effect of terms of trade and its volatility on economic growth in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 183-200]
Nonejad, Masoud
Measuring Quality of Goods in Iran’s Intra-Industry Trade with G-8 Member States [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 63-82]
Nonejad, Masoud
Investigating the Comparative Advantage in Sub Sector of
Metallic and Nonmetallic Minerals (Basic Metals)
in Iran and it’s Place in the World [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 105-124]
Nooshabadi, Leila Pordel
The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Prudential Behavior of Banks in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 23-51]
Norouzi, Bita
A Survey on the Grounds of Iran-Turkey Trade Cooperation
for Reaching a Bilateral Preferential Trade Agreement [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 97-117]
Norouzi, Haideh
Empirical Estimation of Inflation Tax and The Laffer
Curve Surfaces: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 39-64]
Nourahmadi, Mohammad Javad
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis Approach [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 37-82]
Nouri, Raziyeh
Assessment on the Impact of Microcredit Provided by Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation on Population Sustainment in Rural Areas (Case study: Khomein County) [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 177-198]
Nourouzi, Roh Allah
Measuring Industrial and Regional Development of Razavi,
Southern and Northern Khorasan Provinces [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 175-196]
Omidi, Majid
Rule-Based Micro and Macro-Prudential Policy in a Heterogeneous Banking Network [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 57-94]
Omidvar, Sirous
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Oryani, Bahareh
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Oshani, Mohamad
Regulation of Electricity Distribution Companies in Iran Based on Quality and Productivity [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 1-38]
Padash, Hamid
The Impact of Institutional Environment on Knowledge-Based Economy [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 171-198]
Padash, Hamid
An Analysis of the Relation between Semiotics and Development within the Framework of Institutionalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 136-189]
Pajooyan, Jamshid
Determination of Iran’s Competitiveness Place
Among other Countries of the World [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 15-45]
Pajooyan, Jamshid
The Economic Valuation of Recreation Services of
Environment Resources,
Case: Anzali Wetland [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 147-171]
Pajuyan, Jamshid
A Comparative Study of Iran’s Electricity Market Auction Mechanism and System Marginal Price Auction Mechanism [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 1-35]
Pajuyan, Jamshid
The Relationship between Distribution of Income and Health Economy in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 137-158]
Pajuyan, Jamshid
Analysis of The Effect of Taxes on The Relationship
between Financial Markets and Economical Growth [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 13-37]
Pajuyan, Jamshid
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Pajuyan, Jamshid
A Structured Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
for Iranian Economy [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 87-113]
Paktinat, Marzie
Poverty traps in natural resource based economy: case of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 143-171]
Parnian, Hanieh
Investigating the Role of Social Capital in the Interaction between Physical Capital and Iran's GDP using the Smooth Transition Regression (STR) Model [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 97-130]
Parsa, Maryam
Effects of Information Technology on Production Chain in Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 1-44]
Parvin, Soheila
Analysis of the Impact of Banking System's Balance Sheet Shocks on Output and Inflation in Iranian Economy [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 149-186]
Parvin, Soheila
Progressive Income Tax Structure and Its Effect on Income Inequality in Iranian Provinces [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 1-22]
Parvin, Soheila
Welfare Effects of Economic Sanctions :The Case of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 11-38]
Pasandideh, Asharaf-sadat
Estimation of Outage Losses Due to Dust Phenomenon [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 131-167]
Pasban, Fatemeh
The analysis of market structure and export comparative advantages for grapes & apples in Iran and the rest of the world (1990-2008) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 155-183]
Pasbani, Abolfazl
The Effect of Political Institutions on Performance of Oil Funds: Comparison of Iran, Norway and Saudi Arabia [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 253-290]
Pashin, Pegah
Relative Measuring of Similar Companies on the Bases of
Financial Performance by Using DEA Method [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 227-251]
Pazhoyan, Jamshid
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Pedram, Mehdi
The Role of Sticky Information on Inflation Dynamics: Evidence from Iran [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 107-151]
Peykarjoo, Kambiz
Simulation and Prediction of Global Oil Price [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 83-117]
Peymany, Moslem
Modeling of Tehran Stock Exchange Overall Index by Heston Stochastic Differential Equation [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 143-166]
Piraee, Khosrow
The Survey of Poverty Status in the Rural
and Urban Areas in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 233-264]
Piraee, Khosrow
Estimation of Quality Elasticity for Different Types of Meat in Food Basket of Iranian Households [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 47-74]
Pirasteh, Hossein
Evaluating Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization
in the OIC Member Countries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 265-288]
Pirdayeh, Hadi
Analysis of Spatial Diffusion of Housing Price Changes in Iranian Provinces; Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 55-95]
Pirpour, Hamed
Evaluating Effects of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Financing of Firms and Foreign Direct Investment in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 35-65]
Poor Partovi, Mir Taher
Comparative Study of Monopoly & Concentration
in some of the Country’s Industries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 129-154]
Pourebadolahan, Mohsen
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Pour-heidari, Omid
An Investigation on the Effect of Tax Avoidance on the Transparency of Financial Reporting Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 85-69]
Pour Heidari, Omid
Determinants of Financial Structure of Iranian Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 75-98]
Pour Heidari, Omid
A Survey of Sophisticated Capital Budgeting Techniques, Risk
and Inflation Analysis in Long Term Projects [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 37-56]
Pourkazemi, Mohammad Hossein
Ranking Branches of the Banks in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 305-348]
Pourkazemi, Mohammad Hosseyn
The Review of Efficiency in Tourism Industry By Using Non-Parametric Methods(Iran and other Region Countries) [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 281-301]
Pourkeivani, Iraj
Estimation of Outage Losses Due to Dust Phenomenon [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 131-167]
Pournaghi Keikeleh, Sahar
Quantifying Supplier Induced Demand Caused by the 2014-Health Reform Plan [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 39-65]
Pourpartovi Alanagh, Mir Taher
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Pour-Rostami, Nahid
Factors Influencing Economic Integration in East Asia During 1980-2012 Considering the Role of Japan [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 39-74]
Qasemi, Eshagh
Analysis of Russia's Asymmetric Behavior in the GECF and World Gas Market [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 135-174]
Rabiee, Mahnaz
The Relationship between Interest Rate and Exchange Rate
(Reappraisal and Expansion of Quantitative Theory of Money) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 67-96]
Raei, Reza
Validate Scoring of Legal Borrowers in Banks (Using Logit and Probit Models) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 131-145]
Raei, Reza
The Investigation of Seasonal Fluctuations Model
in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 147-170]
Rafei, Meysam
Evaluation of Fiscal Policy for Economy of Iran in a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model based on Real Business Cycles [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 33-65]
Rafiee, Sorayya
The Effect of Monetary Policies on Performance of Banks: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Approach [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 1-36]
Raf’at, Batoul
Interactive Relationship between FDI and
Trade Trend in Iran (1993-2006) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 41-58]
Raghfar, Hosein
Poverty traps in natural resource based economy: case of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 143-171]
Raghfar, Hosein
Parametric Reform of Iranian Pension System with Imperfect Labor Market: Utilizing Replacement Rate Reduction and OLG Model Approach [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 67-104]
Rahimian, Saeed
Analyzing the Credit Risk of Economic Sectors (“Industry”, “Agriculture” and “Services and Housing”) [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 103-135]
Rahimi Badr, Bita
The Evaluation of Econometric Models for
Forecasting Wheat Price [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 239-263]
Rahimi Boroujerdi, Alireza
A Theoretical & Empirical Study about the Degree of Trade Openness in Developing Countries [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 163-182]
Rahimi Rad, Sahar
Analyzing Determinants of R&D Intensity in Iranian Manufacturing Firms [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 53-90]
Rahmani Fazli, Hadi
Provincial Oil Budget Allocation based on a Stochastic Optimal Control Model [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 153-182]
Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein
Monopoly in Iranian Petrochemical Industry and its Regulatory Model through “Guarantee” Contracts [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 43-67]
Rahnama Roodposhti, Fraydoon
Studying and Assessment of Economic Value Added and Market Value Added for Assessment of Companies Economic Performance [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 157-175]
Rahzaani, Mahboubeh
The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Liquidity Risk of Banks in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 29-56]
Rajabi, Fateme
The Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on the Iranian Labor Market [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 155-196]
Rajabi, Fatemeh
Mark-up Impacton Inflationin the Iran`s Economy [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 37-60]
Rajabi, Rasoul
Estimating and Forecasting of Pride Automobile Demand in Iran: Almost Ideal Demand System Approach [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 259-289]
Rajabipour Meybodi, Alireza
Designing a Ranking Model for Stock Exchange Branches
in Iran, by Using of DEA Technique [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 309-331]
Rajabi Tanha, Masoumeh
Evaluating Provincial Inequalities in Agricultural Productivity
of Iran and Introducing a Real Reference for Inefficient
Provinces Using Data Envelopment Analysis with
Non-Convex Frontier Approach [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 171-199]
Ramezani, Abbas
Strategic Analysis of the Economic Role of the Government in Education with an Emphasis on Islamic Perspective [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 219-250]
Ramezani, Hadi
Border Effects in Iranian Trade Flow of Commodity Groups: Application of Nonlinear Specification [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 159-188]
Ramezani Ghavamabadi, Mohammadhossein
Institutional Origins of Crisis in Groundwater Resources Management in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 57-94]
Ramezanzadeh Velis, Golrooz
Shortsightedness in Petroleum Dependent Economies with Insufficient Capital [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 19-51]
Ramezanzadeh Velis, Golrooz
Institutional Innovations that Reduce Transaction Cost and Their Role in Economic Development: Iran's Experiments [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 1-32]
Rangber, Sara
Plenty of Natural Resources and the Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus: Role of Investment [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 168-218]
Ranjbar, Mansour
The Experimental Study of the Signaling Effect of the Collateral Variable on Profit and Loss Sharing Contracts [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2017, Pages 99-118]
Ranjpour, Reza
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Ranjpour, Reza
Investigating Determinants of Banking Leverage in Selected Iranian Banks [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 11-44]
Rasekhi, Saeed
Plenty of Natural Resources and the Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus: Role of Investment [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 168-218]
Rashno, Mahdi
Investigating the Accuracy of Relative Valuation Models, P/E and P/B in Prediction of Initial Public Offering Price in Tehran Stock Exchange: 2001-2006 [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 245-266]
Rasoli Mir, Meysam
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Rasolinezhad, Ehsan
Using the Combined DEA-AHP Model in Bank Branches Ranking Case Study:Saderat Bank in Tehran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 249-276]
Rasti, Mohammad
The Effect of Financial Development on Trade in Acceded Countries to the WTO: A Comparision of total Trade and Trade in Services [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 151-161]
Razban, Narges
Analyzing the Housing Market Network among Iran’s Provinces: New Evidence through Variance Decomposition of Forecast Errors [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 120-157]
Razini, Ebrahim Ali
Analyzing the Relationship Between Government Size and Unemployment Rate in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 199-218]
Razini, Ebrahim Ali
The Study of Competitiveness Based on the Real Effective Exchange Rate in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 131-179]
Razmi, Ashraf
Simulating the Effects of Personal Income Tax on Government's Tax Income and Income distribution [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 61-82]
Renani, Mohsen
Informal Sector and Loss of Tax Capability (Case Study: Kohkilouye Va Boyer Ahmad Province) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 99-130]
Renani, Mohsen
Catallaxy and Justice:
An Inquiry of the Distributive Effects of the
Intervention on the Catallaxy
(Case Study: Isfahan City) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 285-331]
Renani, Mohsen
Optimal Economic Growth (Steady State) and Public
Expenditures In Iran (A Dynamic Analysis) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 15-40]
Renani, Mohssen
Presenting an Economic Growth Pattern for Iranian
Economy: Some Institutional Aspects [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 193-215]
Rezaee, Javad
Studying the Causality between Growth of Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth(Case Study Commerce Sector) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 111-135]
Rezaee, Javad
Efficiency Evaluation of Knowledge Economics by Using
Mathematical Programming Model
(Case Study: Iran and a Few Selected Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 115-135]
Rezaee, Javad
The Review of Efficiency in Tourism Industry By Using Non-Parametric Methods(Iran and other Region Countries) [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 281-301]
Rezaee, Mehdi
The Effect of Factors Beyond the Liberalization Policy on
Foreign Investment Inflow on the Attraction of Foreign
Direct Investment in Iran’s Free Trade-Industrial Zones [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 15-40]
Rezaee, Mohammad Ghasem
Testing the Impacts of Tax Incentives
(Evidence in Enhancing Tax Competition, Investment Attraction and Increasing Economic Growth) [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 163-187]
Rezaee, Mohammad-Ghasem
Testing the Relationship between Democracy and the Ratio of Governments’ Taxes to Expenditures: A Cross- Country Survey [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 155-168]
Rezaee-Moghaddam, Nasrin
Separating Core Inflation from Temporary Components in Iran Using Kalman Filter [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 51-73]
Rezaee-Poor, Mohammad
Testing the Relationship between Democracy and the Ratio of Governments’ Taxes to Expenditures: A Cross- Country Survey [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 155-168]
Rezaee-Pour, Mohammad
Testing the Impacts of Tax Incentives
(Evidence in Enhancing Tax Competition, Investment Attraction and Increasing Economic Growth) [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 163-187]
Rezaei, Ebrahim
Looking at the Structural Factors Affecting Iran’s Non-oil Export [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 189-210]
Rezaei, Ebrahim
An Estimating of Underground Economy and Tax-Gap
in Iran!s Economy: MIMIC Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 65-90]
Rezaei, Javad
The Effect of Financial Development on Trade in Acceded Countries to the WTO: A Comparision of total Trade and Trade in Services [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 151-161]
Rezaei, Vahid
The Effect of Relative Price Changes on Income Distribution [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 1-19]
Rezaei Poor, Mohammad
Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting Tax of Legal Entities [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 115-139]
Rezaei Poor, Mohammad
The Survey of the Comparative Advantage of Iran in Production
and Export of Hand Made Carpet
(Case Study: Isfahan Province) [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 255-283]
Rezaeipour, Mohammad
Investigation of Optimal Tax Rate Determination in Iran
By Using Demand Elasticities Analysis Approach [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 219-239]
Rezagholizadeh, Mahdieh
Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Income
Distribution in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 1-29]
Rezagholizadeh, Mahdieh
The Impact of Oil Price Uncertainty on Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Iran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 157-192]
Rezaie, Ebrahim
The Effects of Interest Rate Fluctuations
on Iran’s Economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 197-217]
Rezaie, Ebrahim
The Empirical Investigation of Rotterdam Demand System By Using Consumption Expenditures Data of Urban Households in West Azerbaijan Province [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 117-155]
Rezazadeh, Ali
The Asymmetric Effects of Fluctuations in the Value of U.S. Dollar and Euro on Output and Price Level in Iran: A Markov Switching Approach [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 117-140]
Riahi, Khadijeh
Determinant Factors in Disinflation Costs of Developing Countries [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 1-24]
Roshan Ghiyas, Mahdi
The effect of terms of trade and its volatility on economic growth in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 183-200]
Rostami, Nasrin
The Non-Symmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Real Output and Price in Iran (1961-2002) [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 177-196]
Rostami, Nasrin
Impact of Competitiveness on Economic Growth: Case Study of WEF Countries [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 153-185]
Rostami, Saeid
The Impact of Energy Security on the Economic Growth [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 139-169]
Rostamiaan, Ali
Subjectivism, Interactivity and Creative Action in Austrian Economics [Volume 17, Issue 64, 2017, Pages 1-32]
Rouhani, Shadi
Investigating the Innovation Effect on Total Factor Productivity Promotion: A Case Study Selected Developing Countries With Medium Income [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 175-212]
Saadi, Mohammadreza
The effects of economic integration through international trade on business cycles(The case of Eco’s Members) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 49-69]
Saadi, Mohammadreza
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Saadi, Mohammad Reza
Looking at the Structural Factors Affecting Iran’s Non-oil Export [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 189-210]
Sabahi, Ahmad
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a Method
for Output Capacity Estimation
The Case Study: Insurance Industry [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 205-238]
Sabbagh Kermani, Majid
Determinants of House Price Using Causality
Relations Approach in Vector Error Correction Model:
Case Study Tehran [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 267-293]
Sabbagh Poorfard, Mina
The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth
of Iran Through the Channel of Financial Markets [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 171-188]
Sabzalizad Honarvar, Sonia
Evaluation of RAS and Generalized RAS in Updating Positive and Negative Cells of Input-Output Tables [Volume 15, Issue 56, 2015, Pages 135-160]
Sabzi, Kiomars
Estimation of Supply of Foreign Direct Investment in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 161-204]
Sabzi Khoshnami, Hassan
Nonlinear Effect of Financial Development on Income Inequality in Iran; Comparison of Banking Sector and Stock Market [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2021, Pages 147-163]
Sabzrou, Mahboube
Testing the Relationship between Democracy and the Ratio of Governments’ Taxes to Expenditures: A Cross- Country Survey [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 155-168]
Sabzrou, Mahboubeh
Testing the Impacts of Tax Incentives
(Evidence in Enhancing Tax Competition, Investment Attraction and Increasing Economic Growth) [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 163-187]
Sadat Hosseini, Saeide
The impact of Trade with China on Industrial
Employment in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 105-136]
Sadat Zafaranchi, Leila
Estimation of Couple Labor Supply in the Household Based on Unitary Model [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 1-34]
Sadeghi, Hossein
The Impact of Tariff Cuts of Importing Goods on the
Employment Level and Income Distribution
between Rural and Urban Households [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 89-111]
Sadeghi, Mina
Border Effects in Iranian Trade Flow of Commodity Groups: Application of Nonlinear Specification [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2016, Pages 159-188]
Sadeghi, Zeinolabedin
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Sadeghi Batani, Mohsen
The Investigation of Maximum and Minimum Stock Price’s Effects as Reference Point on Volume in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 129-142]
Sadeghi Shahdani, Mahdi
Modeling the Relationship between Exchange Rate and other Macroeconomic Variables: Case Study of Iran (BVAR Approach with SSVS Prior) [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 1-48]
Sadeghi Shahdani, Mahdi
The Assessment of Inflationary Impacts of Energy
Carriers Subsidy Phase-out in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 91-119]
Sadeghi Shahdani, Mehdi
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth and Income Distribution in Provinces of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 97-122]
Sadeghi soghdel, Hosein
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Sadeghzadeh, Mohammad Amin
Asymmetric Effectiveness of Monetary Shocks During Oil Revenue Cycles: Case of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 63-103]
Sadeghzadeh Yazdi, Ali
Studying Income Distribution and Money Demand Relationship in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 75-99]
Sadi, Mohamad Reza
An Investigation of Factors and Policies Affecting Labor Force Employment in Iranian Economy [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 177-198]
Saeedi, Ali
To Survey the major barriers to Foreign Investment in Iran from Investor's viewpoint [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 181-200]
Saeedi, Reza
Economic Complexity and Fossil Energy Consumption: An Empirical Analysis for Iranian Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 155-188]
Saei, Mahdiyeh
The Effect of Climate Changes on Exports and Imports and the Welfare of Urban and Rural Consumers in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 79-109]
Safarzadeh, Esmaeel
Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points in Real Time:
Case of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 65-89]
Safavi, Bijan
An Analysis for Creation of a Trade Block between Selected Middle-East Countries
(An Application of Economic Convergence) [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 175-196]
Safavi, Bizhan
Estimating and Forecasting of Pride Automobile Demand in Iran: Almost Ideal Demand System Approach [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 259-289]
Sagheb, Hassan
A Survey on the Grounds of Iran-Turkey Trade Cooperation
for Reaching a Bilateral Preferential Trade Agreement [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 97-117]
Sahabi, Bahram
The study of Factors Affecting the Export of Services
Case study: Export of Technical and Engineering Services [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 1-20]
Sahabi, Bahram
An Analysis for Creation of a Trade Block between Selected Middle-East Countries
(An Application of Economic Convergence) [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 175-196]
Sahabi, Bahram
Speculation Effects on Inflation in Iran Economy: TVP-FAVAR Model [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 193-228]
Sahabi, Bahram
Analyzing the Effects of Power Plant Fuel Price Reform on Iran Electricity Market by Using Agent-Based Simulation [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 81-114]
Sahabi, Bahram
Estimation of Health Costs of Electricity Production in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 23-52]
Sahabi, Bahram
Examining the Equity Premium Puzzle in Iran: A Practical Approach Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 23, Issue 90, 2023, Pages 175-217]
Saheb-Honar, Hamed
Modeling the Relationship between Exchange Rate and other Macroeconomic Variables: Case Study of Iran (BVAR Approach with SSVS Prior) [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 1-48]
Sajadi, Seyyed Hossein
The Prediction of the Firms’ Bankruptcy
By Using Logit Model [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 171-189]
Sajadi, Seyyed Jafar
Relative Measuring of Similar Companies on the Bases of
Financial Performance by Using DEA Method [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 227-251]
Sakhdari, Kamal
Radical Subjectivism as the Epistemological Foundation of Novel Entrepreneurial Action [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 223-251]
Salami, Amir Behdad
Simulation of Stock Market by Concerning Structural
Characteristics of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 167-203]
Salatin, Parvaneh
A Survey on the Share of Terms of Trade Changes on the
Exchange Rate Uncertainty in Iran's Economy [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 15-50]
Salehabadi, Ali
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Salehiyan Salehi Nejad, Zahra
Investigation and Analysis of Iran’s Trade Balance Reaction to Exchange Rate Changes: A Time Varying Parameter Approach [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 67-99]
Salem, Ali Asghar
Estimation of Cost Efficiency to Evaluate Islamic Banks’ Ability to Compete with Conventional Bank [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 141-164]
Salem, Ali Asghar
The Effect of the Change in the Price of Gasoline on the Household's Welfare with Different Levels of Income [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 15-48]
Salem, Ali Asghar
The Effects of Knowledge-Based Economy on Economic Growth [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 187-218]
Salem, Ali Asghar
Identifying Effective Factors on Foreign Tourism Demand [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 275-306]
Salem, Ali Asghar
Comparative Study of “Equivalence Scale” for Iranian Urban Households; Before and after Implementation of Targeted Subsidies Plan [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 1-22]
Salem, Ali Asghar
The Effect of Socio-Economic Variables on Bread Demand Using AIDS Model [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 81-110]
Salem, Ali Asghar
Nonlinear Effects of Transportation Infrastructure on Industrial Energy Efficiency in Iranian Provinces [Volume 22, Issue 85, 2022, Pages 119-153]
Salem, Ali Asghar
The Socio-Economic Determinants of ICT Expenditures in Iranian Urban Households Using Heckman's Two-Stage Method [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 83-120]
Salem, Ali Asqhar
The Impact of ICT on Sen's Social Welfare Index on Iranian Provinces [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 121-154]
Salem, Behnam
The Impacts of the Trade Liberalization on Trade of Iran’s
Industrial Commodities [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 15-27]
Salimi, Fereydoun
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Salimi, Hosein
Transition from an International Economy to a Global Economy [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 163-195]
Salimian, Abass
The Effects of Import of Automobile on the Productivity
(Case: Iran Khodro Co.) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 333-363]
Salimifar, Mostafa
A Study on the status of poverty in urban areas of Kerman province in comparison with the whole country [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 213-238]
Salimifar, Mostafa
Measuring Industrial and Regional Development of Razavi,
Southern and Northern Khorasan Provinces [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 175-196]
Salmani, Behzad
Banking Crisis Dates and Output Losses Following Crises [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2021, Pages 129-161]
Samadi, Ali Hussein
Reexamining the Relationship between Government Revenues and Expenditures in Iran: Symmetric or Asymmetric? [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 123-152]
Samadi, Ali Hussein
Presenting an Economic Growth Pattern for Iranian
Economy: Some Institutional Aspects [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 193-215]
Samadi, Ali Hussein
Trade Deficit in Iran’s Economy: Public or Private Sector? [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 77-102]
Samadi, Ali Hussein
The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Income Inequality under Resistance Economy: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach (Case Study of Iran) [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2019, Pages 39-80]
Samadi, Homa
Developing a new approach to rank companies of Tehran stock exchange by fuzzy data envelopment analysis [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 65-84]
Samadi, Saeed
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Samadi, Saeed
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Samadi, Saeed
The Role of Government in the Iranian Stock
Market in the Framework of Optimal Control Theory [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 285-308]
Samadi, Saeid
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Samadian, Farzaneh
The Effect of Institutional Quality on the Mechanisms of Turning Oil Blessing into a Curse (A Case-Study on Iran) [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 17-62]
Samadian, Farzaneh
Oil Revenues, Institutions and Employment Capacities: Case Study of OPEC Member Countries [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 51-80]
Sameti, Majid
Macroeconomic Instability and Commercial Bank Lending
(Case Study: Iran 1974-2009) [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 121-145]
Sameti, Majid
Determinants of Tax Revenue and Estimation of Tax Effort Trend in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 203-239]
Sameti, Morteza
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Economic Freedom
Effect on Transaction Cost in the Selected
Case Study: OECD Countries [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2010, Pages 95-113]
Sameti, Morteza
Impact of Financial and Monetary Development and Public
Expenditures on Iran’s National Income
(An Econometric Study) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 15-35]
Sameti, Morteza
Optimal Economic Growth (Steady State) and Public
Expenditures In Iran (A Dynamic Analysis) [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 15-40]
Samsami, Hosein
The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Firms' TFP (With an Emphasis on Tariff Rate) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 147-173]
Samsami, Hosein
Optimal Monetary Policy and Estimating the Credibility of Monetary Policy in Iran using the DSGE Approach [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 5-53]
Sanoubar, Naser
Study of Correlation between Volatility of Stock, Exchange and Gold Coin Markets in Iran with
DCC-GARCH Model [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 147-123]
Saranj, Alireza
The Study of Relationship Between cross-sectional Return and Liquidity in Tehran Sock [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 167-184]
Sarem, Mehdi
Simulating Social Security Flow of Funds Based on an Overlapping Generation Model [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 1-61]
Sarigol, Sara
Institutions and Income Equality
(Case Study: Selected Non-Aligned Movement Countries) [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 155-179]
Sarkhosh-Sara, Ali
Analyzing the Impact of Fundamental Factors and Institutional Variables on Exports of Emerging Countries (2000- 2015): Lessons for Iranian Economy [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 29-65]
Sarlak, Ahmad
The Effects of Financial Development on Relative Poverty in Iran: Evidence from the Smoothing Transmission Regression Model (STR) [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 129-162]
Sattarifar, Mohammad
The Effect of Internet Use on Labor Productivity in [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 75-98]
Savabi Asl, Farhad
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Sayadi, Mohammad
Stochastic Shocks and Oil Revenue Management in Iran; A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 33-80]
Sayehmiri, Ali
Measuring and Comparing the Productivity Among Private
and Corporate Sectors
(Case Study: Ilam Province) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 241-256]
Sayehmiri, Korosh
Measuring and Comparing the Productivity Among Private
and Corporate Sectors
(Case Study: Ilam Province) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 241-256]
Sehati, Elham
The Impact of Macro Economic uncertainty On Bank Lending Behavior (The Case Of Iran) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 1-21]
Seyed Khosroshahi, Amirreza
Social Security Payments and Decision about Timing of Retirement: An Economic Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 217-244]
Seyed Nourani, Seyed Mohammadreza
An Examination of Housing Bubble and Speculation in Urban Areas of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 68-49]
Seyed Nourani, Seyed Mohammadreza
Measuring and Evaluating Productivity Indicators of Selected Banks in Iran(With an Emphasis on Efficiency and Effectiveness) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 185-207]
Sezavar, Mohammad Reza
The Effects of Oil Prices on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 197-216]
Shabahang, Reza
Designing Portfolio Management System for Banking Loans By Using Data Mining Technology [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 207-235]
Shadabfar, Elham
The Impact of Education Level on Home Ownership: Intertemporal Comparison [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 181-205]
Shadabfar, Elham
Construction of MultiRegional Input-Output Table with CHARM Method [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2021, Pages 225-260]
Shadkar, Mohamad saeed
Optimization of Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts: A Principal-Agent Model [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 187-222]
Shaeri, Zeinab
Analysis of Financial Markets Depth on Effeciency of Banking Industry (Iran in Campration of MENA Countries) [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 173-200]
Shafiee, Afsaneh
Testing the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policies on Economic Growth [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 81-112]
Shafiei, Saeid
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Shaghaghi Shahri, Vahid
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Shahabadi, Abolfazl
Institutions and Income Equality
(Case Study: Selected Non-Aligned Movement Countries) [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 155-179]
Shah Abadi, Abolfazl
An Assessment of the Effects of Government Activity and Policy on Nonoil Economic Rate of Growth in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 181-211]
Shahbazi, Habib
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 67-86]
Shahbazi, Habib
Application of Different Scenarios of Risk-Taking and Economies of Scale in Primary Education on Human Capital Development and Economic Growth [Volume 19, Issue 72, 2019, Pages 205-236]
Shahchera, Mahshid
Investigating the Simultaneous Implementation of the Regulatory Capital and Liquidity Requirements in Iranian Banks [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 45-77]
Shahhoseini, Somayeh
Assessment of Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Monetary Transmission Channel in Iran; Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 1-49]
Shahhosseini, Somayeh
The Study on the Effect of Changes of Oil Revenues on Real Exchange Rate
(in Iran’s Economy) [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 103-130]
Shahhosseini, Somayeh
Survey on Scale, Composition and Technical Effects of International Trade Pattern on Carbon Emission; Case Study of Selected Developing Oil-Exporting Countries [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2017, Pages 143-176]
Shahhosseini, Somayeh
The Impact of Firm- and Industry-Level Characteristics on Export Intensity of Iranian Manufacturing Firms: Dynamic Panel-Data Approach (GMM) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 127-154]
Shahhosseini, Somayeh
Comparative Analysis of Statistical Errors Between Second and Third Types of Input-Output Tables and Their Correlation with Value-Added in Gross Exports [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 77-108]
Shahidi, Sogol
Organizing Informal Street Businesses for Food Tourism Development: A Pathway to Urban Economic Sustainability (Case Study of Tehran) [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 218-252]
Shahiki Tash, Mohammad Nabi
Assesment of Factors Affecting Technical Inefficiency of Manufacturing Industries in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 47-27]
Shahiki Tash, Mohammad Nabi
The Connection between Systematic Risk and Corporate Income Tax (A case study of the Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 101-132]
Shahiki Tash, Mohammad Nabi
Investigating the Effective Factors on the Extent of
Barriers to Entry in Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 75-100]
Shahiki Tash, Mohammad Nabi
Impact of Supportive Policies on Price Deviation in Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 11-45]
Shahiki Tash, Mohammad Nabi
Investigating the Asymmetric Effects of Economic Factors on the Level of Bank Facilities [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 109-156]
Shahmoradi, Asghar
A Study on Nonlinear Relationship between Inflation and Economic Growth in Iran
A Markov Switching Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 51-70]
Shahmoradi, Asghar
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 299-327]
Shahnazi, Rouhollah
Effects of Doing Business on Economic Growth (Case Study: Selected Countries) [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 161-185]
Shahnazi, Rouhollah
A Study of Fundamental and Indices
of Knowledge Based Economy
(Comparing Iran with Three Groups Candidate Countries) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 143-175]
Shahrestni, Hamid
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 207-229]
Shahrestni, Hamid
The Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
for the Business Cycle of IRAN [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 43-66]
Shahriar, Behnam
The Calculation of Optimal Reinsurance Retention
By Value at Risk Approach [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 223-243]
Shahsavar, Mohammad Reza
The Survey of Poverty Status in the Rural
and Urban Areas in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 233-264]
Shahveisi, Homeyra
Investigating the Effect of Natural Resources Rents and Institutional Quality on Financial Development in Developing Countries [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 141-168]
Shajari, Hoshang
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Shakeibaei, Ali Reza
Risk spillover effect of US dollar exchange rate on oil prices [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 99-121]
Shaker, Abbas i
The Effects of Government Expenditure, Liquidity and Market Structure on Financial Development of Stock Market [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 109-142]
Shakeri, Abass
Welfare Effects of Economic Sanctions :The Case of Iran [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 11-38]
Shakeri, Abbas
A Study on the Occurrence of the Dutch Disease in Iranian Economy and Its Impact on Economic Growth [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 63-86]
Shakeri, Abbas
Introducing and Testing a New Model to Explain
the Size of Government [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 117-150]
Shakeri, Abbas
cooperation among natural gas exporting of Caspian sea
countries to export gas to Europe with respect to
environmental requirements in a game theoretic
framework [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2015, Pages 1-40]
Shakeri, Abbas
Mark-up Impacton Inflationin the Iran`s Economy [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 37-60]
Shakeri, Abbas
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 83-103]
Shakeri, Abbas
Income Distribution Evolution in Twentieth Century
(Departure from Functional to Personal Distribution Theories) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 57-88]
Shakeri, Abbas
Economic Policy Making of Development Plans in the Framework of an Optimal Control Model [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 15-46]
Shakeri, Abbas
. [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2006, Pages 95-129]
Shakeri, Abbas
The Interaction between Non-Performing Loans and Macroeconomic Conditions:A Panel Vector Autoregressive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 183-220]
Shakeri, Abbas
Stochastic Shocks and Oil Revenue Management in Iran; A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2016, Pages 33-80]
Shakeri, Abbas
Analyzing the Growth of Land and Housing Prices and their Relationship with Some Macroeconomic Variables in Iran [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 7-38]
Shakibaei, Alireza
The Impact of Urbanization on the Convergence Rate of the Income Distribution in Selected Provinces of Iran (Spatial Econometric Approach) [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2015, Pages 109-140]
Shararkhah, Mohammad Hossein
The Asymmetric Effects of Fluctuations in the Value of U.S. Dollar and Euro on Output and Price Level in Iran: A Markov Switching Approach [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 117-140]
Sharif, Mostafa
Granger Causality between Consumption, Intermediate and Capital Good Imports and Inflation in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 60, 2016, Pages 221-248]
Sharifi, Alimorad
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Sharifi, Alimorad
The Assessment of Inflationary Impacts of Energy
Carriers Subsidy Phase-out in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 91-119]
SharifiShifteh, Mojtaba
Bilateral Trade Creation Caused by D8 Formation among its Member Countries: The Difference-in-Differences Approach [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 191-221]
Shayegani, Bita
The Survey on the Synchronized Business Cycles
of the OPEC Member Countries [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 153-180]
Sherkat, Afsaneh
Comparative Analysis of Statistical Errors Between Second and Third Types of Input-Output Tables and Their Correlation with Value-Added in Gross Exports [Volume 22, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 77-108]
Sheykhi, Khaled
A Study on the Capability of Financial Ratios in Predicting the Insolvency of Accepted Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 169-190]
Shirijian, Mohammad
Structural and Comparative Analysis of Optimal Levels of Investment and Oil Production in Upstream Contracts of Buy Back, Production Sharing & Iran Petroleum Contract [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 111-158]
Shirinbakhsh, Shamsollah
The Automatic Stabilization Effect of Fiscal Policy on Business Cycle in Selected OPEC Member Countries [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2013, Pages 21-50]
Shirin Bakhsh, Shamsolah
Survey of Fiscal sustainability in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 27-54]
Shirmehenji, Mohammad Bagher
The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis Approach [Volume 22, Issue 86, 2022, Pages 37-82]
Shirzadi, Saeed
The Investigation of Seasonal Fluctuations Model
in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 147-170]
Shiva, Reza
Monopoly in Iranian Petrochemical Industry and its Regulatory Model through “Guarantee” Contracts [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 43-67]
Shivaii, Elham
Assesment of Factors Affecting Technical Inefficiency of Manufacturing Industries in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 47-27]
Shiveh, Hiva
The Estimation of Petrol's Demand Function in Iran During 1968-2002 [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 205-228]
Shojaeddin, Roghaye
Determinants of Tax Revenue and Estimation of Tax Effort Trend in Iran [Volume 23, Issue 88, 2023, Pages 203-239]
Shokouei Donighi, Raana
The Effect of Central Bank Transparency on Macroeconomic Stability in Emerging Economies [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 103-138]
Shokravi, Somayeh
Measuring Financial Development Index and Analyzing Its Time-Varying Effects on Economic Growth: An Application of TVP-FAVAR Model [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2018, Pages 315-341]
Shokri, Farshad
Looking at the Structural Factors Affecting Iran’s Non-oil Export [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2014, Pages 189-210]
Siami, Alireza
Studying the Elasticities of Nutrients in a Perfect
Food System by Using Survey Data [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 281-307]
Sobhani, Hasan
A Reflection on the Origin of Bitcoin Value from the Viewpoint of Allameh Tabataba'i (RA) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 245-263]
Sobhaniani, Mohammad Hadi
Asymmetric Effects of Oil Income Growth on Inflation in Iran: VECM Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2012, Pages 201-226]
Soheili, Habib
The Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on the Iranian Labor Market [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 155-196]
Solaymani, Saeed
A Survey of Iran’s Trade Pattern with an Emphasis
on Intra Industry and Inter Industry Trade [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2008, Pages 125-152]
Soleimani, Farkhondeh
Impact of Supportive Policies on Price Deviation in Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 21, Issue 80, 2021, Pages 11-45]
Soleimanzadeh, Ramineh
An Analysis of the Relation between Semiotics and Development within the Framework of Institutionalism [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2020, Pages 136-189]
Soleymani, Azam
Evaluation of Financial Soundness of Companies Listed
in Tehran Stock Exchange and Proposing an Appropriate
Model for this Evaluation [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 253-279]
Soleymani Amiri, Gholamreza
Obstacles and Factors Affecting Optimal Implementation of Value-Added Tax Act
(Case Study of Zanjan Province, Iran) [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2020, Pages 223-255]
Solgi, Sedige
Analysis of Relationship between Per Capita Income Growth, Household Debt and Income Inequality (Case Study: Iranian Provinces) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 107-132]
Soori, Ali
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Soori, Amir Reza
An Analysis of the Effective Factors on the Iran’s Trade Convergence with the Selected Regional Blocks
(Application of a Gravity Model) [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2014, Pages 37-63]
Soori, Amir Reza
Analyzing the Relationship Between Government Size and Unemployment Rate in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 199-218]
Soori, Amir Reza
Measuring the Efficiency of Post Banks in Iran’s Provinces
and Effecting Factors on it [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 125-151]
Soori, Amir Reza
The Estimation of Consumption Function
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 15-39]
Soori, Amir Reza
The Estimation of Efficiency and Its Effecting Factors in Iran's Banks [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 127-155]
Sorkhe-Dehi, Fatemeh
Asymmetric Effects of Oil Shocks on Government Expenditures and Investment: An Application of Murk Rule [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 123-141]
Soroush, Aboozar
Validate Scoring of Legal Borrowers in Banks (Using Logit and Probit Models) [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2012, Pages 131-145]
Tabandeh, Razieh
Trade Deficit in Iran’s Economy: Public or Private Sector? [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2007, Pages 77-102]
Tabasi, Hamed
Investigating Stock Market Crashes Using Cusp Model: A Study on Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 157-182]
Tabatabaei Mozdabadi, Seyyed Mohsen
Organizing Informal Street Businesses for Food Tourism Development: A Pathway to Urban Economic Sustainability (Case Study of Tehran) [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 218-252]
Tabrizian, Bita
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 175-203]
Tafazzoli, Fereydoon
Periods of Social Protest and Riot along with Great
Social Changes and Theoretical Contributions in
History of Economic Thought (1850- 1920) [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 15-48]
Taghavi, Mahdi
Testing the Gravity Model in Iran and Some Oil
Exporting Countries [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 187-212]
Taghavi, Mahdi
The Effect of Investment Infrastructures
on Iran’s Economic Growth [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 15-42]
Taghavi, Mahdi
A Survey on the Share of Terms of Trade Changes on the
Exchange Rate Uncertainty in Iran's Economy [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2008, Pages 15-50]
Taghavi, Mahdi
Evaluating the effects of utilizing PTA for Expansion of
Foreign Trade Through the SMART Model
(Case of Iran, Turkey and Pakistan ) [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2008, Pages 181-204]
Taghavi, Mehdi
The Effect of Factors Beyond the Liberalization Policy on
Foreign Investment Inflow on the Attraction of Foreign
Direct Investment in Iran’s Free Trade-Industrial Zones [Volume 10, Issue 36, 2010, Pages 15-40]
Taghavi, Mehdi
Factors Effecting the Growth of Tourism
Industry in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 157-172]
Taghavi, Mehdi
Measuring and Comparing the Productivity Among Private
and Corporate Sectors
(Case Study: Ilam Province) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2009, Pages 241-256]
Taghavi, Mehdi
The Impact of Economic Growth on Ownership and Financial Structures of Companies Active in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2007, Pages 197-235]
Taghavi, Mehdi
The Effect of Human Capital on Economic Growth:Case of IRAN [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2006, Pages 15-43]
Taghavi, Mehdi
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Taghizadeh Mehrjardi, Rohollah
Comparison of Neuro-Fuzzy, Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Regression for Prediction energy consumption in the country [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 43-64]
Tahari Mehrjardi, Mohamad Hosein
Comparison of Neuro-Fuzzy, Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Regression for Prediction energy consumption in the country [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2012, Pages 43-64]
Taheri, Farzaneh
An Investigation about the Impact of Government Support
Policy on Cropping Area and Wheat Production
in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 289-307]
Taheri Fard, Ali
Modeling the Relationship between Exchange Rate and other Macroeconomic Variables: Case Study of Iran (BVAR Approach with SSVS Prior) [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2013, Pages 1-48]
Taheri Fard, Ali
Structural and Comparative Analysis of Optimal Levels of Investment and Oil Production in Upstream Contracts of Buy Back, Production Sharing & Iran Petroleum Contract [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2015, Pages 111-158]
Taherpoor, Javad
Assesment of Factors Affecting Technical Inefficiency of Manufacturing Industries in Iran [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2014, Pages 47-27]
Taherpoor, Javad
A Study on the Occurrence of the Dutch Disease in Iranian Economy and Its Impact on Economic Growth [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2013, Pages 63-86]
Taherpoor, Javad
Simulating Social Security Flow of Funds Based on an Overlapping Generation Model [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2020, Pages 1-61]
Taherpoor, Javad
The Effects of Coronavirus Pandemic on the Iranian Labor Market [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2021, Pages 155-196]
Tahmasebi Boldaji, Farhad
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Trade in Iran
An Application of Gravity Model [Volume 13, Issue 48, 2013, Pages 109-119]
Taiebnia, Ali
. [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2011, Pages 175-206]
Taiebnia, Ali
. [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2010, Pages 39-65]
Taiebnia, Ali
The Role of Oil Price Shocks in Business Cycles in Iran's Economy [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2007, Pages 49-80]
Taiee, Hassan
The Analysis of Labor Market From
Knowledge Economy Approach [Volume 8, Issue 28, 2008, Pages 73-97]
Taklif, Atefeh
Comparative Analysis of Strategies for Energy Intensity Reduction in Iran (Dynamic System of Energy Price-Energy Supply-Economic Growth Approach) [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2019, Pages 1-45]
Tak Roosta, Ali
The Effect of a Preferential Trade Agreement between Iran and Turkey on Trade Cycles and Tariff Revenues of Iran:An Analysis Employing SMART Model [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2007, Pages 157-185]
Taleblo, Reza
The Connection between Systematic Risk and Corporate Income Tax (A case study of the Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2014, Pages 101-132]
Talebloo, Reza
Deposit Insurance Pricing in Iranian Banks
(Case Study of Persian, Kar Afarin and Eqtesad Novin Banks) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 75-98]
Talebloo, Reza
Testing for Asset Pricing Model based on Sentiment Indexes: SAPM Model [Volume 22, Issue 84, 2022, Pages 67-101]
Taleblou, Reza
Analysis of Spatial Diffusion of Housing Price Changes in Iranian Provinces; Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2017, Pages 55-95]
Taleblou, Reza
Estimation of Optimal Investment Portfolio Using Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) Models: GARCH-EVT-Copula Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 91-125]
Taleblou, Reza
Estimating Firm and Industry-Specific Uncertainty and Their Impacts on Capital Structure: Applying Stochastic Volatility (SV) Model and Multilevel Panel Analysis [Volume 23, Issue 89, 2023, Pages 58-89]
Taleblou, Reza
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Analysis of the Role of Subsidized Government Spending on Economic Well-Being in Iran: Application of Symmetric and Asymmetric Approach [Volume 23, Issue 91, 2023, Pages 5-51]
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Investigating the Relationship between Fluctuations of Construction Sector Value-Added and Iranian Economy [Volume 20, Issue 76, 2020, Pages 129-151]
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