Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master’s student of tourism marketing management, faculty of management and accounting, Allameh Tabatabai university, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD in Tourism Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD in Educational Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran Member of the affiliated academic faculty of South Tehran Islamic Azad University, assistant professorAbstract



The present study aims to investigate the role of organizing informal street businesses in the development of food tourism. The statistical population of the research included tourists and street food visitors from the tourist destination of Tehran, and the number of samples was calculated based on the sample size calculation formula for an unlimited statistical population of 384 people, who were selected based on the available non-random sampling method. The data collection tool in this study is a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The data collection tool in this study is a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. Data analysis was done using path analysis and PLS software, and the effect of personal and collective organization of informal jobs on tourists' satisfaction with food services was investigated. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between personal organization of informal jobs and satisfaction with food services (factor loading = 0.582, t-statistic = 7.0532). Also, there is a positive and significant relationship between the personal organization of informal jobs and satisfaction with food services (factor loading = 0.486, t statistic = 9.1246) and between the collective organization of informal jobs and satisfaction with food services (factor loading = 0.181, t statistic = 2.6051 ) was also observed. These findings can help tourism planners and managers to improve the quality of services according to the needs and expectations of tourists and, as a result, improve the overall experience of tourists in Tehran and 30 Tir Street.


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