Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Economics, Applied Economics, Economic Research Institute, Allameh Tabataba`i University, Tehran, Iran


In the rational choice model, the individual decides to use drugs after calculating their cost-benefit. However, since using drugs involves economic and health costs, public policies are being implemented by adolescents to prevent the experience and consumption of these drugs. As at present, these policies are primarily based on tax increases, consumption restrictions or warning advertisements about the dangers associated by using these substances. In other words, the purpose of these policies is to increase the costs imposed on the consumer, and the pleasure of consumption. However, today these policies are trying to reverse the rising trend in using drugs among adolescents. In this article, we emphasize the importance of pleasure from using drugs, and in particular the expected pleasure and real pleasure at first use. To this end, we use a theoretical framework for adolescent drug experience to define new ways to adopt public policies related to the primary prevention of using drugs. In particular, we identify, evaluate, and promote alternative activities for drug use: sports and creative activities, entertainment, and more.


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