Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


 Debt management, as one of the important aspects of fiscal policy in countries around the world, is constantly considered by policymakers. As public debt can have a positive impact on economic growth and can pose a threat to the financial and debt crisis, it must be managed properly and through appropriate rules. In this study, while examining the methods of debt sensitivity and stability analysis, Iran's experience in debt management in the first to sixth development programs after the Islamic Revolution (1979) has been studied and with attention to Iran's debt conditions on the eve of the seventh development plan, this paper proposes appropriate policies for effective debt management and control.
We find that Iran, in the Seventh Development Plan, can amend and extend the debt-based rule in paragraph "t" of Article 8 of the Sixth Development Plan, which is presented in this article. It is also necessary for the government to submit a table of indicators related to government debt (share of short-term debt, changes in short-term debt, net government debt) to the Parliament as it has been added as a new note to this article.


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