Abdi, Maede
Analysis of Relationship between Per Capita Income Growth, Household Debt and Income Inequality (Case Study: Iranian Provinces) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 107-132]
Afsari, Ali
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Ahmadi, Akbar
An Appraisal of Integration in Iran's Petrochemical Products Sales: A Quantum Game Analysis [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 1-41]
Ahmadi, Farid
A Hybrid Model for Appraising and Forecasting Loan Repayments (Case Study: Karafarini Omid Fund) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 185-223]
Alizadeh, Parisa
Requirements to Achieve a Knowledge-Based Economy at Macro Level: Analysis of Legal Framework in Iran and Some Policy Recommendations [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 99-152]
Amoli, Zahra
The Impact of Firm- and Industry-Level Characteristics on Export Intensity of Iranian Manufacturing Firms: Dynamic Panel-Data Approach (GMM) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 127-154]
Asadi, Mohammadbagher
Estimation of Health Costs of Electricity Production in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 23-52]
Asali, Mehdi
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Asgarimehr, Masoud
Electronic Business Development Strategies in the Context of Facilitating and Improving Business Environment [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 253-290]
Asghari, Farzad
A Hybrid Model for Appraising and Forecasting Loan Repayments (Case Study: Karafarini Omid Fund) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 185-223]
Babaie, Majid
Determinants of Inflation Forecast: A Dynamic Model Averaging Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 261-311]
Barkhordari, sajjad
Analysis of Relationship between Per Capita Income Growth, Household Debt and Income Inequality (Case Study: Iranian Provinces) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 107-132]
Chavosh, Seyedeh Fatemeh i
The Effects of E-Commerce on Employment and Productivity in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 153-185]
Daneshmand, Arian
The Effect of Internet Use on Labor Productivity in [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 75-98]
Darougar, Liela
Effects of Information Technology on Production Chain in Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 1-44]
Ebadi, Ali
Monopoly in Iranian Petrochemical Industry and its Regulatory Model through “Guarantee” Contracts [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 43-67]
Emadzadeh, Mostafa
Comparative Study of the Efficiency and Compensatory Effect of the Economic Openness on Government size in OIC Members [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 151-184]
Emami, Karim
Is it Necessary for Iran to Increase the Share of ICT Sector in GDP? [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 45-74]
Faghihi, Mahdi
Requirements to Achieve a Knowledge-Based Economy at Macro Level: Analysis of Legal Framework in Iran and Some Policy Recommendations [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 99-152]
Fatahi, Shahram
Relationship between Life and Non-Life Insurance and Globalization: Study of Group D8 Countries Using Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Test [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 163-191]
The Impact of Trade Openness on Manufacturing Sector Growth in WTO NACs: Dynamic Panel Data Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 69-105]
Ghandehary Alavijeh, Zahra
Comparative Study of the Efficiency and Compensatory Effect of the Economic Openness on Government size in OIC Members [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 151-184]
Ghasemi, Mohammad
Requirements to Achieve a Knowledge-Based Economy at Macro Level: Analysis of Legal Framework in Iran and Some Policy Recommendations [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 99-152]
Ghavidel, Saleh
The Effects of E-Commerce on Employment and Productivity in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 153-185]
Golkhandan, Abolghasem
Relationship between Life and Non-Life Insurance and Globalization: Study of Group D8 Countries Using Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Test [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 163-191]
Hedayati, Mohammadreza
Designing the Evolutionary Model of Iran's Transition to Digital Economy [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 219-251]
Heydari, Hassan
Analyzing Determinants of R&D Intensity in Iranian Manufacturing Firms [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 53-90]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
A Study of Labor Force Productivity Fluctuations in Business Cycles of Iran [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 125-150]
Khalili, Maryam
The Impact of Firm- and Industry-Level Characteristics on Export Intensity of Iranian Manufacturing Firms: Dynamic Panel-Data Approach (GMM) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 127-154]
Khandoozi, Seyyed Ehsan
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Khatami Firouzabadi, Seyed Mohammad Ali
Electronic Business Development Strategies in the Context of Facilitating and Improving Business Environment [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 253-290]
Khiabani, Naser
The Interaction of Housing Price and Credit: Some Evidence from Iran [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 21-52]
Khochiani, Ramin
Revisiting the Relationship between Inflation and Output Gap in Iranian Economy Using Wavelet Transform Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 307-334]
Khorsandi, Morteza
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Lajevardi, rozita
Rationality and Chaos in Planning: An Emphasis on Goulet's Theory of Rationality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 193-225]
Mamipour, Siab
Study of Gold, Stocks and Foreign Currency as Hedges against Inflation on Different Time Horizons in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 313-337]
Mogaddasi, Elham
Study of Gold, Stocks and Foreign Currency as Hedges against Inflation on Different Time Horizons in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 313-337]
Mohammadzadeh, Parviz
A Study of Per Capita Income Inequality Dynamics in Iranian Provinces Using Spatial Markov Chain [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 89-123]
Mojahedi Moakhar, Mohammad Mahdi
The Effect of Redistributive Policies on Saving and Capital Accumulation: An Overlapping Generations Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 155-184]
Momeni, Farshad
Rationality and Chaos in Planning: An Emphasis on Goulet's Theory of Rationality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 193-225]
Moradi, Mohammad Ali
Designing the Evolutionary Model of Iran's Transition to Digital Economy [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 219-251]
Morovat, Habib
Identifying Effective Factors on Foreign Tourism Demand [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 275-306]
Mortaz Hejri, Farkhondeh
Electronic Business Development Strategies in the Context of Facilitating and Improving Business Environment [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 253-290]
Moshiri, Saeed
Effects of Information Technology on Production Chain in Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 1-44]
Motafakker Aazad, Mohammad Ali
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Motavaseli, Mahmoud
Rationality and Chaos in Planning: An Emphasis on Goulet's Theory of Rationality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 193-225]
Mozaffari, Zana
A Study of Contemporaneous Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Urbanization on Economic Growth in Iranian Provinces (2006-2015) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 225-260]
Nademi, Younes
Revisiting the Relationship between Inflation and Output Gap in Iranian Economy Using Wavelet Transform Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 307-334]
Najarzadeh, Reza
Analyzing Determinants of R&D Intensity in Iranian Manufacturing Firms [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 53-90]
Parsa, Maryam
Effects of Information Technology on Production Chain in Iran: An Input-Output Approach [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 1-44]
Pourebadolahan, Mohsen
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Pourpartovi Alanagh, Mir Taher
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Rahimi Rad, Sahar
Analyzing Determinants of R&D Intensity in Iranian Manufacturing Firms [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 53-90]
Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein
Monopoly in Iranian Petrochemical Industry and its Regulatory Model through “Guarantee” Contracts [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 43-67]
Ranjpour, Reza
Determining Commission Structure of Private Petroleum Products Distribution Firms Based on Proposed Structure of Petroleum Products Market in [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 227-274]
Rezaei, Vahid
The Effect of Relative Price Changes on Income Distribution [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 1-19]
Sahabi, Bahram
Estimation of Health Costs of Electricity Production in Iran [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 23-52]
Salem, Ali Asghar
The Effects of Knowledge-Based Economy on Economic Growth [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 187-218]
Salem, Ali Asghar
Identifying Effective Factors on Foreign Tourism Demand [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 275-306]
Salem, Ali Asghar
Comparative Study of “Equivalence Scale” for Iranian Urban Households; Before and after Implementation of Targeted Subsidies Plan [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 1-22]
Sattarifar, Mohammad
The Effect of Internet Use on Labor Productivity in [Volume 18, Issue 68, 2018, Pages 75-98]
Seyed Nourani, Seyed Mohammadreza
Measuring and Evaluating Productivity Indicators of Selected Banks in Iran(With an Emphasis on Efficiency and Effectiveness) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 185-207]
Shahhosseini, Somayeh
The Impact of Firm- and Industry-Level Characteristics on Export Intensity of Iranian Manufacturing Firms: Dynamic Panel-Data Approach (GMM) [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 127-154]
Shiva, Reza
Monopoly in Iranian Petrochemical Industry and its Regulatory Model through “Guarantee” Contracts [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 43-67]
Sobhani, Hasan
A Reflection on the Origin of Bitcoin Value from the Viewpoint of Allameh Tabataba'i (RA) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 245-263]
Solgi, Sedige
Analysis of Relationship between Per Capita Income Growth, Household Debt and Income Inequality (Case Study: Iranian Provinces) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 107-132]
Taleblou, Reza
Estimation of Optimal Investment Portfolio Using Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) Models: GARCH-EVT-Copula Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 91-125]
Tavakolian, Hossein
Determinants of Inflation Forecast: A Dynamic Model Averaging Approach [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2019, Pages 261-311]
Vosoughi, Afife
The Impact of Vulnerability and Economic Resilience on Volatilities of GDP Per Capita; A Cross Country Study [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 265-291]
Yahyavi, Parvin
Sovereign Wealth Funds, Sovereign Risk, and External Financing Costs of Financial Intermediaries [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2018, Pages 53-88]
Yousefi, Mohammadgholi
The Impact of Trade Openness on Manufacturing Sector Growth in WTO NACs: Dynamic Panel Data Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2018, Pages 69-105]