Abbasnezhad, ُSaied
Determinants of Corporate Demand for Property Insurance [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 99-128]
Abedi, Ehsan
Providing a Conceptual Model for Identifying Key Factors Affecting Internet Banking Consumer Buying Decision (Case Study: Mellat Bank) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 53-74]
Aghaei, Majid
Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Income
Distribution in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 1-29]
Agheli, Lotfali
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Ahmadi, Alimohammad
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing Countries: An Analysis Based on Panel Data [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 159-180]
Ahmadpoor, Ahmad
A Study the Effects of Free Float Change on Stock Return (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 143-166]
Akbari Galangedari, Mohammad
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Alizadeh, Javad
Studying the Causality between Growth of Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth(Case Study Commerce Sector) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 111-135]
Almasi, Isaac
Factors affecting the price of housing in urban areas using panel data (during the 1370 to 1385) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 201-224]
Ansari, Hojjat-Allah
The Study of Relationship Between cross-sectional Return and Liquidity in Tehran Sock [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 167-184]
Asgari, Heshmatolah
Factors affecting the price of housing in urban areas using panel data (during the 1370 to 1385) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 201-224]
Assari Arani, Abbas
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Babakhani, Masoud
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Bahrami, Javid
The Incidence of Dutch Disease in the Agriculture Sector of Iran 1367-1386 [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 185-211]
Bahrami, Javid
Uncertainty Evaluation of Effects of Trade Openness on Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 213-247]
Barzani, Mohammad Vaez
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Dashti, Nader
The Study of Nature and Trend of Technological Change in Iran's Industry (1971-2008) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 71-95]
Dehbashi, Vahid
Studying The Impact of Increase in Export Price of Agricultural Products on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 213-239]
Dehghanpour, Mohammadreza
Industrial Structure and Labour Productivity Evidences from Manufacturing Industry in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 71-95]
Dehghan Shabani, Zahra
Effects of Doing Business on Economic Growth (Case Study: Selected Countries) [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 161-185]
Dehnavi, Jalal
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing Countries: An Analysis Based on Panel Data [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 159-180]
Divandari, Ali
Providing a Conceptual Model for Identifying Key Factors Affecting Internet Banking Consumer Buying Decision (Case Study: Mellat Bank) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 53-74]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Babak
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Fallah Shams, MirFeiz
Investigating the Accuracy of Relative Valuation Models, P/E and P/B in Prediction of Initial Public Offering Price in Tehran Stock Exchange: 2001-2006 [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 245-266]
Farshchi, Maryam
The Incidence of Dutch Disease in the Agriculture Sector of Iran 1367-1386 [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 185-211]
Farzin, Mohammad Reza
A Survey on the Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on Innovations in Islamic Developing Countries [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 303-322]
Feizpour, Mohammadali
Industrial Structure and Labour Productivity Evidences from Manufacturing Industry in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 71-95]
Fotros, Mohammad Hassan
A Survey on the Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on Innovations in Islamic Developing Countries [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 303-322]
Ghalibaf Asl, Hassan
The Investigation of Maximum and Minimum Stock Price’s Effects as Reference Point on Volume in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 129-142]
Ghanbari, Ali
Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Income
Distribution in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 1-29]
Ghanbari, Ali
A fuzzy logic approach to modeling the
Underground economy in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 91-113]
Ghiasvand, Abolfazl
Tax Revenue Estimation Resulting From Value Added
Tax Implementation Law in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 141-159]
Goodarzi, Kazem
Predicting Systematic Risk Using Artificial Neural Networks
(A Case Study: Saipa Company) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 219-237]
Haghighi, Mohammad
Providing a Conceptual Model for Identifying Key Factors Affecting Internet Banking Consumer Buying Decision (Case Study: Mellat Bank) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 53-74]
Haghnejad, Amin
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing Countries: An Analysis Based on Panel Data [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 159-180]
Hajizadeh Fallah, Mehrdad
The study on the effective factors in Chicken meat market in Iran: An application of Vector Autoregression model [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 131-154]
Hamidi Alamdari, Saeedeh
Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting Tax of Legal Entities [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 115-139]
Homayounifar, Masud
The Impacts of Nominal Shocks on Real Wage of Industrial Sector in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 97-110]
Hosein Tash, Nilufar
Testing the Gravity Model in Iran and Some Oil
Exporting Countries [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 187-212]
Jabalameli, Farkhonde
Using the Combined DEA-AHP Model in Bank Branches Ranking Case Study:Saderat Bank in Tehran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 249-276]
Jabarzadeh, Armin
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Jalalabadi, Asadollah
Uncertainty Evaluation of Effects of Trade Openness on Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 213-247]
Karimzadeh, Mostafa
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Khajavi, Maliheh
An Estimating of Underground Economy and Tax-Gap
in Iran!s Economy: MIMIC Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 65-90]
Khakpour, Hossein
A Study the Effects of Free Float Change on Stock Return (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 143-166]
Khaloozadeh, Hamid
Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting Tax of Legal Entities [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 115-139]
Khanjari, Somayeh
The Impacts of Nominal Shocks on Real Wage of Industrial Sector in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 97-110]
Khodavasi, Hassan
An Estimating of Underground Economy and Tax-Gap
in Iran!s Economy: MIMIC Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 65-90]
Komijani, Akbar
The Links between Inflation Uncertainty and Investment in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 13-30]
Kordbacheh, Hamid
The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Prudential Behavior of Banks in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 23-51]
Koushesh, Mohammad Sajjad
Survey of the Impacts of Aggregate Supply and Demand Shocks in Iran Economy [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 185-198]
Maddah, Majid
Analysis Effect of Poverty and Inequality Income on
Crime(Theft) Among the Provinces all over the Country [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 303-323]
Mahdavi, Gholamhossein
Predicting Systematic Risk Using Artificial Neural Networks
(A Case Study: Saipa Company) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 219-237]
Makhzan Moosavi, Seyed Hadi
A fuzzy logic approach to modeling the
Underground economy in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 91-113]
Mani, Kamran
Analysis of The Effect of Taxes on The Relationship
between Financial Markets and Economical Growth [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 13-37]
Mashayekhi, Syamak
The study on the effective factors in Chicken meat market in Iran: An application of Vector Autoregression model [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 131-154]
Mehrara, Mohsen
The Impact of Macro Economic uncertainty On Bank Lending Behavior (The Case Of Iran) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 1-21]
Miadi, Zahra
To Survey the major barriers to Foreign Investment in Iran from Investor's viewpoint [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 181-200]
Mirmohammadi, Seyed Mohammad
Assessment of Banking Facilities's Impact on Iran's non-oil Exports In Form of Seemingly Unrelated Regression [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 277-301]
Mohamadalizadeh, Arash
Investigating The Relationship between Stock Market Returns and Inflation in Different Time Scales in Tehran Stock Exchange using Wavelet transform [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 225-244]
Mohammadi, Ali
A comparative applied study of linear assignment method, TOPSIS and Taxonomy in financial evaluation [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 273-302]
Mohammadi, Hamid
Studying The Impact of Increase in Export Price of Agricultural Products on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 213-239]
Mohammadi, Shapur
Investigating The Relationship between Stock Market Returns and Inflation in Different Time Scales in Tehran Stock Exchange using Wavelet transform [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 225-244]
Mohammadi, Teymor
Analysis of The Effect of Taxes on The Relationship
between Financial Markets and Economical Growth [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 13-37]
Mojab, Ramin
The Links between Inflation Uncertainty and Investment in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 13-30]
Moosavi Mohsen, Reza i
Empirical Estimation of Inflation Tax and The Laffer
Curve Surfaces: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 39-64]
Motaghi, Samira
The effect of Risk Aversion on the Dynamic Selection of the Optimum Portfolio [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 241-271]
Movagharisadat Mahalle, Reyhane
Tax Revenue Estimation Resulting From Value Added
Tax Implementation Law in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 141-159]
Nadali, Mohammad
Studying the Causality between Growth of Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth(Case Study Commerce Sector) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 111-135]
Najafi, Bahaadin
Studying The Impact of Increase in Export Price of Agricultural Products on Macroeconomic Variables of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 213-239]
Najafi Kalyani, Vahid
Determinants of Corporate Demand for Property Insurance [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 99-128]
Najarzadeh, Abolfazl
A Survey on the Impacts of Intellectual Property Rights on Innovations in Islamic Developing Countries [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 303-322]
Nasrollahi, Khadijeh
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Nooshabadi, Leila Pordel
The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Prudential Behavior of Banks in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 23-51]
Norouzi, Haideh
Empirical Estimation of Inflation Tax and The Laffer
Curve Surfaces: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 39-64]
Pajuyan, Jamshid
The Relationship between Distribution of Income and Health Economy in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 137-158]
Pajuyan, Jamshid
Analysis of The Effect of Taxes on The Relationship
between Financial Markets and Economical Growth [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 13-37]
Pasban, Fatemeh
The analysis of market structure and export comparative advantages for grapes & apples in Iran and the rest of the world (1990-2008) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 155-183]
Rashno, Mahdi
Investigating the Accuracy of Relative Valuation Models, P/E and P/B in Prediction of Initial Public Offering Price in Tehran Stock Exchange: 2001-2006 [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 245-266]
Rasoli Mir, Meysam
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Rasolinezhad, Ehsan
Using the Combined DEA-AHP Model in Bank Branches Ranking Case Study:Saderat Bank in Tehran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 249-276]
Razini, Ebrahim Ali
Analyzing the Relationship Between Government Size and Unemployment Rate in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 199-218]
Rezaee, Javad
Studying the Causality between Growth of Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth(Case Study Commerce Sector) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 111-135]
Rezaei, Ebrahim
An Estimating of Underground Economy and Tax-Gap
in Iran!s Economy: MIMIC Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 65-90]
Rezaei Poor, Mohammad
Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting Tax of Legal Entities [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 115-139]
Rezagholizadeh, Mahdieh
Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Income
Distribution in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 1-29]
Saadi, Mohammadreza
The effects of economic integration through international trade on business cycles(The case of Eco’s Members) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 49-69]
Sadeghi Batani, Mohsen
The Investigation of Maximum and Minimum Stock Price’s Effects as Reference Point on Volume in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 129-142]
Saeedi, Ali
To Survey the major barriers to Foreign Investment in Iran from Investor's viewpoint [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 181-200]
Samadi, Saeed
Examination of the Impact of Terms of Trade on Investment in Economy of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 31-50]
Samadi, Saeid
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Saranj, Alireza
The Study of Relationship Between cross-sectional Return and Liquidity in Tehran Sock [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 167-184]
Sehati, Elham
The Impact of Macro Economic uncertainty On Bank Lending Behavior (The Case Of Iran) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 1-21]
Shafiei, Saeid
The Examination of the Effect of Fiscal Policies on Income Distribution in IRAN [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 31-48]
Shahnazi, Rouhollah
Effects of Doing Business on Economic Growth (Case Study: Selected Countries) [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 161-185]
Shajari, Hoshang
The Effect of Banking Industrial Facilities on Private Sector’s Investment in Industry and Mining(In All Provinces) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 97-129]
Soori, Amir Reza
Analyzing the Relationship Between Government Size and Unemployment Rate in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 199-218]
Taghavi, Mahdi
Testing the Gravity Model in Iran and Some Oil
Exporting Countries [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2011, Pages 187-212]
Talebloo, Reza
Deposit Insurance Pricing in Iranian Banks
(Case Study of Persian, Kar Afarin and Eqtesad Novin Banks) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 75-98]
Tashkini, Ahmad
Analyzing the Relationship Between Government Size and Unemployment Rate in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 199-218]
Tehrani, Reza
The Study of Relationship Between cross-sectional Return and Liquidity in Tehran Sock [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 167-184]
Vaezi, Vida
The Relationship between Distribution of Income and Health Economy in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 137-158]
Yadolahzadeh Tabari, Naserali
Inflation Targeting in Iranian Economy: Investigation Prerequisites Regarding Monetary Transmission Mechanism [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2011, Pages 51-70]
Yavari, Kazem
The Study of Nature and Trend of Technological Change in Iran's Industry (1971-2008) [Volume 11, Issue 40, 2011, Pages 71-95]
Zahidi Vafa, Mohammad Hadi
Principle – Agent Model for Sleeping Partnership Moral hazard [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2012, Pages 239-255]