Abbaslou, Yasser
Impact of Financial and Monetary Development and Public
Expenditures on Iran’s National Income
(An Econometric Study) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 15-35]
Abdoli, Ghahreman
Estimation of Social Discount Rate for Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 135-156]
Agheli Kohne Shahri, Lotfali
Estimating the Price and Income Elasticities of Mutual Trade
Among Iran and ECO, By Using Panel Data [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 247-266]
Ahmadi, Musa
An Investigation of the Techniques of Financing [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 91-112]
Ain Alian, Mohammad Ebrahim
Measuring the Efficiency of Post Banks in Iran’s Provinces
and Effecting Factors on it [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 125-151]
Akbarian, Reza
The Effect of Financial Market Development on
Economic Growth in Iran: 1966-2007 [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Akbari Dehbaghi, Simin
Trade Flows Expansion and It’s Effect on Income
Convergence between Iran and
Middle East Countries [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 119-145]
Akhlaghi Yazdinejad, Esmaeil
A Survey of Sophisticated Capital Budgeting Techniques, Risk
and Inflation Analysis in Long Term Projects [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 37-56]
Amadeh, Hamid
Survey the Relationship between Greenhouse Gas and GDP
Per Capital in Iran (Carbon Dioxide Gas) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 209-337]
Arbabi, Farzin
The Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
for the Business Cycle of IRAN [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 43-66]
Asgari, Manoochehr
Identification of Effective Factors on Real Exchange Rate
Misalignment and Its Impact on Economic
Growth in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 223-246]
Azami, Arash
Survey the Relationship between Greenhouse Gas and GDP
Per Capital in Iran (Carbon Dioxide Gas) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 209-337]
Barghi Oskuie, Mohammad Mehdi
The Impact of Tariff Cuts of Importing Goods on the
Employment Level and Income Distribution
between Rural and Urban Households [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 89-111]
Barzani, Mohammad Vaez
Trade Flows Expansion and It’s Effect on Income
Convergence between Iran and
Middle East Countries [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 119-145]
Behboodi, Davod
The Impact of Tariff Cuts of Importing Goods on the
Employment Level and Income Distribution
between Rural and Urban Households [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 89-111]
Bid Abad, Bijan
The Relationship between Interest Rate and Exchange Rate
(Reappraisal and Expansion of Quantitative Theory of Money) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 67-96]
Dallai Esfahani, Rahim
The Effects of Monetary Policies in Iran’s Economy:
A Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 47-70]
Danesh Jafari, Davod
Comparative Study of Monopoly & Concentration
in some of the Country’s Industries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 129-154]
Daneshvar Kakhki, Mahmood
The Servey of Liquidity Demand
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Dehghanian, Siavash
The Servey of Liquidity Demand
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Dehmardeh, Nazar
Analyzing the Money Demand Function in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 153-169]
Dejpasand, Farhad
An Investigation of the Effect of Devaluation of
The Currency on Balance of Payments
(To Examine Marshal Lerner Condition in Iran) [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 15-41]
Ebrahimi, Mohssen
Hedging of Oil Revenues by Using Future Contracts:
A Case Study of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 173-204]
Eghbali, Ali Reza
Reviwing and Estimation of Business Cycles in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 71-96]
Eltejaee, Ebrahim
Free Trade Zones: Means to Export Promotion
Strategy, a Comparative Study of Iran and
Three Other Asian Countries [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 189-222]
Emami Meybodi, Mehdi
High-Growth Small firms and their Characteristics Evidence
from Manufacturing Small Firms in Iran During
the Third Development Plan [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 155-173]
Eshraghi, Fereshteh
Impact of Financial and Monetary Development and Public
Expenditures on Iran’s National Income
(An Econometric Study) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 15-35]
Esmaieel Zadeh Magharri, Ali
The Survey on Inflution Effectiveness from Total
Investment in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 97-123]
Faghih Nasiri, Marjan
Determination of Iran’s Competitiveness Place
Among other Countries of the World [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 15-45]
Falah, Mohammad
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a Method
for Output Capacity Estimation
The Case Study: Insurance Industry [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 205-238]
Fallah Mohssen Khani, Zohreh
Studying the Unbalanced Between Household's Income and
Expenditure in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 113-128]
Feizpour, Mohammadali
High-Growth Small firms and their Characteristics Evidence
from Manufacturing Small Firms in Iran During
the Third Development Plan [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 155-173]
Firooz Zarea, Ali
The Servey of Liquidity Demand
in Iran’s Economy [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Ghanbary, Alireza
Hedging of Oil Revenues by Using Future Contracts:
A Case Study of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 173-204]
Gholipoor Soleymani, Ali
Factors Effecting the Growth of Tourism
Industry in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 157-172]
Gorji, Ebrahim
Reviwing and Estimation of Business Cycles in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 71-96]
Goudarzi, Hossein
An Investigation of the Effect of Devaluation of
The Currency on Balance of Payments
(To Examine Marshal Lerner Condition in Iran) [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 15-41]
Haghdoost, Ehsan
Survey the Relationship between Greenhouse Gas and GDP
Per Capital in Iran (Carbon Dioxide Gas) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 209-337]
Hamdani Golshan, Mohammad Esmail
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Hassani Shirvanshahi, Behzad
The Survey of The Relationship between Exports,
Degree and Export Credits Guarantee [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 239-261]
Heybati, Farshad
An Investigation of the Techniques of Financing [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 91-112]
Heydari, Khalil
The Measurement of Poverty Indices Based
on Iranian Household Nutrition [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 205-231]
Heydaripour, Seyyed Mohssen
The Effect of Financial Market Development on
Economic Growth in Iran: 1966-2007 [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 43-63]
Hosseini, Mir Abdollah
Estimating the Price and Income Elasticities of Mutual Trade
Among Iran and ECO, By Using Panel Data [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 247-266]
Hosseini, Seyyed Shamseddin
Measuring the Efficiency of Post Banks in Iran’s Provinces
and Effecting Factors on it [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 125-151]
Izadi, Hamid Reza
Analyzing the Money Demand Function in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 153-169]
Jalaee, Seyyed Abdolmajid
The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth
of Iran Through the Channel of Financial Markets [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 171-188]
Jalalabadi, Asadollah
Comparative Study of Monopoly & Concentration
in some of the Country’s Industries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 129-154]
Jamshidi, Farshid
Studying the Unbalanced Between Household's Income and
Expenditure in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 113-128]
Karbasi, Alireza
The Survey of The Relationship between Exports,
Degree and Export Credits Guarantee [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 239-261]
Karimi, Farzad
Evaluating Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization
in the OIC Member Countries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 265-288]
Kazemi, Peyman
Recognition of the Skills Needed for Exployment Expansion
in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Criteria in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 197-208]
Khodadad Kashi, Farhad
The Measurement of Poverty Indices Based
on Iranian Household Nutrition [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 205-231]
Khoshakhlagh, Rahman
The Effects of Monetary Policies in Iran’s Economy:
A Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 47-70]
KHosh Akhlagh, Rahman
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Mahmoudi, Vahid
High-Growth Small firms and their Characteristics Evidence
from Manufacturing Small Firms in Iran During
the Third Development Plan [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 155-173]
Maleki, Amin
Income Distribution Evolution in Twentieth Century
(Departure from Functional to Personal Distribution Theories) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 57-88]
Moghaddasi, Reza
The Evaluation of Econometric Models for
Forecasting Wheat Price [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 239-263]
Mohammadi, Hamid
An Investigation about the Impact of Government Support
Policy on Cropping Area and Wheat Production
in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 289-307]
Mohammadi, Hossein
The Effect of Investment Infrastructures
on Iran’s Economic Growth [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 15-42]
Mohammadi, Teimoour
The Effects of not Implementing DST on Electricity
Energy Consumption
(A Case Study of Tehran Electricity Region) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 263-289]
Mohammadi, Teimour
Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points in Real Time:
Case of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 65-89]
Moosavi, Seyyed Nematollah
An Investigation about the Impact of Government Support
Policy on Cropping Area and Wheat Production
in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 289-307]
Moosavi Mohsseni, Reza
The Effects of Monetary Policies in Iran’s Economy:
A Financial Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 47-70]
Moshiri, Saeed
Simulation of Stock Market by Concerning Structural
Characteristics of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 167-203]
Motahari, Moheb Allah
Measuring Industrial and Regional Development of Razavi,
Southern and Northern Khorasan Provinces [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 175-196]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points in Real Time:
Case of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 65-89]
Nessabian, Shahriar
Recognition of the Skills Needed for Exployment Expansion
in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Criteria in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 197-208]
Norouzi, Bita
A Survey on the Grounds of Iran-Turkey Trade Cooperation
for Reaching a Bilateral Preferential Trade Agreement [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 97-117]
Nourouzi, Roh Allah
Measuring Industrial and Regional Development of Razavi,
Southern and Northern Khorasan Provinces [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 175-196]
Pajooyan, Jamshid
Determination of Iran’s Competitiveness Place
Among other Countries of the World [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 15-45]
Piraee, Khosrow
The Survey of Poverty Status in the Rural
and Urban Areas in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 233-264]
Pirasteh, Hossein
Evaluating Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization
in the OIC Member Countries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 265-288]
Poor Partovi, Mir Taher
Comparative Study of Monopoly & Concentration
in some of the Country’s Industries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 129-154]
Pour Heidari, Omid
A Survey of Sophisticated Capital Budgeting Techniques, Risk
and Inflation Analysis in Long Term Projects [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 37-56]
Rabiee, Mahnaz
The Relationship between Interest Rate and Exchange Rate
(Reappraisal and Expansion of Quantitative Theory of Money) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 67-96]
Rahimi Badr, Bita
The Evaluation of Econometric Models for
Forecasting Wheat Price [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 239-263]
Sabahi, Ahmad
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a Method
for Output Capacity Estimation
The Case Study: Insurance Industry [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 205-238]
Sabbagh Poorfard, Mina
The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth
of Iran Through the Channel of Financial Markets [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 171-188]
Sadeghi, Hossein
The Impact of Tariff Cuts of Importing Goods on the
Employment Level and Income Distribution
between Rural and Urban Households [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 89-111]
Sadeghi, Zeinolabedin
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Safarzadeh, Esmaeel
Identifying Business Cycle Turning Points in Real Time:
Case of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 65-89]
Sagheb, Hassan
A Survey on the Grounds of Iran-Turkey Trade Cooperation
for Reaching a Bilateral Preferential Trade Agreement [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 97-117]
Salami, Amir Behdad
Simulation of Stock Market by Concerning Structural
Characteristics of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 167-203]
Salimifar, Mostafa
Measuring Industrial and Regional Development of Razavi,
Southern and Northern Khorasan Provinces [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 175-196]
Sameti, Morteza
Impact of Financial and Monetary Development and Public
Expenditures on Iran’s National Income
(An Econometric Study) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 15-35]
Shahrestni, Hamid
The Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
for the Business Cycle of IRAN [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 43-66]
Shahsavar, Mohammad Reza
The Survey of Poverty Status in the Rural
and Urban Areas in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 233-264]
Shakeri, Abbas
Income Distribution Evolution in Twentieth Century
(Departure from Functional to Personal Distribution Theories) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 57-88]
Sharifi, Alimorad
An Introduction to Economic Techniques of Load
Management: Self- Rationing Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 265-287]
Soori, Amir Reza
Measuring the Efficiency of Post Banks in Iran’s Provinces
and Effecting Factors on it [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 125-151]
Taghavi, Mahdi
The Effect of Investment Infrastructures
on Iran’s Economic Growth [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 15-42]
Taghavi, Mehdi
Factors Effecting the Growth of Tourism
Industry in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 157-172]
Taheri, Farzaneh
An Investigation about the Impact of Government Support
Policy on Cropping Area and Wheat Production
in Fars Province [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 289-307]
Tayebi, Seyed Komail
Trade Flows Expansion and It’s Effect on Income
Convergence between Iran and
Middle East Countries [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2009, Pages 119-145]
Tayyebi, Seyed Komail
Evaluating Determinants of Business Cycle Synchronization
in the OIC Member Countries [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2010, Pages 265-288]
Tofighi, Hamid
Identification of Effective Factors on Real Exchange Rate
Misalignment and Its Impact on Economic
Growth in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2009, Pages 223-246]
Vakilifard, Hmidreza
The Study of Accounting Variable Power for Forecasting of Arbitrage Pricing Model’s Risks [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 113-133]
Zareie, Alireza
The Study of Accounting Variable Power for Forecasting of Arbitrage Pricing Model’s Risks [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2009, Pages 113-133]