Volume 23 (2023)
Volume 22 (2022)
Volume 21 (2021)
Volume 20 (2020)
Volume 19 (2019)
Volume 18 (2018)
Volume 17 (2017)
Volume 16 (2016)
Volume 15 (2015)
Volume 14 (2014)
Volume 13 (2013)
Volume 12 (2012)
Volume 11 (2011)
Volume 10 (2010)
Volume 9 (2009)
Volume 8 (2008)
Volume 7 (2007)
Volume 6 (2006)
Volume 5 (2005)
Volume 4 (2004)
Volume 3 (2003)
Volume 2 (2002)
Volume 1 (2001)
Examining the Equity Premium Puzzle in Iran: A Practical Approach Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model

Sahar Zare Joneghani; Bahram Sahabi; Hassan Heydari; Mehdi Zolfaghari

Volume 23, Issue 90 , October 2023, , Pages 175-217


   The equity premium is obtained from the difference between the return on the risky stock asset and the return on the risk-free asset; the failure of financial theory to explain high equity premium is known as the equity premium puzzle. This puzzle was introduced for the first time by Mehra and ...  Read More

Exploring the Role of Inflation Across Different Commodity Groups on Economic Welfare in Iran

Shahryar Zaroki; Sahar Nasrnejad Nesheli; Niloufar Gorgani Firoozjah

Volume 23, Issue 88 , April 2023, , Pages 158-202


   In any society, the focus of statesmen, policymakers, and researchers on poverty reduction and enhancing economic welfare is necessary. Given that most government economic policies affect relative prices and their fluctuations, which in turn impact welfare, analyzing the welfare effects caused ...  Read More

The Effect of Central Bank Transparency on Macroeconomic Stability in Emerging Economies

Mahdi Yazdani; Raana Shokouei Donighi

Volume 22, Issue 84 , April 2022, , Pages 103-138


   Macroeconomic instability is an important obstacle to the real growth of the economy and its sustainability. In this article, two methods have been used to investigate the impact of transparency on macroeconomic stability in emerging economies using simultaneous equations with panel data for the ...  Read More

The Effect of Relative Price Changes on Income Distribution

soheila parvin; mahnoosh abdollah milani; Vahid Rezaei

Volume 18, Issue 71 , January 2019, , Pages 1-19


  Supportive policies that lead to significant relative price changes have widespread impact on income distribution that cannot be considered by adjusting expenditures with the consumer price index. While households have different consumption patterns in different income deciles, the Consumer Price Index ...  Read More

Determinants of Inflation Forecast: A Dynamic Model Averaging Approach

Majid Babaie; Hossein Tavakolian; abbas shakeri

Volume 18, Issue 71 , January 2019, , Pages 261-311


  First studies in inflation forecasting were mostly based on traditional Philips curve in which the relation between inflation and unemployment is studied. However, after several decades and especially after the Lucas criticism, Philips curve faced great takeovers. The new Philips curve ties real and ...  Read More

Revisiting the Relationship between Inflation and Output Gap in Iranian Economy Using Wavelet Transform Approach

Ramin Khochiani; Younes Nademi

Volume 18, Issue 69 , July 2018, , Pages 307-334


  The purpose of this paper is to revisit the relationship between inflation and output gap by using wavelet coherence approach. This approach attempts to combine the classical time series analysis with frequency domain analysis, and presents the advantages of assessing the co-movement of two series in ...  Read More

Which is Worse, Unemployment or Inflation: The Comparison of the Effect of Unemployment and Inflation on Happiness

Morteza Khorsandi; Nastaran Alibabaie

Volume 16, Issue 63 , January 2017, , Pages 1-24


  Since the unemployment and inflation are two target variables of economic policies and in many cases policy-makers have to sacrifice one for another, the question arises that what is the preferences of society between these two targets. The appropriate answer can be obtained when the effect of each variable ...  Read More

Granger Causality between Consumption, Intermediate and Capital Good Imports and Inflation in Iran

Mostafa Sharif; Seyed Mohammadreza Javan

Volume 16, Issue 60 , April 2016, , Pages 221-248


  Many studies have been done about inflation in all developed and developing countries and they have tried to analyze and assess the factors affecting inflation. However, few studies have been done on the causality of inflation. In this study, we have tried to use time series methods to identify different ...  Read More

Speculation Effects on Inflation in Iran Economy: TVP-FAVAR Model

Mohsen Khezri; Bahram Sahabi; Kazem Yavari; Hassan Heydari

Volume 15, Issue 57 , July 2015, , Pages 193-228

  Given the importance of inflation in Iran economy, scrutiny of inflation determinants is important .according to various studies, evaluation of determinants of inflation using standard VAR model, may lead to wrong conclusions and this is due to omitted variables bias in VAR model. For example, the problem ...  Read More

Estimating the Degree of Integration in CPI with ARFIMA-FIGARCH Model: Case study of Iran

Hossein Abbasinejad; Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani

Volume 14, Issue 52 , April 2014, , Pages 26-1

  Abstract The study of the effect of memory in different economic indices, especially inflation and money market, has high research attractiveness. In this paper, by using the data of consumer price index for Iran during 1990/04 – 2011/11, we investigate the characteristics of CPI’s long–run ...  Read More

The Relation between Openness and Government Size

Reza Akbarian; Mohamad Karkon

Volume 13, Issue 48 , April 2013, , Pages 79-107

  Based on the debates on the impacts of globalization on government size, efficiency hypothesis and compensation hypothesis are two measure of globalization. The compensation hypothesis predicts that governments perform a risk-mitigating role against internationally generated risk and economic dislocations. ...  Read More

A Study on Nonlinear Relationship between Inflation and Economic Growth in Iran A Markov Switching Approach

Hossein Tavakolian; Asghar Shahmoradi

Volume 12, Issue 47 , January 2013, , Pages 51-70

  In the mainstream economic view, in low levels of inflation there is a positive relationship between inflation and economic growth, and this relationship changes to a negative one at high levels of inflation. This study examines the probability of occurring these two regimes, using Markov Switching Approach ...  Read More

Asymmetric Effects of Oil Income Growth on Inflation in Iran: VECM Approach

Akbar Komeyjani; Mohammad Hadi Sobhaniani; Saeid Bayat

Volume 12, Issue 45 , July 2012, , Pages 201-226

  Because of much dependence to oil revenues, Oil price fluctuations have much affect on Iranian economy. Since government possess a great deal of oil revenues and those financial government expenditure, then identifying manner and stringency of affecting shocks arise from oil revenue growth on inflation ...  Read More

Empirical Estimation of Inflation Tax and The Laffer Curve Surfaces: The Case of Iran

Reza i Moosavi Mohsen; Haideh Norouzi

Volume 11, Issue 42 , October 2011, , Pages 39-64

  This paper investigates the inflation tax. Laffer Curve surfaces of inflation tax have been estimated in Iran, using time series data for the period 1961-2006. Considering the high inflation ratio of iran during the last three decades, it is hypothesized that iran operates in fourth region of the ...  Read More

Investigating The Relationship between Stock Market Returns and Inflation in Different Time Scales in Tehran Stock Exchange using Wavelet transform

reza tehani; Shapur Mohammadi; Arash Mohamadalizadeh

Volume 11, Issue 41 , July 2011, , Pages 225-244

  This paper presents a new perspective on the Fisher hypothesis, which states a positiverelationship between nominal stock returns and inflation. The new approach is based on a waveletmultiscaling method that decomposes a given time series on a scale-by-scale basis. The time series of inflation and stock ...  Read More