Javad Rezaee; Mohammad Nadali; Javad Alizadeh
Volume 11, Issue 41 , July 2011, , Pages 111-135
This study examines the relationship between productivity growth and
commerce sector growth during the period of 1981-2007 and examines empirically
the causal link between productivity growth and commerce sector growth in Iran
using unit root and co- integration techniques ...
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This study examines the relationship between productivity growth and
commerce sector growth during the period of 1981-2007 and examines empirically
the causal link between productivity growth and commerce sector growth in Iran
using unit root and co- integration techniques within a bi-variate vector auto–
regressive (bVAR) and Vector Error Correction (VEC) framework.
The results reveal a positive relationship between Productivity growth and
commerce sector growth for Iran with the direction of causation running from
productivity to commerce sector growth.
Hassan Eyd Mohammadzadeh; Javad Rezaee; Marjan Faghih Nasiri; Mohammad Reza Tavakoli Baghdad Abad
Volume 10, Issue 36 , April 2010, , Pages 115-135
In this paper, we have evaluated the efficieny of selected countries in the field of knowledge economics by using mathematical programming model. Currently, for efficiency evaluation two methods are being used: 1) Parametric method 2) Nonparametric method.
In this paper, we are using the ...
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In this paper, we have evaluated the efficieny of selected countries in the field of knowledge economics by using mathematical programming model. Currently, for efficiency evaluation two methods are being used: 1) Parametric method 2) Nonparametric method.
In this paper, we are using the Nonparametric method that is based on mathematical programming model to categorize Iran and selected countries according to knowledge economics efficiency. The main advantage of data development analysis in comparison with other methods (for efficiency evaluation) is its evaluating units that have several inputs and outputs.
In this paper, according to output and input during 2005, we evaluated the efficiency of knowledge economics according to two assumptions constant return to scale and diminishing return to scale.
The resoult of this research shows that according to the first assumption; Turkey, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria and Kuwait have the most efficiency in comparison with Azarbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and United Arab Emirates. and the efficiency average based on this assumption is 72.9 percent. According to the second assumption; Azarbaijan and Uzbakestan join to the efficient countries and their efficiency average base on this assumption is %75.
Finally, according to the resoults of this research (if we consider Turkey as a pattern), efficient countries must increase their efficiency by following Turkey’s performance.
Mohammad Hosseyn Pourkazemi; Javad Rezaee
Volume 6, Issue 22 , October 2006, , Pages 281-301
In economic literature, the maximum of output to a given amount of input, is efficiency and vise-versa. In general, there are two main parametric and non- parametric, approaches for measuring efficiency. In this paper, we have used method of non-parametric approach based on mathematical programming. ...
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In economic literature, the maximum of output to a given amount of input, is efficiency and vise-versa. In general, there are two main parametric and non- parametric, approaches for measuring efficiency. In this paper, we have used method of non-parametric approach based on mathematical programming. Data envelopment analysis (DEA), a non-parametric method is used in this study for evaluation of Iran's tourism industry and comparison with other countries of the region. The most important feature of the DEA is its applicability for the firms that have multiple intput and outputs. Using DEA, we study the efficiency of Iran's tourism industry and compare it with other countries of the region in 2003, assuming both constant and variable return to scale. The results of our study show that, subject to former assumption, efficiency in Bahrain, Turkey, Syria are maximum and the average efficiency is equal to %74, which means that the idle capacity is 26 percent in that year. On the other hand, with the later assumption, United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan were added to the list too, and average efficiency is equal %83/3. So, it is suggested that for increasing the efficiency of unefficient countries, on the basis of our founding, these countries have to follow the Model of Turkey's Tourism Industry as an efficient Model.