Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute, Ministry of Jihad –e- Agriculture


Since the market structure and comparative advantages of exportable products affect economic growth & foreign exchange income of Iran, so, the analysis of factors affecting comparative advantages indices are very important. So, by using the indices such as RCA, RSCA, CR, HHI & the estimation of linear regression, we study the world market structure and comparative advantages of export of the most important countries & also the factors affecting export comparative advantages of two products, grapes & apple, of Iran.
          The structure of the world market for these two products are monopolistic. But the concentration index for the market of apple is more than grapes. Its trend in this period was decreasing which shows the world market is becoming more competitive.
          The estimation of the linear regression shows that the factors such as the world production (-), the export price for Iranian products (+), world import price of these products (-), concentration index (-) & the average of comparative advantage index of Iran competitors (-) affect the comparative advantage of these two Iranian products. To improve the Iranian export comparative advantage for these two products, we should implement appropriate export strategy and policies.


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